CliqueClack TV

Diary of a Carnivale virgin – The relationship merry-go-round


(Season 1, Episodes 10-11)

I’m just about through with the first season of Carnivale, and I’m finding it hard to believe that that means I’m nearly halfway through the entire series. How did this show only get two seasons? I’ve admitted that it may not be quite as good as some of the classic HBO shows that were on around the same time, but it is still a great show.

That’s just the way things go sometimes, I suppose. I can’t really make any judgement calls on the cancellation until I finish up the series. Maybe it fell apart during the second season.

“Hot and Bothered”

It wasn’t hard to see coming, but I figured that Ben and Ruthie were going to end up in bed with each other sooner or later. It’s an odd match to be sure, but seems to fit on this show. Their relationship is only one of many that seem to be overlapping as season one comes to an end. Sophie and Ben continue to flirt, but at this point she’s flirting with just about everyone, including Jonesy and Libby. Meanwhile, Jonesy is pining after Sophie, while carrying on an affair with Rita Sue. It’s bordering on too much, especially when we could be spending more time with the always interesting Brother Justin.

Speaking of Justin, this episode featured his incredibly creepy return to Mintern, culminating in his “baptism” in the church, complete with the transformation of holy water into blood. I’m curious to see how Balthus will react, as he clearly saw the blood on Justin’s face.

“Day of the Dead”

So, is HBO the official network for awkward incest? First it was Six Feet Under, and now it’s Justin and Iris making out on Carnivale. With all the darkness in brother Justin, this episode showed that Iris has just as much inside her too. Indeed, it was she who burned down the church, killing the children inside. Justin seemed to forgive her when she proclaimed, with zealotry, that she did it for him. Early in the season I definitely didn’t think that she had it in her, but she really is as crazy as Justin.

The season finale was definitely set up in this episode as Lodz sent a poisonous snake to Ruthie, presumably killing her. Clearly this is Management’s work, trying to get Ben to embrace his powers. To what end, I’m not exactly sure, but I know I’ll find out.

Photo Credit: HBO

2 Responses to “Diary of a Carnivale virgin – The relationship merry-go-round”

November 5, 2009 at 1:32 PM

OK… I start typing and that’s allI got out. haha

Anyways Carnivale was canceled because it cost too much, Deadwood was canceled because it cost too much.

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