CliqueClack TV

An Nicholson

Twitter: anicho01
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Bio: An is now ABD in Cultural Studies and English Literature. Check her out on Google Plus

Posts by An Nicholson

Is 17th Precinct worth airing? A script review

Did you cry when you watched ‘The Aurors’? Did you hiss when NBC canceled ’17th Precinct’? If you wondered what happened, wonder no more. Is Ron Moore’s script as awesome as ‘Serenity’ or as abysmal as ‘Bionic Woman’? Read on to find out!

Are TV critics too critical? No. – Monthly Musings

Are we here at CliqueClack too critical? Are online TV critics (or press in general) — like Pierce in ‘Community’s’ second season — bent on destroying everyone’s TV fun? I say no. If you say yes, what should we do differently?

In Plain Sight Interview – Mary McCormack and Fred Weller

Have you ever met Mary Shannon? Well, I have. Let me tell you, don’t make her angry. You wouldn’t like her when she’s angry. During the conference call, I learned what’s in store for ‘In Plain Sight’s’ fourth season, including Mary’s pregnancy.

Roundtable – What will happen on In Plain Sight this season?

Join Carla, Jen and me for our mini-discussion on ‘In Plain Sight.’ What do you think might happen for this season? What do you hope will happen for Mary and Marshall? Clack off!

What’s the big deal about TV Squad? – Monthly Musings

This week, TV Squad gasped its last breath. But, I care more about the larger trend. Why are the big guns whitewashing the snark out of shows/sites like ‘In Plain Sight’ and TV Squad?

Sanctuary – The bitch is back

‘Sanctuary’ finally re-vamps Tesla. Although I loved his electromagnetic engineering genius, we all knew that Tesla would return to his vampire beginnings. This ‘Queen of the Damned’ themed episode did just that.

Sanctuary – Another awesome, hot-ass episode

The five return with Watson, Druitt, the Invisible Man, Tesla, and Will’s ancestor to battle Natzi Germany. This was an amazing episode and is what I expect from ‘Sanctuary.’

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