CliqueClack TV

The Vampire Diaries – I am what I am

'The Vampire Diaries' explores the theme of there being good and evil inside everyone, and how everyone has a different level of acceptance for that fact.

- Season 3, Episode 19 - "Heart of Darkness"

“Alright Whoopie, what do you need? Candles, incense, pottery wheel?” – Damon to Jeremy, trying to get Rose’s ghost to talk

Ha! I knew there was something to that twitching when Esther held Rebekah’s hands as she was dying! Esther is the perfect partner for Alaric the Evil, and maybe she can get some questions answered. I’m betting she either knows or can find out who sired Mary Porter, Rose’s sire. Her witchiness can likely save Tyler, no matter what happens to the originals; there’s got to be some sort of loophole there. A brilliant stroke of a storyline! This will be a way to pull Bonnie back into the fold as well.

What do you make of Stefan sending Damon and Elena off together, to discover their true feelings? Part of me is astounded at Stefan’s altruistic behavior, the other part of me realizes that it’s not only the right thing to do, but the only way Stefan and Elena can ever be together again. Rose, so wise, hit the nail on the head when she told Jeremy that Damon could be the best thing or the worst thing for Elena. I’m convinced that Stefan is in complete control now — his speech to Klaus at the end (and the way Klaus’s face just dropped when he knew it was true) was awesome. Because he’s accepted his dark side (feel like I’m watching Dexter …), it can’t control him and neither can Klaus.

Back to Elena and Damon — wow, that kiss! That totally hot, steamy, on-fire kiss! Now that that’s out of the way, there were a couple of interesting things about the interactions between these two. First off, Elena knows there’s good in Damon and embraces that, and I loved this exchange:

“Why don’t you let people see the good in you?” – Elena
“When people see good, they expect good and I don’t want to live up to anyone’s expectations.” – Damon

Kind of telling, but shows that Damon is just about as self-actualized as his brother these days. He’s not pulling any punches — he is who he is. However, he’s also aware that he does sabotage things. When he hinted to Elena that he might not always have to sabotage things, and that she’d have to figure out how she feels, it just about killed me. So now he’s offering to change for her, and teasing her all at the same time. There’s that challenge that Rose mentioned!

Alaric seems to be wrestling with his dark side a little more than the Salvatore brothers. I misunderstood the ring’s powers at first. I thought that Alaric was taking on the crazy of the former wearer, but it seems like all of the rings bring out the alter ego of the wearer, whatever that may be. And Alaric doesn’t like his. Stefan was a good person to talk to about this, since he’s done so well accepting his dark side — that’s even what helped Alaric finally give up the location of the stake.

Only three more episodes left … and I didn’t even watch the trailer for next week’s episode. I want surprises! What about you? How do you want to see The Vampire Diaries season three wrap up?

This and that:

  • Oh Tyler, really? Jealousy is so unbecoming after such a heartfelt (and other things felt) reunion. I just adore Caroline’s face, and the way her feelings are written all over it. She beams when she’s with Tyler.
  • Speaking of which, this was quite the naked chest episode. It’s like the Powers that Be thought the viewers needed their fix of TVD chests after the short hiatus. No, no, that wasn’t complaining. …
  • I’ve got to take Rebekah’s side on the ’20s dance — way more fun than the ’70s. Matt helped Caroline, but I do think he and Rebekah might be something … although now that Rebekah is Esther, that’s sort of cougar-y.


Photo Credit: Quantrell D. Colbert/The CW

One Response to “The Vampire Diaries – I am what I am”

April 24, 2012 at 12:31 PM

Only 3 more episodes!? What>?! That is unacceptable. I truly will have to start watching the first season of Supernatural.

Loved Rose’s explanation of the Damon and Elena relationship. I feel like Damon almost knows her better now than Stefan does. I think she needs a road trip with Stefan to see if anything is really left there.

Oh, also. When Elena keeps commenting that she is questioning whether or not she has feelings for Damon it’s like asking if the sky is blue. If you want to kiss and attack him Elena, yes that means you have feelings for him. Duh.

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