My night with Jay Black: Part 2

MorgueFile - KConnors

I finally joined the legions of Clackers who met the elusive Jay Black. Unsurprisingly, Jay Black is growing in the comedy world. So, was he as awesome in reality as in on-line posts? Surprisingly, eff-yes.


#4) Will I laugh if I’m not drunk? Because of my personal stone-face-itis epidimic, I assumed that I’d require liquid gold to ease the laughter out of my body ex-lax-style. But, since my designated driver couldn’t make it, I drank one cup of coffee for two straight hours while fearing the worst.

I definitely didn’t need any jello shots for the D-town comedy

Answer: All of my fears were unfounded. It was hilarious. Seriously, if Stone-Face Nicholson can watch a comedy act for two straight hours sober and not stop laughing, you know it’s good.

I remember interviewing a comedian in college after he did a late night comedy show at my school. They originally scheduled him for an hour, but he went for an hour and a half because he claimed we were his toughest audience. However, I told him later that we actually mother-fucking loved him (by my school’s standards, the kids were wild). However, stone-cold sober college kids at an 11:00pm-12:30pm Thursday night show might not let loose with the belly laughs as freely as expected. But, I definitely didn’t need any jello shots for the D-town comedy.

I had a brain fart where I confused Kevin Nealon with Kevin James. Comedy gods, I’m SORRY.

#5) What if it’s awkward meeting him? It’s always awkward meeting people you’ve vaguely communicated with electronically. And, on work weeks I’m a bitch.

Answer: It wasn’t. I let Jay talk, he’s better at it than most humans. When I meet new people, I typically put my personality under wraps, because you don’t know how your sense of humor will interact with another’s. Luckily, Jay just took over the conversation. And after a hard day of work yelling at my colleagues, I let him. Maybe he thought I laid it on a little thick, but I meant every word. Seriously, good comedians who are always on are rare. I won’t lie, I had a brain fart during our conversation, where I confused Kevin Nealon with Kevin James (A SIN and a CRIME against man) which I didn’t realize until I drove home, but he was too kind to say anything at the moment. But, I beg FORGIVENESS. PLEASE.

Jay Black, I’m totally crushing on you, but not in the creepy, sexual way.

So, Jay Black, I’m totally crushing on you. Not in the sexual way, but in the mental way. I want to crawl up inside your skin and stay there. But, not in the creepy way; OK, maybe a little bit. Let me just say this, if wonder women Katie and I give Jay our dual stamps of approval, the dude is hilarious. In fact, I think we should make this into an annual series, where a new CliqueClack writer hooks up with Jay (but not in that way) and writes about it. So, Jay, my proverbial hat’s off to you. You have the gift. I hope it takes you where you want it to go.

Check Jay out at CliqueClack, at or on Twitter.

Photo Credit: MorgueFile – KConnors

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