Latest episode clacks for this show:
‘Caprica’ returned last week, and the results leave us questioning how long the show can remain a part of the new Syfy. Over on the networks, there are still a few new shows (‘The Event’, ‘The Defenders’, ‘Detroit 187′) looking to find their levels.
Despite the 1980s reference, I found the vengeance seeking bomb tech episode slightly anti-climactic.
It’s only week two and already the cancellation act has been swung. Twice. In happier news, ‘Glee’ managed to ride the popularity of Britney, or Brittany, to even better numbers than the premiere. Also, good grief, a lot of people watch ‘Jersey Shore’.
“Hey, am I on bluetooth?”- Jim
“Yeah.” – Callie
“So, I’m kinda like Kitt on Knight Rider, huh?” – Jim
There was a whole lot of chatter all episode long about it being very un-Gibbs for there to be interns hanging around. But other than a throwaway comment from him, the reason was never addressed. So….
After a full summer of ho-hum, last week brought us five days of full-tilt-boogie network programming. The early results for the new season say that things look very good over at CBS. The other networks were very hit and miss.
Trios. They support each other through thick and thin and we love ‘em. Our team offered a bevy of television trinities, a sampling of triplets (most) everyone is on board with. Do you agree with us?