CliqueClack TV
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Chicks with tattoos don’t win American Idol … until now

You really believe there is anyone who can make off with the ‘American Idol’ crown this season other than Crystal Bowersox? You’re living in a dream world if you do.

by Michael Noble

House just wants to be happy – is that so wrong?

Even though this wasn’t the most entertaining episode of ‘House’ this season, it certainly set us up for the finale.

by Debbie McDuffee

Kitchen Nightmares – My Gran could do better … and she’s dead!

Let me set the scene for you. Celebrity hottie chef Gordon Ramsay is coming for dinner. Do you or do you not, check the appetizer for deceased insects? Believe it or not, this restaurant didn’t.

by Tara Shrodes

American Idol – Killer lounge tunes, good Idol night

News Flash: Louisiana boy finally makes an Idol episode sound good. Idol Powers That Be? Hope you were takin’ notes …

by Michael Noble

Glee – Relationships take a tumble

It seems that every relationship on the show died a little this week, except for Tina and Artie (Or, you know, Brittany and Santana, but that’s a whole other story).

by Ivey West

Is House addicted to Cuddy or freaked out by Man Milk?

I absolutely love everything there is about the sensitive, flawed ass of a man otherwise known as Gregory House. Davis Shore sure can craft a character.

by Debbie McDuffee

Bones – Want to hate my opinion of Bones more?

I’ve been a big fan of the way that the characters have been developed over the five-plus seasons that we’ve known them. I can’t deny, though, that I’ve been disappointed in the direction that they’ve taken with the show’s namesake this season.

by Ivey West
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