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I am a food snob – Eat, Drink, and Be Snarky



Is this really news? I’m not sure if it’s come through from my posts yet, but I am indeed a food snob — a huge food snob. If it isn’t obvious, I do all my grocery shopping at my local Whole Foods Market (or as some of my friends have dubbed it, “Whole Paycheck”). I haven’t eaten fast food since I was in high school. I have never eaten at a Taco Bell. Growing up, I never once had macaroni and cheese from a box (in fact, I can’t remember my mother ever making macaroni and cheese). I have subscriptions to three cooking magazines. I… am a food snob.

I love my Whole Foods. I don’t have a hang up about eating organic produce and I don’t demand that my meat come from non-antibiotic, cage-free, roaming, grass-fed, lovingly cared for animals. Frankly, I’ve never really cared about animal rights. Call me a monster, but I don’t care what they do to that cow as long as I get to eat it’s tasty, tasty meat. So, while a lot of the normal draw of Whole Foods doesn’t really apply to me, tasty meat is a huge part of why I love Whole Foods. It’s not every market that sells dry aged beef, prime grade meat, or a wide selection of buffalo steaks.

Whole Foods also has a great selection of quality prepared foods, baked goods, and a cheese counter that could make any fromage-head weep. As part of my food snobbery I have no problem dropping a significant chunk of money at the Whole Foods Market. In fact, I get a perverse kind of joy buying a bunch of chanterelle or morel mushrooms (fresh, mind you) for $29.99 per pound. A tiny vial of truffle olive oil for $14.99? I’m so there. Real vanilla beans for $10.99. You bet.

As for the fast food, I just can’t eat it. My sensitive snobby belly just can’t handle all that grease. Besides, it never tastes as good as it smells, and boy does it smell good. In any case, once you decide to give it up, it isn’t that hard.

I blame my parents for my food snobbery. As I mentioned, I was never served macaroni and cheese out of a box while growing up. In fact, I’m not sure that I ever had a meal out of a box. I started my life as a spoiled child, getting high quality home cooked meals every night. It made me into the snob I am today. Now, I’m not saying that I eat gourmet every night. I can slum it with the best of them, but when push comes to shove, I can also stick my nose up in the air like it’s nobody’s business.

Photo Credit: foodistablog/flickr

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