CliqueClack TV
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the listener


Ratings Clack – Summer TV is halfway over!

It’s that time of the year where it becomes painfully obvious just how lacking the summer television schedule is.  Hopefully, you’re getting some nice weather in the exchange. The good news is that the summer television season is now half over. We can now start counting down the weeks until the fall premieres. As for […]

by Brett Love

Ratings Clack – Talkin’ baseball… Carew and Michael Westen

Okay, I did edit the original “Talkin’ Baseball’ lyrics just a bit for the title, for context. While the All-Star game was the big deal in ratings this week, there was some great news over on cable for Michael and the gang. And really, most of the exciting stuff, where ratings are concerned anyway, was […]

by Brett Love

The Week in Clack – Emmy Nominations, Harry Potter, and Eric McCormack

Not to alarm anyone, but Jason hasn’t been seen in days. So … yeah. Look, life has to go on, right? Jason would have wanted it that way. Besides; the news didn’t stop this week just because Jason’s somewhere in Iran … I mean, missing. So, here’s what happened this week, in case you missed […]

by Aryeh S.

Ratings Clack – Huge numbers for the King of Pop…

… and very tiny ones for the King of Gilboa. And,  if we want to carry on with that little game, very good numbers for the King of the Courts. It was another fairly typical summer week. As has been the pattern, FOX was the big winner in the demo, taking 5 of 7 nights. […]

by Brett Love

Ratings Clack – The return of Valentine means Kings can beat something

On the whole, it was a rather uneventful week of ratings. The most interesting story might have been what we didn’t see. As in, new programming on CBS. Despite the lack of anything of note to report in the ratings (even Harper’s Island was a repeat), CBS managed to average the most viewers on six […]

by Brett Love

The Listener – Johnny Rotten and confusing storylines

Sebastian’s back Guest-clacking for us again, after sharing his thoughts about The Listener’s second episode with us last time. OK, I’m the first to admit it — this episode was confusing, to say the least. First of all, I didn’t really know who Johnny Rotten was so that pop culture reference fell flat for me. […]

by Guest Clacker
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