Latest episode clacks for this show:
Don’t you hate it when you feel like a character is killed off just for shock value?
Another week of bloodshed in the ratings where nobody was safe. Even ‘Idol’ took quite a hit, which at least suggests that we could be approaching a time where ‘Idol’ is just another show.
More love triangle drama — do they really all have to be with the same people all of the time? — while Violet seeks Pete’s forgiveness.
Thanks to ‘Survivor’, CBS took the early lead in the final sweeps event of the season. You can bet that American Idol will have something to say about that next week. Over on cable, why isn’t anyone watching ‘Party Down’?
While Pete and Violet aggressively duked it out in court over custody of their baby, everybody on ‘Private Practice’ took sides.
As we race toward the end of this television season, last week was another full of crazy lows. Crazy, like Community and 30 Rock not even managing 4 million viewers. On the plus side, the NFL’s Thursday prime time first round was a big success.
Violet returned on ‘Private Practice,’ and that meant a whole heap o’ discomfort for Pete, Addison and their colleagues.