CliqueClack TV

Human Target – Is the spirit of Christopher Chance alive and well?

A few quick comparisons between 'Human Target's' first and second seasons reveals that season two may have finally found its groove. It's a different groove, to be sure, but it might not be so bad ... right?

Human Target has definitely become a different show, and even though it’s easy to negatively compare it to last season, there’s a lot of good going on. I feel like Chance, Guerrero and Winston are finally back to their first season selves — the one-liners of Chance and Guerrero are great and Winston is back to his curmudgeonly self. OK, they’re slightly more goofy (Chance’s “I’m here to see La Tortellini” never would have been uttered in season one, for example) . The show isn’t quite as dark but I think I’m OK with it. Ames wasn’t even in last night’s first episode, so there’s a big win right there.

Even so, I’m so torn as to whether I should let go and accept the new Human Target — here’s a perfect example: Last night, we discover that Chance can vomit on cue. That’s a very lame super-power when compared with the Indiana-Jones-like stunts of last season. However, it’s also one of the only puke jokes I’ve ever — I mean ever — laughed at on television. For that reason alone, I’ll accept it as a super power.

Another one: Last season, in “Corner Man,” Chance is tied to a concrete block and thrown into a pool. He saves himself, even though he is surrounded by armed men, overtakes one, gets his gun and shoots through the water, hitting his target. Last night, he couldn’t even get out of a sewer without needing Ilsa to save him.

The cases are different — lighter. And so is the feel of the show. Chance and Guerrero trying out the new body armor was funny, but that scene wouldn’t have happened last season. That said, there is still a shootout and hand-to-hand fighting in every episode. I know you all loved the prison 2-on-4 fight with Chance and Guerrero, and also the “raise your hand if you’re a terrorist” fight scene, complete with opera soundtrack.

As for my wonderings about Ilsa changing after killing someone, we still need a little time to let that one settle. She strongly supported the team in both episodes last night, so that’s a step in the right direction.

Other musings:

  • Of course Guerrero knows and loves opera.
  • Anyone else think “James Bond villain” when the bad guy locked Chance in the sewer, turned on the water and left him to die? I was waiting for the sharks to appear.
  • Then I thought about the Joker and his goons when all of the henchmen had heard of Guerrero … and the masks helped too.
  • The trio are good shots again … and amazingly, so is Ilsa.
  • Guerrero’s Morse code — awesome.
  • Not sure what to make of Chance following Ilsa for protection.
  • Guerrero broke out of a maximum security prison in four hours. ‘Nuff said.
  • How about Winston’s smile when Chance and Guerrero were fighting? Priceless.
  • The shootout at Gun World when Chance was robbing it was hilarious.
  • “I’m the guy who robbed Gun World.” Why does that crack me up so much?
  • Guerrero really toes the line — is it spying, or watching everyone’s back?
  • Not sure how I feel about Guerrero having a kid.

I’m thinking of going back and watching one or two of my favorite episodes from last season. I’m curious to see if I’ve just gotten used to the new Human Target or if it really is just as enjoyable as last season. It’s different, but I’m no longer sure that it’s inferior. By that statement alone, I probably just got it canceled….

Photo Credit: FOX

Categories: | Episode Reviews | Features | General | TV Shows |

9 Responses to “Human Target – Is the spirit of Christopher Chance alive and well?”

January 15, 2011 at 4:18 PM

I agree that it’s gotten better, but I still don’t like it nearly as much as last season. I really want to like it, I truly do, but it’s just missing something. It is no longer appointment viewing and to be honest I probably wouldn’t be sad if it didn’t get renewed in its current form. And that makes me sad.

I’m still hopeful, though, since the show is moving in the right direction. It could easily have stagnated in the state we found it during the first few episodes, so the people that make it must be aware of fans’ concerns. That makes me a little less sad.

Keeping my fingers crossed.

January 15, 2011 at 4:49 PM

Honestly I’d rather they dumped Mrs. “please fill out your W2s” Ilsa Pucci and kept Ames. I find the whole plot line of her orthodox ways butting against Chance and Co’s unorthodox style grating.

January 15, 2011 at 8:13 PM

My initial reaction to your comment was to say that her character is easing up gradually, but it seems like even though she’s shown accepting the realities of her situation one week, the next week she’s got that stick up her bum again. I’m hoping now that she’s had the unfortunate experience of having to kill someone maybe she’ll be more understanding. I do see the show moving in the right direction and she could really turn out to be a fun character if she gets on board with the boys’ way of doing things.

Personally I find Ames to be the more annoying of the two because she seems like basically the same person she was when she was introduced. Granted Ilsa can be far more annoying with her stuffy style, but she shows glimpses of understanding and willingness to change. Just look at how she came around to Guerrero’s insistence he be paid in cash for one small example.

January 15, 2011 at 9:46 PM

I’m still giving them tme on Ames, shes only actually been in like 6 episodes, and only really two or three where she was a major part of the episode.

January 15, 2011 at 11:02 PM

Like everyone, I’m up in the air about the female characters. I loved Indira Varma as Crazy Suzy in Torchwood and the snooty sister in Bride and Prejudice, but, here, the upper crust accent sounds forced. Plus, what is up with the show’s stereotype of the sheltered upper-crust British woman (Ilsa/her friend) who can’t handle a gun and doesn’t trust the well-trained people around her to do their job?

While I love Ilsa’s limitless bank account, each week she drops major $ (the Russian guards, the southern governor, the plane trips/repair/fuel/pilot funeral services, office repairs), shouldn’t the well eventually run dry?

I’d love to see her contribute by bringing awesome cases to the group, serving as a voice of reason when actually necessary, and learn some common sense (like NOT using your CC to buy $300 shoes when on the lam). I almost wish they’d write an episode similar to Torchwood 1.8 where Ilsa doubles as her crazy, paranoid, power-mad sister –

January 16, 2011 at 12:39 AM

I’m none too happy that the people in charge of updating the DVR schedules failed miserably with these episodes.

January 16, 2011 at 2:22 PM

I’m with Chuck about the DVR schedules–as I mailed you before, if it were not for your e-mail, I would have missed two excellent episodes. I am really learning to enjoy the show with the added female characters–I agree Ilsa is a difficult case, but that seems to be the idea. I could do without Ames, but of the scripted shows on FOX, this one is the keeper for me.

January 18, 2011 at 7:33 AM

Sometimes I wonder if season 1 was really deserving of the pedestal its been put on (there were some bumpy episodes in there too), or if its just a knee-jerk reaction to changes being made to the show.

Me, I’ve given in and accepted it. The show isn’t going to change back to its season 1 state, so we should at least give the new team a chance to make good with what they’ve got.

What we’ve got out of it is an uneven few episodes at the start of the season, and then some pretty consistently entertaining episodes in the back half.

Fox’s scheduling is a bit suspicious – it feels to me like they’re trying to burn off the remaining episodes by doing double episodes on such a short season, but who knows that TPTB are thinking.

As for this week, I felt Imbroglio was entertaining (good to see Carlo Rota as well), and Cool Hand Guerrero might be one of the highlights of the season (depends what they’ve got in store for us in the next couple of weeks).

It’s a different show, but it appears to be in fairly capable hands.

Also, I want to hate the new opening credits music, but its kind of catchy. But the season 1 soundtrack is still brilliant.

April 11, 2011 at 11:14 AM

“It’s different, but I’m no longer sure that it’s inferior. By that statement alone, I probably just got it canceled….”

Don’t worry, the show’s ratings were sagging long before you wrote this. And, hey, if FOX can renew a Fringe that’s bleeding viewers on Fridays, maybe they can make Friday night a two-fer.

Baptiste threatened Guerrero’s kid in his first episode last year, so that’s not a new development.

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