CliqueClack TV

Human Target takes an estrogen bath

All season long, we've been wondering what the addition of two females to our beloved trip team would do to 'Human Target.' While some of it has been enjoyable, I think we finally have our answer: Chance is clearly producing his own estrogen.

Um … what was that? I’m thinking TV movie of the week, or maybe one of those random episodes of Lost that just didn’t fit into the rest of the series (think awesome Sawyer/Miles buddy cop show) … but definitely not an episode of Human Target. This is a shining example of what estrogen has done to our trio, folks. Cripes, even Chance has estrogen now, it seems.

Guerrero may be the only one left who still oozes testosterone. I’ll be sure to never call him a freak or threaten his kid. He is just all kinds of awesome and I’m glad they’ve stayed true to his character.

Character. Yeah, I’m not against character growth by any means, but it’s really not doing anyone any good to have Chance soften up. The foundation upon which Human Target is built is Chance’s broody redemption: think Angel without the fangs. Remember when Angel swooned over Cordelia? Yeah, me neither … and score one for the snarky reviewer.

As I was writing this, I received an email from my 64-year-old mother, asking me if I’d seen the last two episodes of Human Target (yeah, thanks for reading, Mom) … punctuated with a “WOW!” Now, I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with being 64 and loving Human Target, and if that’s the demographic that FOX is going for then they are apparently very successful. Well done, FOX. I know there’s some kind of calculus proof that FOX must use, and the answer comes out to be “64-year-old women = loves estrogen.” Perhaps it’s that they are missing theirs … wow, huge digression, but I think I’ve made my point.

Enough ranting … there was some good stuff:

  • Every scene with Winston and Chance sparkled with the old magic; from the Caveman-Oprah exchange to “We’ll always have Geneva” to Winston telling Chance he’s never seen him scared before. Those two are one of the finest bromances ever to grace our TV screens.
  • I loved the green lights for Chance at the end … although I sort of felt like I was watching some old John Cusack movie or something.
  • Every bit of the episode tonight was fairly entertaining … it just wasn’t Human Target.
  • The set-up with the fake Ilsa was well done. Seeing our team be caught off-guard like that for a moment was jarring.
  • Actually, every fake-out was good tonight — finding out Julia was bad, the bait and switch they did at the hotel with Ilsa (until she got all estrogen-y and didn’t follow the plan)

Then there was the unbelievable. FOX, we want the unbelievable, we really do — like Chance the Superhero dropping from the ceiling and shooting every armed gunman in the room with one clip — but we don’t want the eye-rolling boot stuck in the train tracks or Ilsa just happening to have the letter from Marshall in her purse.

And now I leave you, with my heart shattered (and right before Valentine’s Day too), knowing this may very well be the last Human Target that I ever see and burned into my infernal memory cells is Christopher Chance on an estrogen patch.

Photo Credit: Liane Hentscher/FOX

Categories: | Episode Reviews | Features | General | TV Shows |

12 Responses to “Human Target takes an estrogen bath”

February 10, 2011 at 12:19 AM

Guerrero is a GOD!!! I will miss him, please get another show where you are as badass. Winston, you just keep getting the short side of good shows gone bad, first Pushing Daisies now, this one. Chance, how you have falling from awesome anti hero to really dumb ass school kid in love. I will not miss the season 2 Chance. Nuff said… the women just distroyed the show.
RIP to season 1 Human Target. I will try hard to forget it ever got a second season….

February 10, 2011 at 3:22 PM

Oh, my … what a train wreck season two was. If there is to be a season three, I vote for another new show runner.

February 10, 2011 at 4:45 PM

I’m just happy Joe didn’t really die and it was all just a CIA cover-up.

Till the end =(

February 10, 2011 at 6:05 PM

Either I’m having a complete brain cramp or you’ve gotten a name wrong — who is Joe? ;-)

February 11, 2011 at 4:31 AM

Is Allison’s husband in Medium, who died in the series finale in a pretty big upset a couple of weeks ago. They used the same actor for the CIA boss ;)

February 11, 2011 at 8:47 AM

AH! I knew he looked familiar, but I didn’t watch Medium. Nice catch! :-)

February 11, 2011 at 2:27 PM

Thank you for this post and the one about the continuity of Chance’s ability to love. In “Ilsa Pucci,” didn’t the lawyer kill Marshall? That’s how he had Marshall’s eyeball. Now it was all a CIA cover up? Was I too distracted by Ilsa’s awful character (she really makes terrible choices and is so annoying) and her lack of chemistry with Chance to notice some sort of explanation? Or is this just another of many continuity issues?


February 11, 2011 at 2:42 PM

I know, I thought of that too and from what I remember, we never really knew who killed Marshall. We assumed it was the lawyer b/c he had the eyeball, but I do believe it was left open for interpretation, which is how they can slink out of yet another continuity issue!

April 11, 2011 at 11:56 AM

Naturally, I haven’t bothered to watch any of this train wreck, but my bitterness has subsided enough for me to go back and find your reviews. I’m still going to miss these three intelligent, professional badasses in the seasons to come.

And I’ve been saving the link to this Salon article for months, another poignant elegy from a fellow fan to what once was.

Dear God, Ames, the master thief, is still wearing a bizarrely-strapped together slinky dress in current promo pics, when she should look like Erica from Breakout Kings.

Ha, an excerpt from a WonderCon report: “An earlier suggestion by Haley, when Busch asked for ideas on what to send the network as a show of fan support, was evocative of the dark humor and dichotomous nature of many characters on the show: ‘Guns.'”

And can the man not take a hint: “Miller also admitted that he is considering ‘adding… some new people’ to the show’s cast, following the addition of Indira Varma and Janet Montgomery in the second season. ‘Not necessarily series regulars,’ he clarified. ‘But just new people who can come into our world.'”

I also find it amusing that Miller now suggests Chance wasn’t predestined to be paired with Ilsa, and that it could have been Ames instead, when he was saying something quite different last August in multiple interviews, such as “how is Chance (John Valley) going to respond to a woman that’s now his boss, and watching that romantic tension play out throughout the course of a season.” Personally, I never read anything about Chance and Ames until this April.

April 11, 2011 at 1:38 PM

I still think they missed their chance for a romantic pairing with Emmannuel Vaugier. You wouldn’t have to have her around all the time, and she had tons of chemisty with Chance and his team.

Right now, I’m hoping they get rid of Ilsa, but I doubt they will. I don’t know if there was an episode all season where she stood out for good reasons.

I’ll tune in to season 3, but I hope this show gets a consistent timeslot for a season, as it’s been moved around for both of it’s seasons so far.

April 11, 2011 at 12:00 PM

Ooh, I forgot to add: Thanks for taking the bullet for the rest of us, Debbie!

April 11, 2011 at 1:19 PM

HA! :-) You’re welcome, though it really wasn’t such a bad bullet to take. There really is a lot of good left in the series and I hopefully can get a post out about why I’ll watch season three before they cancel it! ;-)

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