CliqueClack TV

Lipstick Jungle – Victory gets naked, Nico shoots up

(Season 2, Episode 11 – “Indecent Exposure”)

I’m seriously ready to start one of those lame write-in campaigns to save Lipstick Jungle. I say lame, because do they ever really work? Hey, if it didn’t work with Moonlight, I’ve got serious doubts it would work with Lipstick Jungle.

Anyway, the show continues to get better and better, even in the Friday Night Death Slot. They ramped up the sex factor by having Victory get naked for an advertising campaign, and here’s the thing: She was all for the idea, until she realized it was HER who would be getting naked, then she freaked out.

I’ve said before that Victory seems like the most normal person on the show, and tonight she proved that once again. First of all, she has a kick-ass body, but she’s still scared shitless about having to get naked. I think most women would identify with that. No matter what we look like, it’s never good enough.

Second, at the photo shoot, she had a panic attack – to the point of hyperventilating and needing air – and had to be talked off the ledge by photographer Kirby. More normalcy from Victory. But once she got over the fright, she loved it and could have stayed naked in that bed all day. I think that might be a normal reaction from the rest of us, too. The first hurdles are always the worst, but once we get into something, we realize it’s all ok and wonder why we were afraid in the first place.

And the nakedness gave Victory confidence in other ways, too. She got up the courage to go talk to Joe, and they ended up spending the night together. Wow, that kiss gave me goosebumps! And now she plans to ask HIM to marry her. You, go, girl!!!

Fresh off her break-up from Kirby, Nico is shooting up fertility drugs with the plan to save her eggs for future baby-making. And may I just say that it takes a true friend to do that first injection, and Wendy stepped up to the plate ass.

Nico broke my heart when she said to Griffin, “I never thought I’d be doing this alone.” Also, the hotness of Nico and Kirby has now completely left my brain and been replaced by the hotness of Nico and Griffin. Those two haven’t even kissed yet (it’s coming!) and they’re smokin’ hot together. Besides that, they’re perfect for each other, because of the whole stupid class thing that plagued Nico and Kirby. As Griffin said, he has plenty of “collateral damage” in his past, thanks to clawing up the career ladder. Nico can identify with that.

Wendy and Shane are bumming me out with their marriage problems. They always seemed like the perfect couple, and it seems out of character for him to be chucking it all to go on tour with Natasha Bedingfield. You just KNOW that he and Josie are going to end up in the sack together. He must have some seriously pent-up frustrations about Wendy in order for him to head off for four months.

What are your thoughts on this episode? Do you think Wendy and Shane will get past this bump in the road? Are Nico and Griffin perfect for each other? And could there be anything but happy times in Joe and Victory’s future?

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

4 Responses to “Lipstick Jungle – Victory gets naked, Nico shoots up”

December 13, 2008 at 3:20 PM

joe and victory better get married and stay happy! nico and not sure if i like this. would griffin want a kid too? shane must really hate marriage counseling..or not care at this point. not sure what wendy will do.

December 13, 2008 at 3:31 PM

This show has gotten so GOOD! I will be sad to see it go, if officially canceled. Sometimes, a show needs time to find a base and develop. I wonder how the online viewing is? Maybe that will save it.

After those Griffin-Nico scenes…I was thinking “Kirby Who?”. I would like to see Kirby remain part of the show, but I hope they develop this Griffin-Nico relationship.

I love the way the Joe-Victory story has come around to them being back together. It was realistic and became about 2 people in love, not just a rich guy buying the girl’s love with money and trips to France for dinner.

My only complaint is Shane. This episode was written out of character for him. I think the writers are having him act out and be too extreme for what they had led us to believe him to be. I am disappointed here. This could have been so much better handled.

I will be very sad to see this show go.

December 15, 2008 at 7:42 AM

I will miss this show. It is a million times better then what Jay Leno’s pooping out.

December 21, 2008 at 7:04 AM

I must agree with you. I am really loving Nico-Griffin storyline. They’re really perfect for each other. They have a lot in common. Griffin seems to be a great guy. I love seeing Nico being taken cared of. It’s really obvious that there’s an attraction that they’re trying hard not to acknowledge. I would love to see where this would lead us to.

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