CliqueClack Flicks

31 Days of Halloween – Jason X

As we continue our month long celebration of Halloween, it's time to talk about my most favorite horror movie, 'Jason X.' Everyone's favorite unstoppable killing machine goes to space, and takes Andromeda Ascendant with him. Awesome.

Whenever this time of year rolls around, I inevitably get into a conversation about horror movies with someone. And when I let it be known that not only is Jason X my favorite Friday the 13th movie, but it’s also my favorite horror movie, I usually get that look. If you’re not sure what that look is, chances are it’s just like that face you made when reading that last sentence.

For most people, Jason X is just another throwaway slasher flick, and certainly not worthy of being spoken of in such grand terms. And I get where they’re coming from. By 2001 the F13 formula was getting pretty tired. What’s more, the previous movie was called The Final Friday. But that gets to what I love about the movie. It manages to capture everything that is great about the franchise in one big space-going ball.

The OG Friday The 13th from 1980 really was something unique. It was much more about the scare. The popping out of the shadows. Not going in there.  Twenty years later, the whole idea had taken on a much more camp feel. Jason X doesn’t just acknowledge that fact. It positively revels in it. Along with the usual collection of inventive kills, the movie has a bunch of great (or corny, you make the call) lines . You probably recall one from the trailer, “Guys! It’s ok. He just wanted his machete back!” It also features a fantastic shoutout to Crystal Lake circa 1980, in full holodeck glory, and brings us the Jason 2.0 from the above picture. There is even a showdown between Jason and an android woman, Kay-Em 14 (Lisa Ryder), who longs to have nipples.

On top of all the shenanigans, I also really dig the setup for this one. For those of you that gave up before you made it to number ten, this is where things got really crazy. It seems that in 2008 Jason was finally captured. The government tried to kill him. Repeatedly. They tried electrocution, gas, firing squad, hanging … as you can probably guess, none of it worked.

Then the plan was hatched to freeze him. That would at least contain him. Unfortunately, someone decided that a man that couldn’t be killed was worth more studying, and Jason got loose again while waiting for transport. Rowan (Lexa Doig), a project leader at Crystal Lake Research, managed to trap Jason in the cryogenic chamber and freeze him. But in his last act before going solid, he stabbed her through the door of the chamber and the system went into lockdown, freezing her along with him.

Fast forward 445 years and here’s how it is. The Earth got used up. So we moved out and found a whole new Earth, Earth 2. Now a class has stopped by Earth 1 on a field trip, and they happen across Jason and Rowan. They rush them both back to the ship and quickly repair the damage to Rowan. Her reaction to learning that they brought Jason back too is as expected, “You brought him on board?”

By this point, the professor leading the expedition is well aware of who Jason Voorhees is, and what he’s worth. It seems that the more things change, the more they stay the same. His greed sets the table for all manner of hell to break loose on board the ship. And we’re soon treated to a big ol’ pile of killings, and more than a few near escapes. It is, quite frankly, awesome.

So, as you settle in to celebrate the holiday next weekend, I hope you’ll take a first, or second, look at Jason X. It just might be the greatest horror film ever. Or I could be completely off my nut. Both answers are acceptable. As Rowan says, “Jason Fucking Voorhees. That’s what’s going on.” Happy Halloween!


Photo Credit: New Line Home Video

Categories: General, News

One Response to “31 Days of Halloween – Jason X”

October 21, 2011 at 8:26 PM

Anyone else think he looks like Lord Zed of Power Rangers?

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