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Quorn: Delicious fake chicken


QuornEver since reading Kona’s post about the glory of Quorn, I’ve been intrigued. Being a voracious meat eater myself I never would have thought to buy Quorn. Frankly, I don’t think I ever would have noticed it in the market if Kona hadn’t brought it to my attention. After reading about how amazing this strange, mycoprotein-based food was, I had to try it.

My food curiosity knows virtually no bounds. I love trying new things and seeking out unique food experiences. These adventures don’t usually come out of the freezer aisle of my grocery store, but I won’t complain.

This week I finally satisfied my curiosity. I purchased a pack of the Quorn brand Garlic & Herb Chik’n Cutlets. I decided to cook them up with some homemade pesto that I was planning on making with some pasta. They were super easy to prepare; I simply popped them into my toaster oven and let them get nice and hot. Twenty minutes later I had two crunchy, crispy cutlets of faux chicken.

So, how did they taste? Really, really good.

I was actually quite impressed with the Quorn. I was expecting them to be good (I wouldn’t doubt Kona), but I wasn’t expecting them to be as good as they were. The outside crust was crispy and really flavorful (the box did indicate that this was a crispier and tastier recipe). The inside “meat” was a surprisingly good simulacrum of chicken. The texture was spot on, and quite appealing. it wasn’t exactly chicken, though. It lacked the juiciness of a nicely fried chicken breast, but it was delicious nonetheless. Plus, I don’t think any frozen chicken product would cook up nice and juicy. Best of all, there’s no soy in the Quorn, so no soy aftertaste.

I would definitely buy Quorn again (and I did the last time I went to the market). I don’t know why something this tasty would be for vegetarians only. After all, I love veggie burgers too. I remember eating a veggie burger while in high school and some people I was with couldn’t understand why I would be eating it if I weren’t a vegetarian. The answer is simple: it tastes good!

Photo Credit: Quorn

2 Responses to “Quorn: Delicious fake chicken”

June 7, 2009 at 8:43 PM

You do make it sound good Bob. I can not bring myself to try it yet. Every time I think about it I remember the nasty Soy burgers they used to serve when I was in school and my stomach churns again. Maybe one of these days I will be able to over come that feeling.

June 8, 2009 at 11:31 AM

I totally understand your reluctance, but I will say this: Quorn has no soy, so they’re nothing like the soy burgers you had a bad experience with.

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