CliqueClack TV

Californication – Thanking the Chairman

I’m all for Hank coming out ahead on the show, but I haven’t been able to understand why Karen would keep throwing herself at Hank this season. I understand their connection, but nothing that Batesy put her through negates everything that Hanks done.

- Season 5, Episode 11 - "The Party"

So Hank’s heading back to New York? Seems silly to keep sending him there for the hiatus, only to have him return in time for a new season of Californication. Wouldn’t it make more sense to see what a season would be like with Hank 3,000 miles away from it all? I’m not saying I want him afar, but I don’t get the point of sending him back to New York only once the season finale gets here.

Patrick Fischler is hilarious, and I love how he was paired with Batesy as his AA sponsor, Gabriel. Gabriel’s methods could be considered controversial, and that was true even before Hank walked in on Gabriel and Batesy fooling around. But Batesy has always been a little sexually ambiguous … I just think the more important issue is that he was being unfaithful. Good for Hank for standing up for Karen’s feelings, even if he fails to practice what he preaches.

Hank’s surprise going away party at Charlie’s house was insane. First of all, Lizzie (Camilla Luddington) is not that good an actress. Clearly she wants some alone time with Hank. Does Charlie deserve someone who’s that bad for him? True he put Marcy through a lot, but Lizzie’s (initial) dalliance with Stu was unforgivable enough. Her continued transgressions (both real and fantasy) make it clear that she’s not the right girl for Charlie.

But Charlie didn’t take the hint, and instead he apologized to her (what?) and proposed … that he could potentially get serious with her. How very romantic. It sucks that he got shot down, but what did he expect?

And what about Tyler and Kali? As much as I like Scott Michael Foster, I’ve got to go with Hank Moody as my favorite on this show, time and time again. Hank’s already going to pay the price for his Kali fling (it’s inevitable, right?), so must he also watch her with Tyler AND know that, as a consequence, his daughter’s heart will be shattered all over again? Tyler deserved the beating that Hank delivered. Sorry, Cappie!

So, what have we learned this season? I’m not sure I know how to answer that question. I do think that Hank’s gradually learning just how deeply he hurt Karen, and also just how much of a good thing he threw away with her (observing Becca and Tyler’s relationship is playing a large part in that for Hank). And yet, regardless of what’s been Hank can still find himself on a beach, with Karen throwing herself at him. While he doesn’t get the white picket fence and a dog, he’ll always have Karen’s heart. So he didn’t really move forward on that front.

You could argue that Hank’s gaining a deeper appreciation for how grown up his daughter has become, and how many ways he’s potentially scarred her in her young life. But I think Hank lost the illusion that Becca was a little girl back when she told him she’d lost her virginity. This has been fuel to the fire, but the sparks date back a while now.

So what was the short answer theme of this fifth season?

No idea. You?

Photo Credit: Showtime

8 Responses to “Californication – Thanking the Chairman”

March 27, 2012 at 2:33 AM

“Good for Hank for standing up for Karen’s feelings, even if he fails to practice what he preaches.”

At what point did Hank cheat on Karen?

March 27, 2012 at 6:06 PM

You, and apparently practically everyone else who watches this show, fail to remember that Hank has NEVER cheated on Karen. Anytime he’s ever slept with anyone else, he and Karen were ALWAYS broken up at the time. Karen is the one who did the initial cheating on their relationship (with Mia’s dad Bill) in Season 1. Her indignation and anger over Hank’s sexual escapades has never been deserved. I wish people would get that straight!

March 27, 2012 at 8:45 PM

cgassjhad and KitKat – I’ve watched this show since the beginning, and have ALWAYS been under the impression that Hank cheated on Karen. My understanding of the series leaves that as a given. And we got specific proof this season in that weird episode where Hank and Kali write that song together. In a flashback we were introduced to a woman that Hank cheated on Karen with back when he was first starting out in Hollywood.

Hank and Karen were also technically still together when she went to NY … and he maintained three relationships while teaching. I don’t think Hank would say that he never cheated on Karen.

March 28, 2012 at 4:46 PM

I’m sorry, but you’re completely wrong in this. Looks like you need to watch the flashback episode from this season again because Hank flatly turned that woman down. He told her he was in a committed relationship and didn’t ever step out on Karen. She was surprised and disappointed, but accepted it and moved on.

And when Karen went to NYC, there was specific dialogue between she and Hank about them being free to see other people while she was gone. Also, there was specific dialogue where Hank himself states that he’s never cheated on her while they were together – the argument they have after she found out he’d slept with Trixie the prostitute. He tells her she can’t be mad at him for all of the people he slept with while they were apart. And he was exactly right!

I don’t understand how you can write reviews for a show when you obviously miss so much or misinterpret what happens on it. Might I suggest multiple viewing before you write about it?

March 28, 2012 at 6:09 PM

Yep totally agree with you there. If anything Karen’s been established as the cheater, running after Hank at the end of S1. He’s just a soul who’s intentions are good.

March 28, 2012 at 7:15 PM

When has Hank ever cheated on Karen? Never. All the times that they were together he never strayed. It was only when they went their separate ways. If anyone is a cheater its Karen! She cheated on Hank with Bill. I’m not sure where you ever saw Hank cheat because i never did.

March 28, 2012 at 9:07 PM

I have also watched this show since the beginning and I must agree with those who say Hank has never cheated on Karen. In an early flashback episode, Karen admitted becoming involved with Bill because Hank had become so involved in his work on the movie that he was not spending a lot of time with his family, that there was a communication break down so she started talking to Bill and that lead to a lot more. All of Hank’s involvements have been when they were apart and I agree, there was an agreement between them when she was in NY that they could see other people. The flashback early this season clearly showed Hank turning down the offer made to him with a definite comment made to her that he was involved in a relationship with Karen and he was honoring that. You need to rewatch all of these shows as many of us have done Snd you will see that we are correct

June 4, 2012 at 9:42 AM

Let me start out by saying I have watched this show from the begining & have loved it until this season. I felt something was different from the begining, something missing in the writing. This season didn’t provide me with the out loud laughs it used to. The storylines are becoming stale I mean how many times is Karen gonna go running from another man to Hank after all the shit he’s put her through ? The other dissapointment I had this season was the shrinking screen time of Marcy (Pamela Aldon) who in past season I thought to be the funniest character on the show. Most of her time this season is spent bitching about her son & that bubbly, funny personality is gone. I was suprised to see Showtime did renew the series for season six even though Californacation has never had stellar ratings, it used to be a whip smart, edgy,adult comedy that to me this year has become a bore, oh I will tune in for season six just see if the writers can redeem themselves but there is two things we absolutely know people, #1 Hank doesn’t die by poisoning. & #2 No matter what happens in season 6 or any subsequent seasons, in the end, Hank ends up with Karen.

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