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Supernatural – In which we meet Jimmy Novack, and Sam makes a big mistake

Well, I had all but forgotten that Castiel was inhabiting a vessel in pretty much the same way the demons do. While we didn’t get a whole lot of development in terms of breaking the seals, or Lilith, this week, “The Rapture” is probably going to go down in the Supernatural hall of fame as […]

by Cate Cropp

Diary of Supernatural Virgin – Season two ends with answers and questions

Season 2, episodes 20-22 You all told me that the ending of season two was spectacular. Don’t worry, I believed you, but it was so amazing to finally experience it myself. Jensen Ackles just keeps upping the game. Dean has become one of the most three-dimensional, complex, well-acted characters on television. Can’t wait to see […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Diary of a Supernatural Virgin – Expect the unexpected

Season 2, Episode 16-19 I got myself a mixed bag with this installment of Supernatural. Man, these writers really do try everything, don’t they? And it always works … almost. I loved two of these episodes, but then had my issues with the other two. Neither of them were stinkers, per se, but one failed […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Supernatural – Winchester 4:18

I’m wondering, which one is Fabio supposed to portray? I’m guessing Sam, because the other man has a haircut that more closely resembles Dean’s. As it turns out, I was wrong about which episode we were getting this week. Doesn’t matter though, because as excited as I was for “Jump the Shark,” I had no […]

by Cate Cropp

Supernatural’s Dean: Corporate douchebag

Well I admit I’m kind of a dummy when it comes to these things. It took me halfway through the episode to figure out what was going on. I should have more faith in the good people in charge of bringing Supernatural to us week after week than to think they would hit us with […]

by Cate Cropp

Supernatural – Sam’s dark side just keep’s growing, and what does Castiel have up his sleeve?

Well it seems that during his off-camera time with Ruby, Sam has been working hard on honing his telekinetic demon-exorcising powers, and tonight we saw the payoff in a big, creepy way. No more nosebleeds and headaches for Sammy, no sir. And now he’s doing some Sylar-esque people flinging as well. Did I mention it […]

by Cate Cropp

Diary of a Supernatural Virgin – Will brotherly love or evil Sam win out?

Season 2, Episodes 9 – 11 Supernatural continues to please; I gotta say, there’s not too much to be dissatisfied with in this series… so far, that is. Even Buffy let me down during some seasons. But the writers have taken their cues nicely from the actors, and their brotherly banter shows their true friendship […]

by Debbie McDuffee
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