CliqueClack TV

Chuck – There’s no substitute for love

Hannah gets drawn into the latest mission for "Team Bartowski," putting herself into unexpected danger. Chuck takes command when Shaw and Sarah are taken out of commission.

- Season 3, Episode 7 - "Chuck Versus the Mask"

The only substitute for true love is … love? Maybe it was the spirit of Valentine’s Day looming, or a desire to leave us on a happy note while Chuck takes an Olympic-sized hiatus, but love was in the air all through last night’s episode.

Brandon Routh and Kristin Kreuk continued their respective runs on the show, and right smack in the middle of the Chuck/Sarah romance. As I said last week, I’m actually glad to see Chuck with a chance at a relationship outside the spy world. What I didn’t fully realize was how damned near impossible that is turning out to be.

First, he had the constant interruptions from Casey for “yogurt time” last week, and this week it was yet another emergency, though this time at least someone’s life was on the line.

By the time the episode ended, Shaw (Routh) had almost died twice, Sarah once, and even Hannah’s (Kreuk) life nearly ended. This spy game plays hell on the personal life. While I know it’s foolish to hope, considering her guest star status, I can’t help myself. I love Hannah as a character, and she’s a great match for Chuck at this stage of his life.

Plus, it would be a lot of fun to see him trying to hide his secret spy life from a girlfriend. He’s having a hard enough time keeping it from loved ones. It was a little disappointing how quickly the Morgan-Ellie investigative team seemed to wrap up their case, but it may not be over. Ellie still has to confront Awesome about it, and there’s a very good chance he’ll screw that up completely.

The episode was brilliantly put together, with nearly every element threading perfectly into the other. The parallel escalations of the Chuck/Hannah and Sarah/Daniel relationships were really well written, as was the integration of Hannah into the museum heist case.

Chuck’s right about Shaw. The guy carried Sarah out of their base and got her to the museum in time for the antidote to save both their lives. And despite my best attempts to see some evil dark side in him, he seems a genuinely decent guy. Unfortunately, he’s also back on the Ring’s radar, and bad things are likely headed his way.

Hannah, on the other hand, is just the kind of strong and assertive woman Chuck likes. Not to mention that she’s hot, brilliant, into the same geek stuff he is, and she’s completely and totally into him for who he is. Well, the civilian side of him, though I suspect she’d find the spy side pretty hot, too.

It seems pretty inevitable how Sarah and Shaw will wind up — with Shaw dead or captured by the Ring — but it’s less clear how things will sour between Chuck and Hannah. She came to the Buy More for the sole purpose of being with him. That’s commitment.

So here’s my theory. Sarah will always be a present burden for Hannah to endure. The mysterious closeness she and Chuck share will strain their relationship at times, but if and when Shaw disappears from the picture, a broken Sarah will be drawn to Chuck, and Chuck will be there for her emotionally. This may be the straw that breaks Hannah, despite what she said tonight about none of that mattering. It does matter, and Chuck and Sarah are clearly meant to be together.

I only hope that it doesn’t happen for awhile, because I like Chuck with a girlfriend. I like the potential conflict, I like this growing and confident Chuck we’re seeing now, and I want it to last for a little while.

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | Chuck | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

6 Responses to “Chuck – There’s no substitute for love”

February 9, 2010 at 11:40 AM

I’m really liking the Shaw/Sarah, Chuck/Hannah match-ups and it’s made me completely okay with no Sarah/Chuck. I wouldn’t mind if it stayed like that.

February 9, 2010 at 11:41 AM

Can I just throw it out there that I think Kristin Kreuk actually looks a lot better than in her smallville days?

Oh, and great episode :) Loved the little superman comment from Chuck :P

February 9, 2010 at 12:19 PM

I like Chuck/Hannah, not as big on Shaw/Sarah. No offense to your theory, but I’m hoping that Shaw and Sarah’s relationship doesn’t end that way. I think it would make Chuck look like a 2nd option, even though we know that’s not true.

I still think Shaw’s keeping something from the team, based somewhat on his talk with the General in episode 2.

As for Chuck’s spy development, he’s becoming more confident and even save Superman twice. I’m interested to see the evolution of their tema dynamic as the training wheels start to come off. Also, I want more Casey, his line about shutting off the mics was great

February 9, 2010 at 3:29 PM

Hannah is totally a ring planted operative. No chicks that good looking are that much computer nerds or into computer nerds if are.

February 11, 2010 at 7:26 PM

Hey, NastySasquatch.
I must say, I am a little offended by that comment. Did you just say I’m not good looking? ;-)

I really hope you are wrong about Hannah. I like her a lot and I just love the Superman-vibe that kinda comes with her. Kristin Kreuk must have had a slight Clark Kent-feeling from time to time about Chuck running away constantly.

I had a short moment of doubt about Shaw at (almost) the end, but I guess he’s really one of the good guys. I hope, he’s not gonna die, but I’m afraid that’s the most likely outcome.

February 10, 2010 at 7:34 AM

In a night with new episodes of Chuck, Heroes, The Big Bang Theory and Make It or Break It, I never thought Chuck would be at the bottom of the list, especially after such a superior outing last week. Really hoping that was the worst episode of the season.

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