CliqueClack TV

True Blood returns with great potential

'True Blood' returned in the season four premiere with a whole new vibe. This new direction for the show is a promising shift from the somewhat disappointing previous two seasons.

- Season 4, Episode 1 - "She's Not There"

True Blood returned a changed show. It is amazing how much people can change in just over a year. The creative decision to time jump seems to be a brilliant one based on the premiere episode, “She’s Not There.” With the exception of Andy, everyone else in Bon Temps seemed to have found themselves in this year. It was refreshing to see less dysfunction, though being True Blood I’m sure it won’t last.

I was most excited to see a mature Jason. More than anyone else, he has grown from a woman hungry, V-addict to a responsible cop taking care of a whole community. And, really, I can’t blame him for selling Sookie’s house. Though, why, after over a year of helping his ex’s community survive, would they turn on him now? Have the previous leaders returned? Is Jason’s cougar back?  If they are, I hope they don’t drag him back into the person he used to be. I much prefer this manly, honorable, and yes, sexier Jason (though the facial hair — that can go!).

Jason was not the only one to grow over this year, it seems that Sam didn’t kill his brother in the finale. While he definitely still has issues, I like the story potential of his shapeshifting posse. The first season Sam was one of my favorite characters, unfortunately during the last two seasons he became annoying and I hated when he was on the screen. I would love to see him redeemed and find a true love interest — perhaps Tara.

Speaking of Tara, what is up with her? She has taken her anger and put it to work for her. How awesome was she both in the ring and in bed? I don’t recall her being with a woman before, but how can you blame her after all that men have done to her. While she had her time away, she also seemed to mature and work out some of her issues. She was another character that I didn’t really care for last season, but this shift could be a wonderful thing to see play out when she returns to Bon Temps. Yes, she has to return!

One of my favorite scenes of the episode was the dueling speeches of Bill and Eric. Now, I have never been a fan of Bill (he’s boring!), nor of the Bill and Sookie relationship, but tonight Bill actually shined. He looked better (nice haircut and coloring) and he came across much stronger than the previous love stricken, weak Bill. His new position of power and the disappearance of Sookie was good for him. I hope he stays away from her; I’d love to see him focus on being a leader.

Eric … woah. I love his interactions with Sookie. The more she fights him, the better they seem together. If anyone remained status quo from the finale it was Eric. He is still at Fantasia, still in love with Sookie, and his buying her grandmother’s house was a smart move. Here’s to season four being an Eric and Sookie season!

Quotes and Notes:

  • “Decapitating barbie dolls. What the hell kind of baby does that” – Arlene
  • I’m not sure what to make of the baby. I really hope it doesn’t end up being a devil child.
  • Andy Andy Andy — quit the V!
  • What the heck was Tommy doing with Hoyt’s mother?
  • The dinner scene between Jessica and Hoyt was pretty darn funny. But, between that and Jessica’s temptation at Fantasia, I don’t think their relationship is going to be without issues this season.
  • Lafayette’s journey into witchcraft and his relationship with Jesus is probably my least favorite storyline at this point. I’m not really sure where it is going or the point of it. And, if it ends up tying into what’s happening with other characters on the show, I hope it is done in a positive manner. There is enough darkness on the show.
  • The Fae — I’m glad they only were around for the first few minutes of the episode. I thought they would be a good-hearted force on the show, so I was disappointed to see they weren’t. True Blood could use a tad of hope and goodness.

Photo Credit: HBO

2 Responses to “True Blood returns with great potential”

June 27, 2011 at 2:28 PM

So glad to see that you’re doing the TB recaps! I had my fingers crossed!
On another note, I’ve been complaining about how stupid this show has gotten, and threatened to stop watching if it got any worse. A commenter on another site said it best, “The first season was like real-life with vampires in the background, and now every character is some sort of mythical being”. And my finger was hovering over the channel button on the remote for the first few minutes of this episode. I mean, fairy/goblin people throwing glitter balls of destruction? It doesn’t get much stupider (yes, I know thats not a word) than that. That would be a difficult pill to swallow even on Harry Potter. Mercifully, that scene was fairly short and everything went back to normal after that. I really did enjoy the rest of the episode. I’m not sure I can handle any more of the “fairy” stuff though…

June 27, 2011 at 11:18 PM

Wow. Thanks. (By the way, the Game of Thrones post went up today)

I have threatened to quit watching for awhile, but I just can’t seem to give it up. The premiere has me hopeful it will be a good season. I hope the fairies stay away too.

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