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boston legal


The Practice virgin’s diary – How about some more “Pro Se” trials?

Ellenor’s client makes a desperate attempt to stay out of prison by representing himself in a murder trial. Meanwhile, Helen and Bobby find themselves caught up in a sting operation involving the US Attorney and a well-respected jurist.

by Aryeh S.

The Practice virgin’s diary – Everybody’s begging for favors

Donnell and Associates try cashing in personal favors for their clients … miraculously, the DA’s office doesn’t mind breaking the law for their friends.

by Aryeh S.

The Practice virgin’s diary – Bobby could make worse decisions than cheating

Things get weird when Bobby defends a woman (Gabrielle Anwar) he appears to have feelings for. Rebecca gets a taste of Federal justice when her doctor’s husband goes missing shortly after September 11, 2001.

by Aryeh S.

The Practice virgin’s diary – The continuing saga of Jimmy the Grunt

Jimmy breaks privilege to warn a 10 year-old that he has a life-threatening aneurysm. But will compassion help him save his bar card?

by Aryeh S.

The Practice virgin’s diary – Jeffrey Tambor a bookie?

The search for information on the whereabouts of the body of a boy missing for 18 years concludes with a startling revelation. Jimmy, meanwhile, scrambles to pay back his bookie.

by Aryeh S.

Boston Legal heads to TV Land in syndication, and here’s a giveaway!

Did you know ‘Boston Legal’ is airing in syndication on TV Land every weeknight? Well, it is, and TV Land’s giving one of our commenters a $50 Visa Cash card to celebrate.

by Keith McDuffee

The Practice virgin’s diary – Just when you think Jimmy should be earning some respect

In the season six premiere of ‘The Practice,’ Ellenor defends a friend who’s charged with murdering his wife’s lover. But when the truth reveals that he’s putting his political future before his freedom, can Ellenor convince him to see that justice is served?

by Aryeh S.
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