CliqueClack TV

News, reviews and posts for Syfy's Battlestar Galactica

Latest episode clacks for this show:

Quotation Marks – Brett really DOES watch Project Runway

Project Runway: All-Star Challenge [You’ll have to work with me on this one, but it’s easily the quote of the week] “When I see boobs going all over the place I get dizzy.” — Heidi [not liking that one of the models, who was wearing a really tight t-shirt, wasn’t wearing a bra] “Me too!” […]

by Ivey West

Diary of a Battlestar Galactica Virgin – Worst. Rebellion. Ever.

Last time on Battlestar Galactica season 4.5 virgin diary, the bumbling duo of Felix Gaeta and Tom Zarek joined forces to overthrow the military and government. They were none too pleased at the prospect of Cylons being allowed to become citizens of the fleet. I guess all those “toasters” and “skinjobs” walking around made them […]

by Scott Tunstall

Quotations Marks – Psych is back. Back again. Psych is back. Tell your friends.

How can you not be stoked that USA’s Psych is back? I was so excited, I completely forgot one of the most quotable shows on television last week! Just because I love you guys, I mixed in last week’s quotes in with this. What were your favorite quotes this week? Mine was from our very […]

by Ivey West

Diary of a Battlestar Galactica Virgin – Gee, that was depressing

Last I left you in my Battlestar Galactica virgin diary, the human/Cylon contingent discovered Earth. Everything appeared hunky-dory for the remainder of the human race. Too bad Earth had been nuked into oblivion, thus rendering it uninhabitable. Shit. These guys and gals and robots just can’t buy a break. Just when they started looking on […]

by Scott Tunstall

The Week In Clack – Paula quits, Paris on Supernatural, and Anna engaged

With the big TCA presentations going on, it’s been a pretty big week for TV news. However, all of the talk about what we can look forward to in the fall was trumped by one short little burst on Twitter, from Paula Abdul. She chose that unconventional venue to announce that she’s leaving American Idol. […]

by Brett Love

TV on DVD for July 28th – The Middleman!

Man, it’s a big week for DVD releases. I mean, really, who hasn’t been waiting for Charles In Charge Season 5 and that Knight Rider reboot? OK, maybe they’re not all blockbusters. But after that, the list is mighty impressive. You may find the shelves at your local DVD purveyor in danger of collapsing under […]

by Brett Love

Whoopi diagnosed by Romo Lampkin: serial contrarian

Long-time commenter bsgfan2003 (or Rosie, if you prefer) is back guest clacking for us today…. Much of my spare time is spent in mystic contemplation in the bathtub, very similar to a Battlestar Galactica hybrid in a goo tank. I ponder many mysteries like: Why do men shave their legs? (No good epiphanies yet), what […]

by Guest Clacker
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