CliqueClack TV
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Dollhouse – Who is Alpha?

With just two episodes to go (or three, depending on your geography and Internet connection) it was time for the big reveal. Who is Alpha? It’s a role that was spoiled in a huge way weeks ago. I’m really not sure how those that did avoid hearing the rumors managed it, short of unplugging their […]

by Brett Love

Do straight men like Rick Castle too?

The whole time I was watching the premiere of Castle, I was comparing it to Lie to Me. Lie to Me has become my new NOT favorite show, the show I now dread, the show I pick at because I have ceased to hope that I will like it. I realize that I am tasting […]

by Jen Creer

Mark Sheppard’s invading my TV!

Chances are, if you read this site or ones like it, you’re watching or have watched a show that’s featured Mark Sheppard in more than a couple of episodes. For me, it started with Sheppard’s excellent role as bowler-hatted Badger in Firefly. Lately, though, he’s appearing in at least three shows I watch regularly, and […]

by Keith McDuffee

Ratings Clack – Dollhouse has a disappointing debut

(2/8 – 2/15) What do you think? Is disappointing the right word to use in the post title? Reading the chatter around the internet over the weekend, there are certainly various spins on the Dollhouse numbers that try to paint them as a success. But really, if you have to spin the numbers and start […]

by Brett Love

Ten best movies adapted from TV series

Last week I did a little dumpster diving on the Hollywood backlot and pulled out a collection of vomit-inducing big screen adaptations that failed miserably to live up to the TV series that inspired them. The putrid stench of their incompetence still clings to the walls at FOX, Warner Bros., and Universal. No amount of […]

by Scott Tunstall

15 most kickass women on television – Guest Clack

Our Guest-Clacker today is Julia Hass, a twenty-something living in the Boston area. Upon realizing she could not major in “being Tina Fey” in college, she’s been taking some time off trying to figure out what to do with her life, and watching TV. A lot of TV. She discusses her various attempts at employment, […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Leverage – Tell us what you did with the monkey!

(Season 1, Episode 3 – “The Two-Horse Job”) I thoroughly enjoyed the first two episodes of Leverage, and was left with just one nagging little question in the back of my mind. The show is really well done, and a big ol’ ball of fun, but how are they going to keep it from falling into […]

by Brett Love
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