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tina fey


Wherefore art thou, Liz Lemon?

It should come as a surprise to approximately no one that I, above all else, positively worship Tina Fey. That woman is a comedy genius, and 30 Rock brings a light to my life that is only rivaled by puppies and newborn babies. So why does NBC insist on holding out this show on me […]

by Julia Hass

The trials of funny girls

When I ask people to describe my personality for various reasons – curiosity, recommendations for a job or school, ego boosts on crappy days, et cetera – generally one of the first things that comes up is usually either “good sense of humor” or “funny”. And I like it that way. I like it better […]

by Julia Hass

30 Rock Blew the Hatch when Jack and Kenneth played poker

Remember how 30 Rock and Studio 60 premiered at the same time, and everyone knew that there was only room for one “behind the scenes at a late-night sketch comedy show” series, and most people, it seemed, had their money on the Sorkin one? Before they aired, one of my friends even dismissed 30 Rock […]

by Kona Gallagher

Sesame Street turns 40 – Part 3: Star power

Welcome to part three of my four-part retrospective of Sesame Street on the occasion of it hitting the big 4-0. If you missed it, be sure to also check out part one and part two. As I’ve mentioned before, Sesame Street is everywhere on television and in pop culture (Scrubs, The West Wing, Angel… need […]

by Julia Hass

30 Rock continues its downward spiral

In their infinite wisdom, the powers that be here at CliqueClack have given me the opportunity (yet again) to air my grievances about 30 Rock. Somebody’s asleep at the wheel! And not only here; over at 30 Rock, as well. Bob’s recently been writing about the good run the show’s been on; permission to respectfully […]

by Aryeh S.

30 Rock – Page-ing Kenneth Ellen Parcell

I have a mixed relationship with 30 Rock. I tried it when it first aired on NBC back in 2006. I quickly passed. And, that had nothing to do with the fact that I loved Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip; the two have absolutely zero in common. Rather, it just wasn’t funny for me. […]

by Aryeh S.

Saturday Night Live – Tracy Morgan; Kelly Clarkson

Tracy Morgan is back! Not that he ever really left the building, as he just moved to a different floor to star in 30 Rock, but he’s back on SNL. Going into this episode, I was curious about how Morgan would do, because, frankly, he was never really that prominent when he was a cast […]

by Bob Degon
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