CliqueClack TV

Medium – of misguided moral elitists and vengeful ghosts

And that, my friends, is precisely why I write about TV, and not for TV. Never in a million years would I have come up with such a solution for a very tricky situation. Well okay, maybe I would have, because a million years is a long time. Anyway, I knew that there was no way Allison herself would be able rid herself of Harvey Lucas, so at least I got that part right.

Now that I’m done giving myself undeserved props, let’s talk about villains:I don’t know if there’s ever been a villain on Medium as creepy and evil as Lucas Harvey. Special Agent Cooper was deluded and creepy and sometimes downright menacing, but when I think about it, he was kind of the antithesis of Harvey. Both did what they thought in their not-quite-sane minds was the right thing to do, but in opposite ways.

Cooper viewed Allison and other clairvoyants (like poor Bobby) as valuable tools to be used to bring killers to justice, to the point of killing them so they’d never be allowed to harm another human being. Harvey, confidently believing himself to have some kind of bromance going on with the big man upstairs, was willing to kill or mentally torture anyone he felt was interfering with “God’s will,” innocent victims be damned.

Both, in retrospect, are ridiculous in that by putting their plans into action, are serial killers themselves and therefore big fat hypocrites. Although I’m sure that doesn’t matter much when you’re clinically insane.

Now that I’m past my anger at the writers for giving us two two-part stories in a row, I’m willing to admit that “The Devil Inside” ended up being a good one. Like I said at the beginning, having the ghosts of all the innocent people who could’ve been saved were it not for Lucas Harvey’s intervention chase him into hell was a brilliant idea. I guess you could say it was a bit ripped off from the ending of Ghost, but I prefer to say “inspired by” since the circumstances were somewhat different, and the movie did come out almost 20 years ago. So let it go.

So, what did you think of the second two-parter, part two? Did you make the comparison between Lucas Harvey and Agent Cooper like I did?

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

2 Responses to “Medium – of misguided moral elitists and vengeful ghosts”

April 28, 2009 at 7:48 PM

You don’t watch Ghost Whisperer. The same theme, evil wicked man ghost messing with visions has been used over the past few seasons. They’ve let up on it a bit this year, but its very familiar if you watch both shows. Lots of dead people crowds grow on GW.

That said, I enjoyed the two parter. And it kind of freaked me out that I was strangely attracted to the bad guy. LOL

May 10, 2009 at 12:23 AM

I liked (and still like) Agent Cooper. It really did not make sense that he would try to harm Allison. That was the weakest ending of any episode of Medium, bar none. I believe Agent Cooper is a good man who would not have done that. The writers let me down.

Allison’s reasoning that Agent Cooper’s pre-emptive strikes were wrong is absurd. Knowning what we know now, is there anyone on earth would would not justify killing Hitler before he came to power ?

On the other hand, I enjoyed the demise of Lucas Harvey. Medium has always relied on the existance of ghosts, both good (Agent Cooper), and evil (Lucas Harvey). It just makes sense that these Ghosts can interact with each other.

Still, a nice protracted scream from Lucas Harvey, with a bit of flame, would have been nice.

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