CliqueClack TV

Dark Blue, where are you?

dark_blue cast

Dear TNT,

You suck.

Okay, before I say something I’m going to regret, let me rephrase that: this sucks. “This,” of course, being the prolonged wait that you’ve forced upon the fans of your new hit series Dark Blue. Yes, new hit series … so why the delay on the renewal announcement?

It’s been almost three months since Dark Blue roared to its season one finale. I’ll grant you that the season was a big enough smash that it has left reverberations, meaning it is far from out-of-sight-out-of-mind. But in a world of “what have you done for me lately,” there’s only so much patience that any of us have to wait. And word of Raising the Bar’s fate only increases our anxiety about what’s to be with Dark Blue.

The frustrating thing is, we are here! While not every show can pull in NCIS numbers, there’s something to be said for a series that people become enthusiastic about. I always laugh when every show with low ratings claims that they have a rabidly loyal fan base, but I do believe that there’s a difference between active and passive fans. At CliqueClack alone, more than 1,050 people have made the effort to vote their opinion on Dark Blue (99% love it!) — that says something to me. Shouldn’t it to you as well?

And I’m not saying that therefore you should give us a second season. I’m asking that you respect our passion enough to make a decision, and then let us know. Yes, that might be followed by all the campaigning and hate mail, but at least we won’t be sitting here trying to read the signs in every announcement that you make.

And boy have you been making them. Which gets back to why I backed off from saying it was you who sucked — I’m awaiting the return of a number of your original series, and I am absolutely loving Men of a Certain Age. Dark Blue fits right in there with the rest of your offerings. You gave it to us, which definitely deserves our thanks and appreciation. Now all you need to do is announce its fate (and pray that your call is life), and we can all move on.

Because while I was only on the fringes of the “save Eleventh Hour campaign, I have already suggested flooding the streets with condoms in an effort to ensure that Californication’s viewership goes up. I’m as-yet undecided as to what I might propose people ship to your offices, but, evaluating all the goodies that the streets of LA have to offer, it probably won’t be small or pretty.

So let’s save me, you, the postal service, and Homeland Security time and headaches and just get this done now. Green light Dark Blue for a second season, or pick it up for multiple seasons if you can think long-term aggravation relief, and then watch as fans flock in droves to all you have to offer them. Remember, a fan scorned like this, left hanging forever, will have no interest in allowing you to hurt them again and again. All that content you have in the works will be for naught.

And you better not have screwed Men of a Certain Age as a result of all these shenanigans. Because then I will definitely be back.


Contemplating shipping dead drug dealers to your offices

Photo Credit: TNT

Categories: | Clack | Dark Blue | Features | General | Open Letters | TV Shows |

13 Responses to “Dark Blue, where are you?”

December 3, 2009 at 7:41 PM

I hope TNT will tell the Dark Blue Fans the verdict and not keep them in the dark, hoping they will get bored and leave. I watch the reruns whenever they are on and I also watch them on Comcast ONDEmand. It would really be a shame if dropped into the media blackhole… never to be heard from again. I think TNT should treat the fans of this show with respect and just tell them its over or not.

I am just hoping the silence and continued reruns are a good sign…. =0)

December 4, 2009 at 7:27 PM

Aryeh S. This is great! My sentiments exactly!!This blog goes to TNT right? I am not sure how to get to them except the basic email address. Today, the Dark Blue ad is still on the TNT website, but we are told to watch episodes maybe they are hearing something! from us!
Keep up the Wonderful love it!
Oh, and the facebook and Dark Blue Fan Club people are coming over..

December 4, 2009 at 8:40 PM

Why, oh why do networks keep shows that have no redeemable value but will cancel great shows that get people involved? I really feel there are too many shows out there that networks renew that you could watch on mute and still nto miss anything. RENEW DARK BLUE!!!! Great characters and fabulous storylines. Tease us with reruns, will ya? We will keep the dream of Season @ of Dark Blue alive!!

December 5, 2009 at 1:13 PM

Aryeh S…Can you see how reliable this information is? What do you think? I trust your website much more than others. thank you.

December 7, 2009 at 10:35 AM

I’d tend to assume the same (renewal), simply because the numbers were definitely second season cable worthy.

But more than the length of time this is taking, TNT’s silence tells me that, as the article suggests, there’s a bigger plot in play on this one. It gives me the impression that they want to know exactly what their dance card will look like before filling in the final slot, which explains the slew of pickups they’ve been announcing. At the same time, since we haven’t heard even rumors of the axe, I’d guess they’re trying to see how to make Dark Blue work, as opposed to scrambling to avoid having to include it.

Also, USA just got done announcing their new scheduling lineup for next “season,” or whatever you call it, with White Collar and Psych, for instance, moving to mid-week to compete with the networks. I’d guess there are some new factors to weigh in after that news.

But all in all? Unless TNT has a bunch of new shows lined up that they’re willing to bet can consistently pull in 3-4 million viewers, I don’t see them cutting something that has an audience and has yet to really be given the chance to flourish.

December 7, 2009 at 7:08 PM

Thanks so much for that excellent explanation of tv scheduling and what the executives are weighing in on. So they essentially are working on a slot for Dark Blue, so that they feel confident that it can compete or beat, right? Well, I guess we wait and see..will anything depend on the success/failure of ‘Men of a Certain Age’?? All of this speculation makes my head ache. I just hope TNT knows who really passionate the Dark Blue fans are. Thankyou.

December 9, 2009 at 10:20 AM

I think they’re looking to evaluate the new scheduling landscape and slot their original programming accordingly. Meaning, if they know they want to compete in slots X,Y, and Z, they want to know they’re scheduling shows that can do so. That’s Dark Blue‘s litmus test.

Your question about Men of a Certain Age is an interesting one. I think the success of the show will allow TNT to branch into more drama oriented programming, which would more likely induce them to add more such shows, as opposed to leveling the balance by cutting action shows. On the other hand, its failure may convince the network to stick to what it knows, in which case it might look to increase its number of action shows. Hard to say, since Men of a Certain Age is a new direction for them in the first place.

Yes, it makes my head hurt too. Let’s think happy thoughts! :)

December 7, 2009 at 11:27 PM

Dark Blue fans are the best!!!!

December 8, 2009 at 9:30 AM

I agree – DB fans are the best.

December 8, 2009 at 3:18 PM

Dark Blue better come back for a second season, I love this show, plus something has to take the Shield’s place since it is no longer on

December 8, 2009 at 8:05 PM

Agree Agree Agree!!!!!

December 9, 2009 at 7:28 PM

Aryeh S. OK Happy thoughts worked..YES, Dark Blue made it!! And the announcement came after the high numbers from Men of A Certain Age.. It’s all good. Meanwhile, I love the promotion that they are doing for Southland..if they could just do that for Dark Blue. Good work with your great blogs! Thanks! So now what should we do?..give them suggetions about new storylines?? I love what you have to say about the show.

December 10, 2009 at 1:11 PM

I think now you can relax. ;) You guys brought the show back, so just rest on your laurels for the moment. Our next concern is worrying if the network ordered a redux from the creators to “improve” things and draw a larger audience, but let’s not start worrying until season two’s premiere has been announced. Nice work! :)

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