CliqueClack TV

My maiden voyage through Westeros – Game of Thrones: Lord Snow

Are you new to the 'A Game of Thrones' world? Each week, I will review it from the perspective of a newbie to the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. You won't find spoilers from the book here, just a review of the show itself.

- Season 1, Episode 3 - "Lord Snow"

I’m not sure why this week’s Game of Thrones was titled “Lord Snow,” because, while he was in the episode, he wasn’t the main focus. After last week’s episode, I posted a poll asking you who was your favorite character and the results were as follows: Tyrion (29%), Jon (19%), Arya (19%), Daenerys (10%), direwolves (7%), and Ned (7%). I was not surprised to see Tyrion lead the poll, since even before the show aired, he was talked about as a fan-favorite.

It wasn’t until tonight that I understood Tyrion’s attractiveness. Prior, I thought he was as power hungry as his siblings. I wasn’t sure what to make of his slapping Joffrey, but now I understand that he didn’t do it to show power over Joffrey, but to put the young prince in his place and teach him to respect his hosts. His interactions with Jon showed that he is nothing like his pretty, but despicable brother and sister.

Tyrion showed his true nature by helping Jon adjust to his life on the wall. It definitely didn’t end up being the glamorous position he was expecting. I was worried for Jon, especially after having his request to join his uncle on the journey past the wall denied. Fortunately, he decided to take the right path to get over his disappointment and use his personality and his fighting abilities to train the new men of the night’s watch.

In King’s Landing, the sides were being formed — the Starks vs. the Lannisters. As Ceresi was warning Joffrey about the Starks, Ned was warning Arya about the Lannisters. Despite the distrust and hatred of each other, Joffrey and Sansa are expected to marry by both sets of parents. Which side of this war will the King end up fighting? As much as I can’t stand the insolent Joffrey, I adore the independent Arya. I hope they duel at some point and she kicks his ass. As Ned said, “We must protect ourselves.”

Unlike King’s Landing, there are no sides with the Dothraki, because they live by a strict code. It was thrilling to see the demure Daenerys embrace her position as Khaleesi. The power shift from Viserys to Daenerys was unexpected; it was my favorite moment when Viserys was put in his place. I expect he will pay a price for his cruelty to her. Now that she is pregnant and has started a loving relationship with Drogo, I think Viserys will be sidelined. If the Dothraki invade and fight for the Iron Throne, he will never be King. Out of all the different stories being told, I’ve found the Dothraki-Targaryen one to be the most interesting.

After three episodes, Game of Thrones has become one of  my favorite shows on television. There is an appeal to this dark world of Westeros and with winter coming, I expect it will only get darker. Through the darkness, there are special moments that make it all seem worth it, such as: Arya taking sword fighting lessons, watching the joy and then pain on Ned’s face watching her, Daeryns finding her strength, and even a baby.

Other thoughts:

  • Will Cat’s former suitor, Baelish, cause trouble for Ned? She seems to have been a hot item when she was younger.
  • Cersei is just pain evil. It’s understandable that Joffrey is insolent when he has her for a mother.
  • King Baratheon has become more intolerable to watch each week. I’m not sure what to make of him, except I don’t think he will be king for long.
  • The old lady’s story to Bran — scary stuff. And, I expect most of it is true. I fear for their future.
  • Daeryns — loved, loved, loved her outfit.
  • Why did Mormont seem concerned with Daenerys’ pregnancy? Why did he take off in a hurry?
  • Winter is coming. I worry for the Night’s Watch. Do they have any chance of protecting the realm?


Photo Credit: HBO

9 Responses to “My maiden voyage through Westeros – Game of Thrones: Lord Snow”

May 2, 2011 at 12:22 AM

Are you planning to read the novels? If so, can I try to convince you not to read them? I love your non-“book read” reviews. As someone who’s read the novels, it’s great to see how TV-only viewers perceive the show and characters.

With that out of the way, I loved the episode; pity they didn’t show the wolves in the background.

May 2, 2011 at 12:30 AM

At this point, I plan on reading the first book after the season finishes. I’m not sure if I will continue to read them or not. I’m guessing, I will love the book so much that I won’t be able to stop myself from moving on to the second book.

But, I really want to watch the second season unspoiled. I will work on my self-control.

I’m glad you are enjoying these posts, hopefully people aren’t laughing at how clueless I am about what is coming. I decided that I would write my speculations as I do with other shows, even though I am probably wrong most of the time.

May 2, 2011 at 12:49 AM

For sure, once you finish book one you’ll find it very hard to resist the rest of the books (the fifth one will be out by then!).

I would love to assess your speculations, but I’d rather not spoil anything and ruin the season for you.

(No spoilers) As far as the TV show is concerned, especially this episode, they have mixed it up a little bit from the book. They’ve introduced/changed scenes to speed up exposition, which is great as it simplifies things, and two, brings something new for the folks who’ve read the books.

Three episodes in, the portrayal of most of the characters is true to the book, but Peter Dinklage and Maisie Williams are simply spectacular as Tryion and Arya.

May 2, 2011 at 1:05 AM

It will be interesting to see how people who have read the books like or don’t like some changes that are coming. I participated in interviews with the Executive Producers and GRRM, they mentioned that there are 2 major changes that are huge departures from the book and will have ramifications going forward.

Hopefully, that will create intrigue for those familiar with the books. Though, I’m sure some fans will be upset.

May 2, 2011 at 8:11 AM

It will be VERY difficult to make it all the way to the end of the season w/out reading the book :)

May 3, 2011 at 9:16 PM

I’m enjoying your tv only reviews so please keep up the good work.

From my own perspective the situation is the complete reverse of yours: I have read and cherished the books numerous times since their release as the time between releases has expanded – I will read the four again before the 5th is released in July. However, living in Australia, we will not get the series on Showcase until mid-year. Thus for me the question is how much do I read of the reviews? I have found the reviews that stick to the TV series alone far more interesting and engaging as well as plain enjoyable because I can look at the material again through virgin eyes, unsullied.

So while I have weakened and read a lot of reviews, it has merely got me more and more excited for the eventual release here in Australia. However with the shoe on the other foot, try and hold your ground and avoid reading the books for as long as you can. They will still be there awaiting your eager eye when you’re good and ready.

As for your predictions, I shall not spoil a thing. I will say though that you seem a very intelligent girl and far from clueless.

Best Regards

May 4, 2011 at 1:17 AM

Thank you! I’m glad you are enjoying the reviews. I won’t start reading the books until this season is over. I may not even read them then. I’m not sure yet.

From what I understand, the first six episodes stay pretty close to the books (I could be wrong, though). After that there are a couple major deviations. So, if you don’t want to be spoiled you may want to avoid reviews at that point. Though, it could be difficult to avoid them.

May 13, 2011 at 4:05 PM

kat likes! *purr*

May 4, 2011 at 6:16 PM

Really enjoying your reviews, and I do know why. They see the world of westeros with innocent eyes, like we all did when we read the first book. You make more or less the same questions that we did to ourselves. But then George RR Martin happened….it is just impossible for any newcomer to imagine how the story is gonna resolve, believe me, so we enjoy your innocent view, and we wait full of lust for your future reactions to the endless cliffhanger. But don’t let the tv show spoil you from the tragic beauty of the books. Read them. Don’t care about our curiosity. Read them and be amazed. And shocked.

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