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Hold the Meat – But what if I did eat meat?


meat keith mcduffee

When somebody new finds out that I’m a vegetarian, they invariably say something like, “but what about fried chicken?” or “but what about cheeseburgers?” They are absolutely flabbergasted by the fact that I live without these things that they hold so dear. Yet, somehow I soldier through, and since I’ve never had any of those things, I don’t miss them at all.

Truthfully, at this point, I have no desire to eat meat. It all just seems kind of gross to me. However, I do make distinctions between different meals. For instance, I loathe the smell of fried chicken, and you wouldn’t catch me eating it in a million years. I also can’t stand the smell of ground beef on the stove, plus reading Fast Food Nation has freaked me out way too much, so I would definitely stick to my veggie chili. However, there are some things that people eat that I look at and think, “yeah, I could do that.”

Just to be clear, this isn’t what I would eat if I were to actually start eating meat: I would choose simple things that my system could get used to, so I don’t vomit my face off and break out in a rash. This is just what I would have if I magically started eating meat.

If I were going to do it, I would do it right: I’d definitely try steak. Quite frankly, I’d like to know what all the fuss is about. Personally, I suspect that steak is fine, but it’s much ado about nothing. I doubt having one would change my life. However, if I were to do it, it would have to be cooked medium well. Even watching someone order a steak with blood on the plate is just disgusting to me.

While fried chicken makes me want to die, grilled chicken always looked good. Ooh, or hot wings! I love Frank’s hot sauce, and have made vegetarian hot wings before, which were pretty good. I think I would definitely enjoy going to a bar and getting the real thing.

Fish is less daring than, say, a steak, but Luke and I spent our first anniversary in Maine, and even he, who had never seen the appeal of lobster, had some there and said that it was absolutely amazing. I would definitely check that out, along with crab, shrimps and scallops. Seafood pasta has always looked pretty good, so maybe I’d do something like that. Only fresh stuff though; fried shrimp never looked appealing to me.

Above all, though, I think I would have to have some turkey. Not really because I have a particular desire to eat turkey, but it would be nice to actually sit down at a Thanksgiving dinner and be able to eat the main dish instead of being relegated to the sides.

Even writing about this though, doesn’t really make me want to eat it or change anything about the way I live. Steak is bloody, and eating hot wings or anything off the bone just seems a little barbaric and creepy to me. Plus, everyone knows that sides and pumpkin pie are the best part of Thanksgiving anyway. I don’t feel like I’m missing out on much, so you can have your fried chicken and ground beef. No, seriously. Take it. That stuff is hideous!

Photo Credit: Keith McDuffee/ CliqueClack Food

2 Responses to “Hold the Meat – But what if I did eat meat?”

August 12, 2009 at 11:40 AM

I agree with you that steak isn’t all that. I used to eat it at my parents house (in semi-live form, because my Dad eats like a caveman) and never got into it. Chicken is better because it’s much more versatile a meat than steak is.

August 12, 2009 at 8:54 PM

Ok Kona I guess there is something wrong with me. I have made it clear how I feel about eating meat, but when I found out you were a vegetarian all I thought was “More for me” I never thought how can you not eat fried chicken or cheese burgers. Eat what you like and I will too. When the zombies attack it won’t matter anyways.

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