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Steven Tyler


Ladies & gentlemen, your American Idol Top 13

‘Idol’ pares down (up?) 13 contestants for us to quibble and worry over for the remainder of the season. All my choices made it … but I was shocked by one addition to the group.

by Michael Noble

American Idol – The Top 24 revealed

Naturally, a few surprise entries into the Top 24 on ‘Idol’ were revealed. And some of those sob story contestants we thought would make it through didn’t. Overall, however, a pretty strong collection of voices are moving forward.

by Michael Noble

American Idol – The cliffhanger of all cliffhangers

All I want to know is this: How. Many. Times. Did. We. Have. To. Hear. JLo. Say. “I don’t want to do this anymore.” on ‘Idol’ last night?!? Which brings up today’s poll. …

by Michael Noble

American Idol – Witnessing the emergence of a star

There just might be a “run” today on musicians pounding the pavement in search of a stand-up bass at their local music shops. Why? Just take a look.

by Michael Noble

American Idol – Hollywood groupies, Hollywood groupless

Where’s my drama button? ‘Cause ‘Idol’ was full of it during Hollywood Group Week. Lots of bad, lots of tears, lots of good old fashioned television escape.

by Michael Noble

American Idol – A possible front-runner?

The talk of the episode was, of course, James Durbin. Loads of sob story, powerful no-nonsense singing voice. Too bad he’ll have to put up with yet another stigma outside the ones he already bears.

by Michael Noble

It’s not just the L.A. contestants who are delusional on American Idol

I’m usually proud to call Los Angeles my home, but – after this episode of ‘Idol’ – my head was hung in shame.

by Michael Noble
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