CliqueClack TV

CliqueClack does the 2012 San Diego Comic-Con

Watch out, San Diego! We've got six Clackers heading to this year's SDCC, and we'll be posting video interviews, audio, articles and tweets both during and after the 'con. Don't miss out!

This will be CliqueClack’s third year hitting the epic San Diego Comic-Con, and we’ve gone from two of us in the first year, to six this year. We’ve made our traditional spreadsheet of panels, press rooms, parties and more, and we’re clocking in at over 200 options for TV and movies material alone Every year it gets incredibly overwhelming … and awesomely exciting as well!

We’ve got several really great interviews lined up throughout the convention, which runs this Thursday through Sunday. We’ll be taking video of most if not all of the talent we talk to, and we’ll be sure to post it all here when we’ve got it post-processed and ready to go. Make sure you’re following our Twitter account and our Comic-Con category here for all the updates.

If you’re heading out to SDCC, make sure you drop us a line here or on Twitter and we’ll try to make a point of saying hello!

Photo Credit: Keith McDuffee, CliqueClack

Categories: | Clack | Comic-Con | Features | General |

2 Responses to “CliqueClack does the 2012 San Diego Comic-Con”

July 9, 2012 at 7:28 PM

Yes, I am jealous. Have a good time Clackers.

July 13, 2012 at 11:19 AM

Wish I was going with you! Maybe you could stop by the Jericho fan table? They are just a fun bunch of NUTS…..

The Jericho Fan Table is on the rear mezzanine. It is MZ23 and you should look for the Blackjack Fairgrounds sign.

To get to the rear mezzanine, use the rear lobby of Hall B (exhibit hall) and take the elevator or escalator up to the mezzanine.

Note: Using any other rear lobby or the front lobbies will not get you to the correct location.

Hope you all have a great time! I look forward hearing all about it!

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