CliqueClack TV
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Eli Stone


Ratings Clack – The return of Valentine means Kings can beat something

On the whole, it was a rather uneventful week of ratings. The most interesting story might have been what we didn’t see. As in, new programming on CBS. Despite the lack of anything of note to report in the ratings (even Harper’s Island was a repeat), CBS managed to average the most viewers on six […]

by Brett Love

Ratings Clack: John – Kate + Secret Life = big cable ratings

The surprise deaths of Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett made for a strange week in the numbers, as the networks quickly moved things around to get news programming on the air. The results were improved numbers, but that’s not saying much, given how a lot of the summer programming is going. There were some notable […]

by Brett Love

What’s with all the hallucinatin’?

Folks, I’m a little concerned. Throughout this past television season I’ve noticed that some of our favorite characters are somewhat under the weather. To the point that reality is slowly fading away for them and being replaced by a series of hallucinations. This isn’t an isolated incident, either. There are no fewer than four or […]

by Richard Keller

CliqueClack’s 2009 finale and premiere guide: the sequel

April 1st, 2009 — The day that CliqueClack released the most comprehensive list of finales and premieres ever to grace the Superinterweb. April 2nd thru present — The days that the networks released a poop-load of new information. So goes the world of television. That’s okay, because we can keep up with them just as fast. […]

by Richard Keller

Multi-season pick-ups: a new trend and a dichotomy

I’m noticing a pattern here, people — follow along with me, if you will. Last October, we get the news that Showtime’s Dexter is renewed for not one, but two more seasons. A big yay from me, as there really isn’t much TV that’s better than Dexter. Then, just this month, we learn that NBC […]

by Debbie McDuffee
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