Download free passes to see The Grand Seduction in Los Angeles

You can get free passes to see the advance screening of ‘The Grand Seduction’ in Los Angeles. Find out how you can download a pair today!
CliqueClack has partnered with Entertainment One to offer readers in the Los Angeles area an opportunity to attend an advance screening of the new drama The Grand Seduction starring Brendan Gleeson, Taylor Kitch and Liane Balaban.
The only hope for the tiny outport of Tickle Head is a new Petrochemical plant, but in order to qualify for the bid they need to prove they have a resident doctor. When fate sends Dr. Paul Lewis (Kitsch) their way, unemployed fisherman Murray French (Gleeson) mobilizes the town to do everything they can to convince the fast living, jazz loving, cricket playing doctor that their sleepy harbour is a paradise tailor-made just for him.
The screenings will take place on Wednesday, May 28, 7:30 PM at Landmark Theater, 10850 W Pico Blvd, Los Angeles, CA.
A limited number of passes are available on a first come, first served basis. To request passes, click here and fill out the RSVP form. Be sure to read and follow the special instructions on the form. CliqueClack has no control over the number of passes available or seating arrangements at the screening. This offer will be valid until all passes have been awarded or on the day of the screening, whichever comes first.
Hope to get passes.
To reserve passes, you must read the post and click on the link which will take you to a form. We are not handling passes for this event.