CliqueClack TV

The Wire virgin’s diary – Thank goodness for Namond Brice

The Wire(Season 4, Episodes 11-13)

At the start of the season I certainly didn’t think I would be so thankful for Namond Brice, but upon finishing this season, I am. His turnaround was the one uplifting moment this season, and I definitely needed an uplifting moment. This season got seriously dark, and it needed a little light. I have to admit though, that season four definitely had the biggest emotional payoff of any season. It was such an emotional finale that I needed to take a little break before starting season five.

“A New Day”

We got a bit of a light moment in this episode, with the boys taking a little revenge on officer Walker. Even McNulty admitted that the guy was an ass, and it was fun to see him get a bit of a comeuppance. Rawls got his own little comeuppance this episode too. I loved the scene when Valchek told Rawls he should back Daniels, because he will probably be the next commissioner. The look on Rawls’s face when he realizes that it’s true and that he was an idiot for thinking he had a chance to be commissioner was priceless.

In my last post I talked about how the system let Michael down, but it’s now becoming clear that he’s not the only one. Poor Randy should have been taken care of by the police department, but was screwed over at every possible moment, leading to his branding as a “snitch.” Dukie was also let down this episode, being socially promoted to high school, even though he wasn’t ready.

“That’s Got His Own”

It was nice to see the major crimes unit get cleaned up with the help of Freamon. I have to say that I missed the detail this year. I mean, the show’s called The Wire, and there was barely any wire work this season! I’m also glad that they’re finally opening up those vacants and finding the bodies. I guess it’s going to be setting up the final season.

I have to say, I’m disappointed in Carcetti. I know politics is politics, but he was barely mayor for a week before he was thinking ahead to the governor’s office instead of focusing on being mayor. I guess all politicians really are the same. At least the current governor is making it really difficult for him with the money for the school systems.

“Final Grades”

I love Omar. How is it that he is always one step ahead of the drug dealers? He had a relatively small, but great storyline this season, culminating in his ripping off of the co-ops entire stash, only to sell it back to Joe and the co-op. Genius. It was also great to see Vondas back.

I was definitely sad to see Bodie go in this episode. I think it only served as further evidence that the Barksdale organization really is a thing of the past.

This episode was really about the kids though. It was so sad to see Carver try his best to do right by Randy, and the system just wouldn’t let him. I’m not looking forward to watching him struggle in the group home in season five. I’m almost hoping we don’t get to see his story. He may be better off than Dukie, though, who ended up out on the corner dealing drugs for Michael.

As I said, thank goodness for Namond and Colvin. Something had to go right for someone, and seeing Namond at the end of this episode, with a loving family, with a bright future ahead of him, with a biological father smart enough to know what’s good for his son, was a great moment. The last frame, with the camera centered right on that stop sign was brilliant.

One small thing that carried through this season, that I think really illustrates what a well crafted show this is was Old Face Andre’s ring. It was subtle, but as it passed from Andre, to Marlo, to Omar, to Walker, to Michael it set up a great moment when Marlo spied it on Michael’s necklace.

On to season five!

Photo Credit: HBO

4 Responses to “The Wire virgin’s diary – Thank goodness for Namond Brice”

February 25, 2009 at 2:49 PM

I was so happy for Namond. During season 5 all I wanted was to get back to the kids. Randy was so sweet, Dukie was so sweet. Michael had so much potential, and his love for his little brother was touching.

February 26, 2009 at 10:31 AM

Bob, I’ve seen seasons one through four many times already (I haven’t bought season five on DVD yet), and it’s awesome watching someone else discovering this show for the first time!

My wife’s heart broke when Michael made a 180, and Randy’s saga is absolutely horrible. I never really liked Namond, possibly because I was always waiting to see a little of his father in him and never did, but, in the end, I think Dukie got the worst of it. He didn’t just get screwed by the system, he got screwed by life.

February 26, 2009 at 11:48 AM

Yeah what happened to Dukie was heartbreaking :(

February 26, 2009 at 3:47 PM

Episode 10, “A New Day”, is my personal favorite episode of the entire series. The incredible payoff of Lester finally wrapping his big brain around how Marlo/Chris/Snoop were dissapearing the bodes (“this is a tomb, Lex is in there”) was so incredibly thrilling – AND there was zero action involved and almost no dialouge in that scene! Absolutely Amazing!!

The 4 boys this season were probably based a great deal on the boys that Simon and Burns followed around while writing “The Corner”. As harsh as the fates were for 3 out of 4 of these boys, Simon and Burns were really holding something back. The fates of the boys from The Corner, save DeAndre, were even worse.

When you start S5 keep in mind that it picks up a good year (in Wire time) after S4 ends.

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