CliqueClack TV

Diary of a Carnivale virgin – The tension builds

(Season 2, Episodes 10-11)

I only have one episode left in my journey through Carnivale, and I’m a little sad to see it go. I’m sure I’ll be able to keep up better with some of the current shows that have drifted to the back of my DVR, but I’m going to miss the bizarre dust bowl drama. It doesn’t help that it was cut down before its prime, canceled after only two seasons. I’m curious to see how many loose ends are left open as the series concludes.

“Cheyenne, WY”

I guess I had underestimated Iris in my previous entry. I had commented that she was truly evil, killing with little to no remorse to protect her brother. As it turned out, she wasn’t trying to protect him, but herself as she plotted with Balthus to take down her supremely evil brother. It certainly didn’t last long, however, as Brother Justin didn’t need a whole lot of information to figure out what they were doing. It will be interesting to see if there are any further sparks between Iris and her brother before the end of the series.

I’ve thought for a while that Sofie is somehow connected to the Ben/Brother Justin plot, and in this episode it was revealed that Justin is Sofie’s father. Indeed, he was the man that raped Apollonia. This explains why “Sofie is the Omega.” I’m guessing that this means she is the last in the line of ushers and healers. That would seem to indicate that the battle that has been waging is going to end with Ben, Justin, and Sofie.

“Outside New Canaan”

Everything is starting to come together. As a result, the penultimate episode was really great. There was a lot of tension as Ben infiltrated the camp at New Caanan. He got close to Brother Justin a few times, with knife in hand, but wasn’t able to make a serious attempt on his life. I wasn’t really expecting that he would. I figured that would be saved for the finale and it looks like I’m right. It will be interesting to see how things play out. I’m not sure if the show was canceled before the end of the season, so I don’t know if this final episode really played like a season finale or a series finale.

There were more interesting things going on with Sofie as well. With Ben’s warning she began to question Brother Justin, and it didn’t take much to convince her that Ben was telling her the truth: the preacher is evil. Of course it was even worse for us the viewers as we had to watch Brother Justin come on to his daughter, even though neither of them knew about their relationship. I couldn’t resist checking out the “next on” feature on my DVD to check out a preview of the finale. It looks like Sofie is going to be playing a larger part. With the rest of the carnies joining Ben and Sofie in New Canaan, I am wondering what sort of role they are going to play in the finale showdown. Now that they all know about Ben’s powers, I would have to think that they are going to be behind him.

I know I’m looking forward to finding out how this all ends.

Photo Credit: HBO

One Response to “Diary of a Carnivale virgin – The tension builds”

January 20, 2010 at 12:01 PM

Wont give anything away, but after the last episode you are just shouting at the TV “MORE! MORE!” Sadly, it is not to be…I always it would have made a great graphic novel to continue the story like Buffy and Angel.

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