CliqueClack TV

CommercialClack – The decline of western civilization

Rant warning. There's a couple of ads currently being shown ad nauseum that are making Tara and Michael ... nauseous. So on this week's CommercialClack, we just gotta purge.

Michael: New flash: I hate these commercials.

Tara: You are oh so right! (Hey. You’re so right that those words didn’t even make me want to choke before I wrote them.) These two ditties have been running consistently for weeks, and they truly yank my chain.

Michael: Here’s why I can’t stand this one: These dudes are at a tailgate party, right? A tailgate party … with other people … surroundings … merriment … frolickry. Hey, here’s a thought: Unglue your damned faces from your phones and socialize with others for a change!

*pulls out soapbox, stands on it, begins rant*

Remember socializing? Talking to other people? Asking them questions? Laughing with folks about a commonality you share? Discussing likes and dislikes? Catching up? I mean … come on! They’re at a tailgate party so … how ’bout razzing somebody who’s rooting for the opposing team? Anything! Anything but straining your eyeballs on a 2½” screen checking what Tom said on Facebook. *yeesh*

*steps off soapbox, rant over*

Tara: Here’s what technically bothers me with the script aside from the overall idea, as you’re going intoMaybe it’s the sing songy quality of the actor’s delivery but the “Facebook” question (“Do you guys know how ta post videos ta Facebook?”) is the one that irks me the most. It makes me grit my teeth. (Plus it reminds me that on my current phone, it never works when I try to put video on Facebook. Huh. Maybe that makes that portion of the ad more effective for those people out there like me. Who knows?)

All I can say for sure is that question twice in a row, gets stuck in my head every time. It’s an ear worm. And I despise ear worms.

Michael: Now I have an image in my mind of you saying that line twice each time you hear it, mentally stopping to process it. *snort*

I just don’t like it for the reasons I mentioned above … but, even more so, I don’t like the next one either:

Michael: My problem is a little different this time around. These ditzy chicks remind me of a couple of ne’er do wells who have to continually “one up” their friends and neighbors. They need the latest stuff to be with the in crowd. But wait! There’s more!

*pulls out soapbox once more, begins to rant again*

You see … this is one of the exact reasons I don’t completely subscribe to the use of so much technology. Faster! Better! More convenient! We need to out-do one another … be able to blurt out that smidgen of gossip that much more quickly than Becky in the next cubicle. No one appreciates the time-honored tradition of “hurry up and wait” anymore. Everything’s got to be instantaneous … NOW! It’s why everyone today is in such a big ‘ole hurry! It’s why too, too many people have curtailed their speech and subscribed to the monkey business of LOLs and OMGs and freakin’ emoticons to speechify with anyone! No one knows the beauty of sitting down directly across from someone and carrying on a traditional old fashioned time-tested regular normal plain old person-to-person conversation. It’s as if it’s a lost art!

No one needs information that fast all the time … !!!

And another thing: You know why they call them “smart phones” …??? Because the phones are smart while the people using them are getting dumber … that’s why! Think about it!

And while we’re at it:  “You kids: Pull your damned pants up!”

*quietly steps off soapbox fuming, rant over for now*

Tara: Geez Michael, don’t throw a blood clot! Take a breath …

But I hear ya. I just got done saying the same sort of thing about bullying on my Glee post. If you’re the kind of person who has too much time on your hands or get your jollies by saying things you wouldn’t normally say under the guise of being “hidden” by the internet? (Yeesh, just because we can’t see you literally does not mean your words don’t mean anything!)  Then the world’s becoming a sad place. People spend way too much time on phones or networks or You Pick the Site instead of interacting personally, as you’ve pointed out.

I myself? Have met people (like you for instance) online, and many others I would have never known otherwise. And that’s one of the cool parts of the internet. However, the key is in knowing when to just freaking step away and enjoy what’s around you in the Real World as well. Maybe take a walk with someone. I love a good walk. Or build a snowman with your kid. Or? Here’s an idea? If you are a kid? Enjoy it! Play Barbies with your best friend for three hours. Swim. Ride your bike.

After all, we’re all only here temporarily.

Michael: Now I have you ranting a bit.

Bottom line: These commercials are indulgent to a fault. Period. They’re aimed at those with disposable incomes who just want the latest toys … until the next one comes along. I just don’t buy into it.


Photo Credit: AT&T

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6 Responses to “CommercialClack – The decline of western civilization”

February 24, 2012 at 11:04 AM

I hate all those ads. Hurray for DVRs!!!

February 24, 2012 at 1:42 PM

Phones Schmones, you want a rant, I don’t think you can take a rant!

Western Civilization started down this slippery slope when the mamby-pamby politically correct bureaucrats took corporal punishment out of our schools! There were no problems with behavior in school, or at home, or on the cell phone, or on video games when the threat of a good swat to the gluteus maximus was in the offing.

Bring back the paddle!

February 26, 2012 at 8:40 AM

. . . . .

Amen, bronsont

February 25, 2012 at 1:39 AM

Take it from the last living female in this country to CHOOSE to forego cell phones completely, there are times it is nice to be completely out of the loop. Times when the version you finally hear has been verified, documented, proof-read, and corrected.

Of course, I learned at a young age that Dewey never was elected President of the United States even if the Chicago Daily Tribune said so. James Brady did not die March 30, 1981 no matter what they told Frank Reynolds on the ABC anchor desk to tell the viewing audience. First is only first … not best.

February 26, 2012 at 8:41 AM

. . . . .

Agreed, Nyela:

It is preferable to be completely out of the loop at times.

February 26, 2012 at 8:28 PM

Noooooooooo! They just showed a new AT&T 4G ‘so 26 seconds ago’ ad ahead of the Oscars… the dad’s my cousin, Matt. Nooooo!!! *facepalm* It’s not quite as annoying as the other two, yet. Still….

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