CliqueClack TV

Stargate Universe; Cougar Town; Dollhouse – In that order

Fridays are actually a much needed break for me when it comes to how many shows I put on my plate. Well, that is, when Psych is taking a break and now that Battlestar Galactica isn’t on anymore. However, I’ve gone and done it again and helped myself to another helping from the TV buffet by adding one of the best sci-fi shows this fall … and I’m going back for seconds.

Stargate Universe — I’ve got to be honest: I’ve never watched the other Stargate shows. I saw the first movie long ago, but something about it turned me off in the end and I just assumed the shows would follow suit. Whether it did or not (I really don’t know), it doesn’t matter anymore, because Stargate Universe, so far, makes up for it.

It appears that you don’t need to have any background knowledge of the Stargate saga to get right into SGU. They actually give the viewer a very brief introduction to what a Stargate is and all of that in a rather clever way. I’m definitely glad I put my differences with the Stargate movie aside and gave SGU a chance. You should too.

Cougar Town — “What? Cougar Town is on Wednesday night, not Friday!” Yeah, I know. And usually I would never add a DVR’ed show to my list, but in this case I wanted to throw in a show that I actually preferred watching over the only other “live” show I watched Friday night, which we’ll get to next.

Cougar Town still doesn’t beat Modern Family in my book, but it’s definitely a solid comedy and shouldn’t turn people off just because the title appears to say it’s about a 40-year-old woman trying to have sex. If you liked Scrubs, there’s a good chance you’ll dig Cougar Town.

Dollhouse — This is a distant third and is added only because it’s the only other show I watched last night. Ivey had it right in his review, that it’s becoming increasingly difficult to relate to the main characters of this show, when we’re supposed to be getting into them more! What’s more, I’m still annoyed that the intro video for the show is ALL about Eliza Dushku’s Echo and barely shows the others at all, when I had hoped the show would start focusing on the others more this season.

Seriously, I hate to say it, but I may be out of the Dollhouse camp after this week. The ratings tank every week and, after this week and it being up against other, better shows, it’s not looking pretty again for its ratings this week. I see no reason to stick around at this point, and that makes me sad.

Photo Credit: Syfy

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