Win passes to see 2 Guns in Chicago and Indianapolis

CliqueClack wants to give you a chance to see ‘2 Guns’ before anyone else in Indianapolis and Chicago. Find out how to enter the contest.
The commenting period for this contest has closed. Please follow us @CliqueClack on Twitter for alerts on news, reviews and contests.
CliqueClack has partnered with Universal Pictures to offer readers in Chicago and Indianapolis a chance to be among the first to see the new action movie 2 Guns, starring Denzel Washington and Mark Wahlberg. 2 Guns is an explosive action film that tracks two operatives from competing bureaus who are forced on the run together. But there is a big problem with their unique alliance: Neither knows that the other is an undercover federal agent. For the past 12 months, DEA agent Bobby Trench (Washington) and U.S. naval intelligence officer Marcus Stigman (Wahlberg) have been reluctantly attached at the hip. Working undercover as members of a narcotics syndicate, each man distrusts his partner as much as the criminals they have both been tasked to take down. When their attempt to infiltrate a Mexican drug cartel and recover millions goes haywire, Trench and Stigman are suddenly disavowed by their superiors. Now that everyone wants them in jail or in the ground, the only person they can count on is the other. Unfortunately for their pursuers, when good guys spend years pretending to be bad, they pick up a few tricks along the way.
The screenings will take place as follows:
- Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
- Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
20 Admit Two passes will be awarded at random to each screening. To enter, please read and follow the instructions below. Failure to follow the instructions will result in disqualification.
- Leave a comment below with the location of the screening you would like to attend. If you do not mention the location, you will not be entered into the drawing.
- ONE comment per person and/or email address. CliqueClack reserves the right to disqualify any entries believed to be duplicates.
- When commenting, you must enter your full name and correct email address in the spaces provided. Winners’ names will be checked at the door. If your name does not appear on the list, you will not be admitted to the screening. All decisions are at the discretion of an authorized representative.
- Passes do not guarantee you a seat. Admission is first-come, first-served so please plan to arrive early.
- Contest runs from Noon, Thursday, July 18 — Midnight, Sunday, July 28. Winners will be notified by email on Sunday, July 28.
2 Guns opens in theaters nationwide Friday, August 2nd.
would love to see this movie. Im sure that the comedy and depth will be off the charts…..
Please randomly select me …thanks
@ the indianapolis AMC Castleton theater
I would love to see this movie in Indianapolis, IN at Castleton on July 30th. Since I’m a federal employee and on furlough I might not feel so bad abt not getting paid for two days and I love Mark. . Joverba52@gmail.con
Love to see 2 Guns in Indianapolis at Castleton on July 30th. Thank you.
I am a huge fan of Denzel, I would truly love to see this in Indianapolis, Indiana. Thanks!
Please select me to see what definitely looks like an awesome movie for the Kerasotes Showplace ICON location. Thanks for your consideration!!
I would like to see “2 Gunz”, in Chicago, at Roosevelt Icon, please.
Looking forward to this one. @AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
I would love to win tickets to the AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis!
Please sign me up for indy!
Looks like a fun action movie at the Showplace Icon in Chicago.
Please enter me to win in Indianapolis
I would love to see this in castleton or indianpolis IN
Hello I would like to win passes to the 2 Guns screening taking place Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago thank you so much:-)
Tickets to AMC Castleon, please?
I would love to have passes for the showing at AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis! Thanks!
I would love to win passes for this movie at the AMC Castleton in Indianapolis, IN.
Kimberly Wilson
I really would like to see this movie at the AMC Catleton Indianapolis. Thanks
Hi, I’d like to see 2 Guns at Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago. THANK YOU!!!
Hello – please let me see 2 Guns at Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago on Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM.
I will be happy to get free tickets for Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM at Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago. Thank you so much!
Chicago please!
Love boths guys! !!! Chicago icon screening
Its really nice to win this free movie 2 Guns for Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
Please please let me see this movie with my Dad! Yeah 2 Guns for Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
Showplace ICON in Chicago, please.
Thanks for the contest – movie looks good!
Showplace Icon Chicago IL.
Will b honored to attend!! :*)
Love to see this movie. Chicago kerastose icom
I would like to see this movie at the Chicago location. This is sure to be a good movie!
Please select me!!
AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
I would like to see “2 Guns”, in Chicago, at Roosevelt Icon. The movie looks hilarious, and I can tell there will be some legit action in it.
I really want to see this @AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
I’ve been excited for this movie since I first saw a preview
Chicago, ICON theater
I’m a huge Denzel fan. I’d love to see this movie at Showplace ICON-Chicago
I’d love to see this movie. Showplace ICON- Chicago
Showplace ICON- Chicago
Would like to see 2guns in chicago. Thank you for gibing us a chance too.
Two of my favorite actors in one place!!!!!!!!!!!! I could not ask for more than that!!!!!!!I would really really liked to be considered for seeing the movie in the Showplace ICON Chicago Location PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can’t wait to see 2 Guns at Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago… Mark Walberg and Denzel Washington in the same movie should equal a good time. I hope I win.
Would love to see this movie! Two great actors!
I want 2 passes. Markie Mark and Denzel are 2 favorites! The Dynamic Icon in Chicago!
I so want to see this. Denzel Washington & Mark Wahlberg together, working with the same director as “Contraband”.
Kerasotes Showplace ICON Chicago please!
Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
Chicago. Thanks!
Would love to see Chicago Movie!
I would love to see 2 Guns at AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis!!!
I’ve been waiting for this movie all summer- Chicago please!
Love to get passes.
I would love passes to the Indy Castleton screening!!!
I want to see this movie at Chicago showplace icon
Please select me
AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
I would love to see 2 Guns at Castleton Square Indianapolis.
I’ve been excited to see this movie since I first saw a preview… guns and two cool dudes!!
Chicago, ICON theater
Passes for chicago
I would love to see 2 Guns at Castleton Square Indianapolis.
Looking forward to seeing this movie. Showplace Icon Chicago.
Amc castleton in Indianapolis please!
I would love to see 2 Guns at Castleton Square Indianapolis.
I would love to see 2 guns screening for chicago
Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
I would like to win two tickets to the Kerasotes ShowPlace ICON, Chicago. Thank you.
Wow 2 of my favorite actors in one movie! Can’t wait for this one.
I would love to see 2 Guns at Castleton Square Indianapolis.
Get passes for Showplace Icon in Chicago
Chicago/ I can’t wait to see this
I would love to see 2 Guns at Castleton Square Indianapolis.
Wow 2 of my favorite actors in one movie! Can’t wait for this one. Chicago Showcase Icon Location please:-)
Want to see this Movie in CHICAGO!
I would like to see this movie with my new girlfriend on Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
Been waiting for a screening opportunity to see this movie. I love Denzel Washington! hope I win.
Chicago Icon screening
Kerasotes showplace icon, Chicago
Love to see it! Castleton theater in Indianapolis, IN please.
I would love for passes for two to see 2 guns in chicago. these guys are two of my favorite actors and I can imagine together they are going to be spectacular.
I would love to see 2 Guns at Castleton Square Indianapolis.
Chicago- this looks good
I would love to see 2 Guns at the Indianapolis location in Castleton Square Mall.
Would love to see 2 Guns at AMC Castleton in Indianapolis, IN!!!
Chicago screening would be hot never been to the ICon before, so excited!!!!
For my moms birthday! Her two favorite actors! Kerasotes Showplace Icon Chicago, IL
Yes!! Let’s go 2 guns!! Chicago please.
Love to see this indy rocks
Chicago Showplace Icon
Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
Would love to see 2 Guns at AMC Castleton in Indianapolis, IN!!!
Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
ICON theater – Chicago. Both are my favorite Actors. My lady says they’re my Man crush. What guy doesn’t want to be Markie Mark it Denzel
I want the tickets to see 2 Guns at Castleton (Indianapolis)!!!!!
Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
Can’t wait to see 2 guns in Chicago
Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
I would love to see 2 Guns in Chicago, IL the previews look funny
Wow, cool! I’d love to see this in Chicago, IL at Kerasotes Showplace ICON. Thanks for the opportunity!
I want to win!
Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
I am a huge mark wahlberg fan! Have loved him since he was marky mark!! Seen every movie he has ever done and reall really want to see this one on Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis.
Would love to win @AMC castleton Indianapolis
Love these guy go indy
I would like to see 2 guns in Chicago at the Icon Theater
2 guns in Chicago
I would love to see 2 Guns at AMC in Indianapolis!!!
AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
Can’t wait to see this in Indianapolis.
Please let me win two tickets for AMC Castleton!
This would be a great movie to see at the great AMC in Indianapolis.
I’ve got to see this movie. Let me win tickets for AMC in Indianapolis.
I absolutely love love love this actors… I would love to see this screening in Chicago… Please and Thank you!!!! #excited
I would love to go see the Advanced Screening in Chicago.
This looks like a very fun movie and I’m looking forward to seeing it in Indianapolis.
@ chicago
I would love to see this movie! Kerasotes Showplace ICON in Chicago
I want to go see my favorite actors.
This is your third entry. The rules state ONE per person or email address.
I would love to go see 2 guns in Indianapolis on July 30th.
This movie looks amazing!
I would love to go see 2 guns in Indianapolis on July 30th.
This movie looks amazing, I can’t wait to see it!
The rules state ONE entry per person. You have TWO in a row AND you did not provide the proper information so you cannot be entered into the drawing at this time.
Would love to see these two great guys in an action movie together
Need passes for 2 Guns at Castleton Square Indianapolis
I would like to see 2 Guns at the Icon at the Roosevelt Experience in Chicago.
I LOVE Denzel Washington!!
Tues., July 30th
Kerasotes ShowPlace ICON
Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
I loved Mark Walberg since he was Marky Mark
2guns in chicago.
Chicago Location!
I would like to see this movie in chicago at roosevelt collection.
Please me look like a fun ride, Chicago @ the Icon
Chicago, IL
I would love to see it in Chicago at Kerasotes.
I would like to see 2 guns at Castleton in Indianapolis please.
I would greatly appreciate seeing seeing 2 guns at Chicago. I think this is going to be a great collaboration.
Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
Entering for Chicago screening
Please oh please… Would luv tickets for this movie. Denzel Washington & Mark Walburg… Such a great duo.
2 Guns Kerasotes Icon Chicago please
I would love to go to Kerasotes in Chicago!
AMC Castleton Indianapolis!
Can’t wait for some guns!!!
Icon, Chicago Illinois
This movies looks interesting. Denzel is one of the best actors alive.
Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
I want to see 2 gun in chicago
I would love to see: 2 Guns @ AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis, IN
Thank You ~~~
I would love to see 2 Guns on Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
Thank you in advance,
I would love to see 2 Guns on Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
I would love to see 2 Guns on Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
I so need to see this. Denzel and Wahlberg in the same movie. I’m melting already. @ AMC Castleton Square Indianapolis
Would love tickets to see this at the AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
Would love tickets
I would love to win tickets to this movie at the AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis!
Indianapolis – I want to see this movie!!
I would love to win tickets for the Indianapolis Castleton showing.
Make me HAPPY! Send me to see Denzel and Mark @ my favorite theater Keresotes Showplace ICON CHICAGO. Thanks CliqueClack!
I would love to see this movie at Castleton in Indianapolis.
Keresotes Showplace ICON CHICAGO
Indianapolis AMC – pick me to win. I love Denzel!!!
I would love to see Denzel and Mark in anything, but right now I want to see 2 guns at castleton amc here in Indianapolis. Don’t make me beg!!
I would love to see the movie 2Guns at the AMC Castleton Indianapolis location. I love AMC and Denzel!
I would love to win tickets and see this movie at AMC Castleton Mall!
I would love to attend the Chicago screening. I am a huge Mark Wahlberg fan.
Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
This is the location I would like passes to please! Thank you
I will be happy to get free tickets for Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM at Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago. Yea action flicks!
I would like to attend the Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis event please. Thank you for randomly selecting me!
I would like to see “2 Gunz”, in Chicago, at Roosevelt Icon, Thanks for the opportunity.
I would love to get passes to see this movie in chicago at icon on july 30th at 7pm. Thank you.
would like to see it in Chicago
Would love to see mark wahlberg he is my favorite actor! soo cute!
would love to go!
I would like to attend the Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis event please.Thank you SO much!!! Washington & Wahlberg will be a match made in heaven!!
I have been waiting for a screening of this movie! I want to go to the screening in Indianapolis at the AMC 14!
Showplace Icon CHICAGO
I would love to see this move at Keresotes Showplace ICON CHICAGO… Thank You!
Please allow me to see this movie @Keresotes Showplace ICON CHICAGO
Would love to take my mom to see this movie at Showplace ICON CHICAGO. THANK YOU
Showplace Icon Chicago
Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago. Thanks for your consideration!!
Indianapolis AMC Castleton theater
I would like to attend this movie at AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis.
Showplace ICON, Chicago
Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
Would like to see this screening because it looks kickass. Would like to see that also, but I digress. Chicago.Thanks.
I’d love to take my friend Christy to see 2 Guns in Indianapolis at Castleton on July 30th. Thanks!
I would love to see this movie theses are 2 of my favorite actors. I would like to get tickets to the caslteton theater in indianapolis. I hope I win!
Awesome can’t wait to see this. My location is Indianapolis Castleton square theater
I would love to see this movie at AMC Castleton in Indianapolis IN!
I would love to see this movie in Indianapolis, IN at Castleton on July 30th. I love Denzel and Mark!!!!!!!!
I would love to see this in Indianapolis at AMC Castleton! My husband is a Marky Mark fan!
I would like to attend the showing on Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis!
Would love to see this in Indianapolis!
Thank you for giving us a chance to see 2 gun Chicago icon. Want to see it.
Would love to see it in Chicago.
Icon in Chicago!
Chicago passes please.
I would love to see this movie at AMC in Indianapolis. Please oh Please pick me.
I would love to see 2 Guns at Indianapolis location in Castleton.
I want to see 2 Guns at the ICON in Chicago.
I love Denzel Washington and Mark Wahllberg both as individual actors so I’m sure this movie will be amazing with them teaming up in an action/ funny theatrical performance so I would love to be one of the lucky winners to view it at AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis.
Please Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
I would love to see this movie in Chicago
I would love to see 2 Guns @ Castleton Square in Indianapolis, IN!! Thank you!!
Pick me! Pick me! I would love to see this movie.
Yes, I accept your invitation to see “2 Guns” at the Roosevelt Icon in Chicago.
i woud like to have to passes for this movie in chicago thank you
With these two actors what could go wrong? Nothing! So, of course I want to get my passes to watch this movie in Chicago. Thanks.
I love anything Denzel is in. Please enter me for the Indianapolis, IN location.
I woud love to see this movie with my nephew. We are the good and funny version of Bonnie and Clyde. We would act out the scenes in this movie over and over again. Good Times!!!!!!!!!!
We would like to see this movie at Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
AMC Castleton in Indianapolis, IN.
I would love to have passes for Chicago. Thak you!
AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
I’d love to see 2 Guns in Indianapolis at Castleton on July 30th. Thank you.
Pleeassseee pick me!!!!! Denzel is the man!!********************************
AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
Stephanie Hampton
Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
Chicago at Kerasotes Icon boy you guys have a lot of people who will you choose? I hope all of us. My brother and I want to go so please pick us!!!!thanks
I’d like to see 2 Guns on Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
Definitely a must see great cast !!!
Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
I would love to see this movie on Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
Showplace ICON- Chicago please
THE ICON Im for Chicago
I would love to see this movie Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago. Thats one of the best theaters in the Chi!!!!!!!
i would love to watch this movie in Indianapolis. Denzel don’t make a bad movie. Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
I would love to have tickets to see 2guns in Chicago on July 30, 2013 at the kerasotes showplace icon theatre.
This movie will be great. How can you go wrong with Thoughs 2. Indianapols will be jumping when this movie comes out.
Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
i want to see this movie Denzel is my favorite.
Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
I would like to attend the screening in Chicago, IL.
Looks like a fun movie that I would love to see in Chicago!
AMC Castelton Square, Indianapolis
Tuesday, July 30th
7:00 PM
I want to see this movie/Chicago
I really am eager to see these two in a film together! Indianapolis Indiana screening AMC Castleton!
chicago please at the ICON
I would love to go to Kerasote Showplace Icon in Chicago.
I’d love to go to the July 30, screening of 2 Guns at the Kerasotes Showplace ICON in Chicago!
Denzel definitely won’t disappoint. Kerasotes @ Chicago please!
Rik daniels indianapolis showing please. For the amc theatre please.
Really want to see this!
Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
I would love to attend this screening on Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago. Please and thank you!
Two of my favorite actors in and action movie I’m in.
Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
I would like to see the movie Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago thank you!
AMC Castleton, please!
Would love passes to Chicago screening!
Would love passes to AMC Castleton in Indianapolis, please!
Chicago Icon Passes would be great
I wanna see Two Guns @ Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
I would love to attend the screening of 2 Guns on Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
Chicago, IL. @ ICON
I would like to see this movie at AMC Castleton Square Indianapolis, IN 46250
I would LOVE movie passes to see 2 Guns at AMC Castleton in Indianapolis, In
MArk and Denzel a must see email me a yes final answer.Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
I’d like to see this in Indianapolis. Wahlberg and Denzel teaming up should be interesting.
I would love to see this movie. I would like the tickets for the indianapolis Castleton theater
CHICAGO- Kerasote Icon Theater – Love Denzel and Mark.
I really want to see the match up of Denzel and Walhberg. Indianapolis, IN AMC castleton, IN 7/30/13
I would love to see this in Chicago!!! Denzel and Mark are two of my favorite actors, wondering how they will be as partners!!!
would like to see this in Chicago
Would like to see this in Indianapolis, IN.
Would LOVE to see this in Indianapolis! Two truly great actors together!
265 comments, from people who’ve never posted here before? The hell?
Yes, it’s a contest for anyone from Chicago and Indianapolis, not just those who have ever left a comment in the past.
Sure, but I’ve never seen a contest go viral like this here! (Or ever won anything myself. >-<)
Then you missed The Great Gatsby and Fast Five. They’re pretty much the reason I started doing the random drawings instead of first-come, first-served. I’m just happy to see that we have people in Chicago and Indianapolis paying attention!
I would kill–well maybe not kill, to see this screening in Indianapolis. I am a little nervous about my wife seeing a movie with both Denzel and Mark, but I’m willing to take a chance
Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
Please and Thanks
Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
Please and Thank you!
Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis.please and thank you.
Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
Please. Thank you Very Much!
Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
Please and Thank you!
This movie looks so good! Would love to see it in Indianapolis!
We would love to see this movie. Im sure that the comedy will be off the charts…..
Please select me …thanks Chicago
Seeing “2 Guns” in Chicago would be a highlight for the week!
If you do pick me, thank you in advance!
OMGs can’t wait to see this movie….. Love Denzel
Chicago please
I can’t wait to see ‘Two Guns’ !!! Kerasotes Showplace Icon, Chicago, IL. Please!!
These two actors make you take notice of characters that other actors cannot do or not willing to do. I am excited to see this film in Chicago, IL. Thanks.
Hello I Like to see it at the Roosevelt Icon theater in chicago
I would love to see 2 Guns in Indianapolis on July 30th. I am pretty sure Mark Wahlberg is my soulmate!
Love to see 2 Guns in Indianapolis at Castleton on July 30th. Thank you!
I would love to see 2 Guns at Kerasotes Showplace Icon in Chicago, IL. Thanks!!!
I would like passes. AMC CASTLETON in Indianapolis, In
Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
Showplace icon chicago
Free movies are the bomb.
Would looooovvvvveeeeee to see this in Chicago!!!!!!!!!!
Denzel and Mark!!!!!!!!! Chicago!!!!!!!!!!!! I’M READY
I’m a huge Denzel Washington fan, and would love toattend this screening of “2 Guns.” AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
I would love to see this movie at the AMC in Indianapolis!
Would love a date night with my wife and she is a huge Mark fan. I like denzel, great actor. Would love to see it at Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
I would love to view 2 Guns with Denzell Washington at the Icon theater in Chicago, IL.
I would like to see my two favorite actors at the ICON Theater Chicago IL location please
I would love to win 2 tickets to the Indianapolis showing for 2 reasons;
1 Denzel and 2 Mark.
I would be extremely happy if you picked me to go to the show in Chicago
I would love to see 2 Guns Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago. Thanks.
I would love to win 2 tickets to the Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
I would love to win 2 tickets to the Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
I would love to win 2 tickets to the Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
I would love to win 2 tickets to the Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
OMG… Denzel and Mark in a movie together… I got to win these Passes to see 2Guns. What must I do…?
Candi Blue, I would love to win 2 tickets to the Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
Candis Blue, I would love to win 2 tickets to the Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
Tara Woodson, I would love to win 2 tickets to the Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
Would love to see this movie @ AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis.
Please let me win passes to see 2Guns in Indianapolis, IN
I would like to see this movie in Indianapolis, IN please
I truly hope you will select me to see 2 Guns on Tuesday, July 30 @ 7:00 p.m. at AMC Castleton Square in Indianapolis, IN. 2 great actors in one great movie! I would definitely enjoy seeing this.
I would love tickets to see 2 Guns on Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 PM, at AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis!
I would like passes to see 2 Guns in Indianapolis at AMC Theatres.
I would love to see the new 2 Guns movie! I love Denzel and Mark Wahlberg. Although, I probably don’t love Marky Mark as much as my sister. I want passes for the one at the AMC Castleton Square in Indianapolis, IN.
I would love to see this movie at the Showplace Icon in Chicago.
I would LOVE to see this Advanced Screening in Chicago at Icon Showplace.
Chicago….. I wanna see it!!!!!
I would like to go to the showing on Tuesday, July 30 at 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago.
Would love to have tickets for Showplace ICON in Chicago!
I would absolutely love to see 2 Guns in Chicago, IL @ the Kerasotes Showplace ICON Theater on Roosevelt road!!! Thanks!
Would love a pass for 2 to see 2 Guns in Chicago, Il @ Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
Would enjoy 2 passes to see 2 Guns in Chicago, IL at the Kerasotes Showplace Icon…Thanx
Would love to see this movie in Chicago, Il
Two great guys in one great movie!!
Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago