CliqueClack TV

GCB – Good Christian Bitches?

'Good Christian Bitches' ... oops ... I mean 'GCB' premiered tonight. It's an adult 'Mean Girls' with adults! Over the top, but has potential!

GCB has not been without controversy. The show was originally titled Good Christian Bitches, just like the book on which it was based. That name caused an outcry of being derogatory towards Christians, so ABC renamed the show Good Christian Belles. Not the same thing … at all!

In the end, the show was named GCB. What does that stand for? I guess it is up to you to decide. Could “Belles” have been a rouse to lessen the controversy and allow ABC to say the “B” doesn’t mean bitch. Seems likely to me.

I watched the original pilot over the summer and while it had a few problems, it was funny moments. The updated pilot that aired tonight, unfortunately, was not improved but was made worse.

The opening scene with Bill Vaughn stealing the money, running off with his mistress and getting a blow job was not necessary. It set the wrong tone for this first episode. I much preferred the original opening. The death by blow job did not need to actually be shown. The comment about how Bill died was more than enough to get the picture across.

Amanda’s comment about her classmates, “Nobody can stay exactly like they were in high school” and Gigi’s response that they can sums up this series. This is an adult version of Mean Girls only not nearly as entertaining … so far.

Carlene’s hypocrisy was over-the-top. If Carlene was just the queen bee of the group, she may have been tolerable. But, the religious self-righteousness was beyond annoying. Perhaps, now that Kitten Corp has been outed she will be forced to tone that down.

Amanda really was the only likable character. She went from high school mean girl to a rich wife to a down-to-earth woman. It’s a little bit of a stretch to believe, but when someone gets down on their luck, it is sure to humble them.

Payback certainly is a bitch. Carlene embarrassed Amanda at church when she first arrived, so it was only fitting that Amanda outed Carlene’s hypocrisy in a prayer at church as well. While I was irritated by some of GCB, I will watch the next episode to find out how that plays out.

Will the truth put Carlene on a rampage? Or, will she at least start to realize the contradictions in her life?

Amanda has been back in town only a short amount of time, but already knows more truth about her former classmates than they seem to know themselves. Will she go back to her former mean girl self? Or, use the information diplomatically?

We have another nine more episodes of this mini-season to find out! Are you in for more or was one episode more than enough for you?

Carlene: How dare you call me a bitch?
Amanda: How dare you call yourself a Christian?


Photo Credit: ABC

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2 Responses to “GCB – Good Christian Bitches?”

March 5, 2012 at 12:42 AM

I loved it. I also live in the south, 2 hours from Dallas, and dread every time I have to go into the city, so I get the glossiness and “godliness” of the social structure of the city. And the jokes about Fort Worth for that social class. (From what I hear, Fort Worth is a much lower key city).

And Carlene’s character is not at all out of bounds for the area.

I’ll watch it. I’ll laugh. I’ll enjoy anything that puts Kristen Chensworth on TV on a weekly basis, even for a little bit.

March 5, 2012 at 3:45 PM

I fell asleep during it (worked sucked), but the show was fine. It was funny at times and Kristen Chensworth is great on everything she does. However, the lead actress is horrible, I mean the acting from her was just not very good…

And neither were a ratings, the show won’t be around long.

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