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Scary as hell TV characters, cheap Halloween costumes

As you know, another Halloween is just about here. If you’re planning on heading out to do some ‘treating of your own or maybe heading out to a costume party, if you haven’t figured out what you’re going to dress as yet, you might be stuck with a sack on your head, my friend. Yeah, […]

by Keith McDuffee

Halloween episodes of kid TV

My almost-4-year-old loves Halloween. Every day is Halloween for him, really, as he is dressed as anything from a superhero to a knight to a firefighter. Yep, we’re That Family, the one you see in the supermarkets, kid sporting a mask and a cape. Since Owen loves all things Halloween, you can imagine my dilemma […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Halloween: When good characters go vampire

It’s that time of year once again. The witches, goblins, ghosts and undead will soon be roaming our neighborhoods. I’ll have to lock myself inside with my wooden stakes, silver bullets, garlic and crosses while I watch television. But I have to wonder … what if? What if some basically good folks on my television […]

by Jackie Schnoop

Halloween treats for some deserving characters

As Halloween quickly approaches I’ve been thinking about trick-or-treating … and how much I hate it. Sorry, but I am a total scrooge when it comes to Halloween. Parents spend 364 days of the year telling their children not to take candy from strangers, then come October 31st, it all flies out the window! I […]

by Bob Degon

Food on the Tube: Bizarre Foods – Halloween Special

In honor of Halloween, I decided to watch a show that I have never seen before: Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern. This week the Travel Channel was featuring a spooky Halloween special and I gave it a gander. I’m not sure how representative this special was of a typical episode, but it definitely defied my expectations. Honestly, […]

by Bob Degon

HDTV: Scarier than Halloween

Frankenstein’s monster? Not scary. Freddie Kreuger? Nope. Godzilla? Definitely not even the least bit frightening … not when compared to HDTV. I got my first glimpse of HDTV several years back while watching a football game at a friend’s house. And while I concede that Tom Brady’s tight end is a fine way to enjoy […]

by Debbie McDuffee

In defense of Ghost Hunters

I frickin’ love this time of year. In New England, the air is crisp, the leaves are changing and — at least for old farts like me — I don’t have that pain-in-the-ass thing called “school” to tie my stomach up in knots anymore (ignore me kids — stay in school!) With this time of […]

by Keith McDuffee
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