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Hold the Meat – The incredible, edible egg



Being a lacto-ovo vegetarian is the bomb. Why? I’ve got two words for you: “cheese” and “eggs.” A life without one or both is simply not a life worth living. My baby seems to agree with me, as scrambled eggs have recently become his favorite food that isn’t blueberries (kid has a blueberry obsession right now. It’s equal parts weird and hilarious). I went to breakfast this morning with family, and ordered Cooper a regular dude-sized breakfast: 2 eggs, potatoes and wheat toast.

My uncle, who has never seen Cooper eat before, thought I was crazy. “Why would you order two eggs? That’s a lot.” Sure, maybe for a normal baby, but not mine. Granted, some of the eggs ended up on the floor, but the majority of them made it straight from mouth to tummy, and I can only hope that a little chewing happened in there somewhere as well.

While I normally scramble eggs when I’m making breakfast at home, just to save time, occasionally I’ll get slightly fancier. So this week is dedicated to my favorite ways to make eggs.

I’ve already done a post on my heart-attack potatoes, but they’re pretty awesome. After all, what could be better than an egg in a twiced-baked potato?

I’m also obsessed with frittatas. I prefer the baked ones however, because my pans suck and I’m pretty sure the one I tried on the stove may have given me cancer. Debbie did a great roundup of frittata recipes a little while back. I’m especially fond of the Zucchini Oven Frittata, because Zucchini is awesome. I leave out the peppers and onions though.

Omelets are also pretty classic, Cooper’s favorite right now is muenster cheese, avocado and tomato. I’ve also had Greek omelets two days in a row– with feta, spinach and tomato.

During college, I had a brief and ill-advised experiment with the South Beach Diet. It was stupid, I didn’t lose any weight, and was starving all of the time, mainly because that diet is not made for vegetarians. Pro tip: You should really only cut out one food group at a time. Not eating meat really worked against me when they want you to cut out a bunch of other crap from your diet as well.

Anyway, the one benefit that came out of this was Fake French Toast. So regular french toast is bread dipped in egg and cinnamon, right? So this recipe basically just cuts out the bread and adds more eggs. It sounds completely stupid, but you guys, I swear to God, this is some good stuff. Even if you’re not on a diet, it’s a fun new way to make eggs, and it takes no time or effort at all. This recipe calls for it to be cooked on a stove, but the original one I found allowed you to just do it in the microwave.

I go through food phases, and now I’m in a more heavy egg phase than usual, but they are 100% making me happy right now. Luckily my cholesterol is amazing, or else I would be in trouble. Let’s just hope it stays that way.

Photo Credit: Keith McDuffee/Gudlyf on Flickr

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