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Seven waffle recipes to make breakfast an occasion – Breakfast at Clique-any’s

Is it possible to find a waffle recipe that will make me forget the chewy goodness of the cinnamon oatmeal waffles that I just can't get off my mind? I'm going to give it the old college try.

After experiencing the chewy goodness of these cinnamon oatmeal waffles, I haven’t been able to get waffles off the brain. Honestly, these are so good that I almost can’t imagine finding any that I like better, but that didn’t stop me from trying. Even if I don’t find a recipe that’s as good, I still might get some fun ideas for serving waffles or

Alton Brown’s basic waffle recipe has a lot of promise. We know that Alton likes to get the science of his recipes right, and this one has two different kinds of flour and lots of buttermilk. Surely the can’t be as wonderfully perfect as the cinnamon oatmeal ones, but a comparison might be fun.

I hadn’t thought of pumpkin waffles, and this recipe is very simple. I’m more inclined to substitute some of the liquid in the cinnamon waffle recipe with the pureed pumpkin than to try this recipe though. It seems I’m hooked.

Is it even possible to make a peanut butter waffle and not want to drizzle chocolate syrup all over it? Or better yet, just add chocolate chips to the batter (incidentally, that’s what Alton Brown does in his chocolate waffle recipe) and call it day. Epicurious’s recipe has whole wheat flour so I’m thinking I could substitute spelt pretty easily. Now this recipe I just might try, though I’ll still probably be thinking of my cinnamon oatmeal waffles….

OK, I just may be starting to forget those oatmeal waffles. You know, I think they might have had some cinnamon in them, but hey, these gingerbread waffles with apple and vanilla bean compote sound good enough to die for. Really, who thinks these recipes up, ’cause it’s just a waffle … a really, really mouth-watering waffle that could be a dessert.

Dude, they crumble eight slices of bacon into these bacon cornmeal waffles … that’s downright illegal. I’m officially salivating shamelessly.

It’s possible that I may never fully recover from writing this post. Thoughts of throwing a waffle party have even crossed my mind, and that’s borderline weird. I’ve got to find another hobby….

Photo Credit: Debbie McDuffee

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