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The Celebrity Apprentice – Whose team are you on?

The final two were announced by The Trumpster on The Celebrity Apprentice this week. Do you agree with his decision? I think I do. I'll tell you why in this post,and I'll call the winner.

- Season 12, Episode 13 - "And Then There Were Two"

Within the first ten minutes ofThe Celebrity Apprentice this week, Donald fulfilled many of our hopes and dreams and sent Aubrey O’Day packing. The reasoning behind his decision? “Transparency.”

In her rebuttal, I don’t think Aubrey had a clue as to what this word actually meant in relation to herself. “F#&k them! Transparent is not the word. I stand in your face!”

Um … yes Aubrey. We’ve all experienced that from you. However. Here I do believe that Monsieur Trumpster meant that you are transparent in your shady dealings, lying ways, grabbing the spotlight, running roughshod over people, throwing  teammates under the nearest bus and kissing The Family Ass for advancement.

Does that make the word just a bit more clear?I thought it might.

Which left us with Arsenio and Clay as the final two. (Toot my own horn, I predicted that!)

There was tons of filler about the last task at hand, that I could have lived without. But that’s how Don Don rolls with us and builds the suspense. That is so by the end of the live finale next week, most of us will be chewing our own arms off in angsty anticipation. Oh! And he does it for advertising dollars and ratings too. He’s a cheeky one.

Let’s talk about who’s gonna win this thing (Clay) and why.

Arsenio: had the wind blow his way several weeks ago when the men’s team won a task, and he did not raise a single buck for his charity. Remember, he was waiting for that one donation from Jay Leno that never arrived? Well … that particular task was all about fundraising and if his project manager had lost? Dude would have been toast.

He’s been suave and collected playing this game. He’s let others step up when he was P.M. and do all the work, secure in the knowledge that he could get them fired in the boardroom for making all the mistakes, should he lose. He has made flying under the radar his personal sport. I gotta admit — he excels at it.

As far as his famous temper goes … he gained Trumpie’s respect by admitting he has one, but did apologize to Aubrey for his tirade against her. Thus, proving he’s a man or something.

Look: if you saw that that outburst? You’re with me when I say that Arsenio meant it. He meant every last “f#&king bitch” he said. That rant lasted awhile, and he just let go with righteousness. However when he saw the fallout, he realized he had to sweep up some collateral damage and quick. That, or lose face with the fans and ultimately lose the game for not being able to control his ownself. (A Celebrity Apprentice has to be able to lead, ya know.) So he simply told us and Mr. T. what we wished to hear. Just looking at his face and hearing that smarmy tone was enough to lose me. From that point on? I’ve just thought him creepy.

Clay: on the other hand, has remained relatively cool. Yes, he “lost it” on Penn, but it was not on the scale of Arsenio’s anger. When Clay gets upset, it’s usually with good reason, and much restraint. Tonight we saw him get very adamant with Debbie Gibson over her ridiculous notion of letting her cousin paint the walls of Clay’s venue without his okay of her design.  It looks like this turns into a major deal next week, and frankly makes me want to punch Debbie G. in the throat.

Clay should be stern at this point. He’s up for the whole enchilada. He was correct tonight when he said he’s the only one eligible to get fired. So his team better get over it, and help him attain that goal.

He’s leading. Arsenio is once again stepping back and trusting others to do his task. Way too much, for it being his final one.

We’ll see Clay take this bad boy next week. Mark my words. He deserves it. He wants it for the charity he created. He’s personally invested. He’s played the game well, with the most consistency and is the most talented.

Even The Donald should know that by now.

Things That Made Me Laugh:

Aubrey is so juvenile. She was as petulant as a third grader about “getting picked last.” Geez.

Arsenio letting Adam direct his video and not knowing who the hell the crew in L.A. was, and trusting them blindly to shoot Magic Johnson. Um … kindof the most important part of your PSA that you’re relinquishing control over! Hello!

Adam’s Friend Who Shoots The Video ends up filming Magic from the side? Who does that?? I know these guys aren’t professional (wow nice of you to recommend them Adam) but really. Mr. Bill could have told you that actors speak directly into the camera at their audience while performing a script like this. And he’s made of play-doh and has no brain!





Photo Credit: NBC

2 Responses to “The Celebrity Apprentice – Whose team are you on?”

May 14, 2012 at 8:47 AM

I love that Adam kept saying to Arsenio that he had a professional crew in LA and had a background in directing\production. But, then admitted in the confessonal that they were amateur guys he used to capture audio sounds for blog bits.

May 14, 2012 at 3:46 PM

I kind of hope that Adam’s guys are pulling a prank and there will be really footage to follow. The set-up for suspsense in editing was to much for there not to be some silly pay-off.

Clay scares me. It’s like he has some serious simmering rage. And I giggled profusely when Aubrey was the last one picked. Loved it.

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