Be the first to see The Hangover Part III in DC, MD and VA

Are you ready to hang with The Wolfpack one last time? CliqueClack has free passes to select advance screenings. Find out how to get yours!
All passes for these advance screenings have been claimed. Comments are closed.
CliqueClack has partnered with Warner Brothers and Allied Integrated Marketing to offer our readers in the D.C. , Baltimore and Norfolk areas free passes to the advance screening of The Hangover Part III, starring Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, Zach Galifianakis , Justin Bartha, Ken Jeong and John Goodman.
Screenings will take place as follows:
- All passes for the D.C. screening have been claimed.
- All passes for the Baltimore screening have been claimed.
- All passes for the Norfolk screening have been claimed.
All you need to do to claim your passes is leave us a comment telling us why you want to see the movie. Please take note:
- CliqueClack will email you a unique GoFoBo code to print out a maximum of two Admit One passes. These codes will not be valid for more than one registered GoFoBo account.
- You MUST state which city you want passes for. We will not reply to comments that do not contain this information.
- Please make sure your email address is correct when leaving a comment. Do not post your address in the comment section as this is a public forum.
- GoFoBo codes are limited and the offer will expire when all codes have been claimed or on the day of the screening.
- ONE comment per person, per email address, per IP address. We want all of our readers to have an opportunity and we do check for duplicate comments. Please note: if several people from a business location leave comments, the same IP address will be registered and duplicate requests will be held in reserve.
- If there are passes remaining on the day of screening, those will be distributed to any duplicate comments held in reserve.
- Passes are distributed on a first come, first served basis and do not guarantee you a seat at the screening. Advance screenings are overbooked to ensure a full house, so plan to arrive early.
- CliqueClack has no control over the number of passes available or the seating at the theater.
Again, passes are very limited so leave your comments now!
I’ve seen the other Hangover movies, would Love to see this new 1,,Hanover, MD market,, please !!!
I would love to see the movie Hangover 3 because I am the long lost member of the wolf pack but they cut my scenes out of the movie……….pissed lol. Silver Spring, MD. Thanks.
I can’t wait to see hangover to continue the sequel:) Hanover MD please:)
Just attended a bachelor party for my son. Want to compare notes
Baltimore market please
Loved the first 2 Hangover movies and would love to see this one! I’m also a big Bradley Cooper fan. I would like to see it at the Hanover, Md location.
Love the first two, can’t wait to see this one! I’d like passes for the AMC Lynnhaven in Norfolk please.
I would love to see this sequel. I enjoyed the 1st two so much and want to see where it takes us this time.
Silver Spring, MD please.
Because I love Zach!
Silver Spring please.
Oops -
Oops – MD on Monday please.
Loved parts 1 and 2. Anxious to see part 3. Silver spring please. Thank you
I’m curious to see whether they continue the same kind of story or not; the trailer looks very different from the first two.
Silver Spring, MD
Hanover please. Would love to see this movie on Monday nite because my wife gets induced Tuesday morning. The laughs could speed up labor
This movie will be epic.
I prefer Silver Spring, then Hanover please.
I have been a fan of this series since the begining. Norfolk,VA please. Thank you.
I love Phil every time he wakes up whith new things siver spring please
I love when Ted drink his beer siver spring please
I would love to see the crazy stuff they do in this one.
Silver Spring, MD
Wanna see if their life is crazier now than the last two times, but is it crazier than mine?
Silver Spring is where I want to go….
I love the Hangover Series. Mr. Chow’s role gets funnier in each movie. I am sure he will end Part III with a bang
Silver Spring Maryland for the screening
I love the hangover and would love to see the last one because the movie reminds me of my hangovers in college where we didnt know anything that happened and them we realized it was crazy just like them.
I would like silver spring or hanover maryland
I saw the first Hangover by default since the movie I had planned to see was sold out – it was crazzzzy and I fell in love! Now I’m hooked and want to hang with these guys for real – too bad I’m female and old enough to be their mothers- lol but still wild inside my staid suit”
Hanover for 5/20
So happy they made a third movie. Been super excited since they made the announcement. Ken Jeong is so hilarious. Glad he will be in the third one also. Hanover please.
I need to see Hangover III , the first two was so crazy I laughed myself sick . 8ut I am still watching them when ever I want to laugh. Man I KONW number 3 will be just as crazy and funny,I Cant wait to watch it .” Chuck Mason” In Hanover Maryland .Thanks
Free screening or not, I WILL WATCH HANGOVER 3! All i can say is this will be the funniest movie of the year and if i’m wrong then please give me free passes for HANOVER, MD that way i wont be wrong! Thank You
CAUSE I WANNA FUCKIN SEE IT! Hanover, por favor =]
These movies give me more laughs than any other comedy franchise!!! When im feeling down, i put on The Hangover. I hope to do the same with the third one which should hopefully be LEGENDARY!!!
Silver Spring!!
You guys are the best!! Thank you!!
I guarantee you record breaking tickets sales on opening day!!
Love the series. Watched the first 2 multiple times and still laughed as hard as the first time watching them. They get better and better. Hanover
I absolutely loved the first two and it would be a great end of semester gift to laugh my booty off at this great movie. Hanover please !!
Would love to see how they end this trilogy…We need more movies like this during our drunken stupor or just for laughs. Keeping fingers crossed for free passes to Hanover, MD. Thank You Very Much!
Hangover is awesome!!
I really love this movie.
I would love to see what happen to the baby. Handover, MD please
Want to see the what Zach up to. Handover / Columbia plz
i loved and enjoyed the last two Hangover movies and would love to see the III! i look forward to LMAO at Alan again. i’m hoping that you will grant me a free pass to White Marsh, MD. thank you in advance
I love chow crazy tail. Want to see what he up to.
I really want to see hangover 3 and imao! Hanover, MD please!!
Hey regielyn it’s not hanover it’s white marsh.
What to see what the boys are up to.
I seen all of the hangover movies. I love them and I just want to see the movie !
White marsh please
Want to see what Alan up to
Mike Tyson is all I can say. Would love to see if he returned
I want some ticketssss pleaseeeee. That’s all. Seen them all and funny as hell
White marsh
Hangover is one of the funniest movies i’ve seen. I’m excited to see the 3rd. A free pass to White Marsh, MD would be awesome.
I really want to see hangover in whitemarsh!!
I wonder who they will loose this time?
Hangover 1 and 2 are the funniest movies i’ve seen! I’m sure the 3rd would be too. I’m looking forward to seeing it. A free pass would be awesome. Please pick me
Am finishing finals this week and they have been stressful. I’m sure this will be a rewarding treat after my crazy week. White marsh please. Thanks.
I loved and enjoyed the last 2 Hangover movies and I’m excited to see the 3rd one. I’m hoping you would grant me a free pass for me and my husband to WhiteMarsh, MD. We would really appriciate it. Thank you.
Want to see if mike Tyson comes back Hanover md please
What to see what chow up to Hanover md please
What chow going do this time? Hanover md please
Want to see what wolf pack up too. Hanover md PLEASE
Want to see what Alan up to. Hanover md PLEASE
Want to see what Alan up to. Wish you had screening at hanover md but will drive to white marsh Baltimore md
Want to see what chow up go. Wish it was Hanover md but will drive to Baltimore md. Thanks
Want too see what the wolf pack going do this time. Wish was Hanover md but will drive Baltimore md
What chow up to this time. Wish was at Hanover but will drive to Baltimore md. Please the code
Wish it was Hanover md but will drive to Baltimore md to see what wolf pack up to
I would love to go see the end of my wolf pack I love all of the hang over
White marsh
I would love to see what the wolf pack is up to this time around. baltimore, md thanks
Want to relieve my first hangover by watching the wolf pack.. baltimore, md
Want to see what the wild pack is up to this go around. Baltimore md
I would like to see this movie because I am a long lost member of the Wolf Pack and they cut my scenes out of the movie and I am pissed lol. White Marsh, thank you.
I would love to see Hangover III in silver spring, MD, because i thought the first two were hysterical and am excited to see what mischief the guys will get into next!
i love bradley cooper! white marsh screening, please. thanks!
love to see part 3
love to see part 3 at white marsh please
It’s been one hell of a ride it just wouldn’t be right not seeing things through the end…I am hoping the last movie goes out with a bang
……I would like tickets for the Tuesday, May 21, 7:00 PM, AMC Loews White Marsh, Baltimore, MD showing thanks.
all i can say….hillarious. want to see part 3 at white marsh
Love the Hangover movies would love to see in Hanover but Baltimore would be just fine
I loved hangover one then I fell in love with part two when it came out and I know I will fall in love with 3
I’m a huge fan of the series. I can’t wait to see what Alan will do this time.
Silver Spring MD Please.
Will prove that sequels can hysterical. Hanover Please!
The first two were some of the funniest movies ever!
White Marsh
I would like to see The Hangover because I have seen the first two in the series, and my bachelor party in New Orleans this past summer sort of resembled the first movie.
Silver Spring, MD screening please. Thank you Clique Clack!
Loved the first 2 Hangover movies, would like to see one on May 21, @White Marsh. Thank you
I want to seen hangover 3 in hanover, MD beceause I loved hangover one then I fell in love with part two when it came out and I know I will fall in love with 3
I want to see this movie so bad @white marsh .I loved hangover 1 and 2 and I know 3 going to be off the hook.
Big fan of the other two movies
Silver Spring Md
I love bradley cooper. baltimore (white marsh) please
I love the Hangover. The first one was possibly the best comedy of all time. I must have closure. I would like tickets to the Silver Spring showing.
To check out the next craziness.
Silver Spring, please.
I bought the first two on Bluray and watched them over and over again.
OMG, chow steals the movie each time! Can’t wait to see part 3!
Silver Spring, MD
Silver Spring, MD
I absolutely loved the first movie, so much so that I tried to recreate the experience when I went to Vegas on my 21st! Not many people liked the sequel but I loved it, I think the actors are amazing together. And the director/producers are amazing, their latest film, 21 & Over, was also HILARIOUS! I will see this movie regardless of whether or not I get the passes, but I am so eager to see it right away, and I want to be able to give my friends great reviews through my many social media outlets!
I would like to see this movie in Sliver Spring, MD.
Because the first 2 were great!
Silver Spring, MD
I want to see what suprises this movie holds! I can’t wait to see it!
Please give me tickets! I desperately want to see this movie!
I love raunchy questionable humor.
Tuesday, May 21, 7:00 PM, Regal Majestic, Silver Spring, MD
Or Hanover, MD if you have those.
my wolfpack and i got owned by miami last weekend; would love to see vegas do its worst to the hangover crew! silver spring please
Would love to see this movie because i am a huge fan of all actors and have been folllowing the franchise for quite some time now!
Silver Spring, MD ]]]
OMG!! I can’t wait to see this! Looks like the best one of all of them! Please send tickets to Rebecca Eldredge in Va. Beach, VA! THANKS!!!!
Big fan of hangover movies.
2 tickets for Washington DC or Silver Springs MD market
I want to part with the wolf pack one more time in Silver Spring.
Wanna finish up the trilogy
Silver Spring please
The first were great but I know this one is gonna be amazing! Please send tickets to Mariama Tarawally in Silver Spring, MD
I have seen the first two movies and thought they both were hilarious… Would Love To See the 3rd one too!
Thank You!
Tuesday, May 21, 7:00 PM, Regal Majestic, Silver Spring, MD
These movies are always great and we really want to see this one.
Silver Springs
Hi, I would love to see this at the Majestic in Silver Spring.
got to see the conclusion to the trilogy
I seen the first two movies and think they were really funny. I would like passes to Silver Spring.
My husband just got home from deployment & we both would love to see Hangover 3 in Norfolk, VA! It would mean so much to the both of us! Can’t wait to see it!
Hope it’s as good as the first one
Norfolk please
I have seen the first two and can’t wait to see what happens next. I would love to see Hangover 3 in Norfolk, VA
I love this series!
Washington DC market
Really looking forward to seeing Hanover 3, cause I really enjoyed both and waiting to see what trouble they getting into with part 3, plus they going back to Vegas. Silver Spring, MD
Hi I would like to see HO 3 because I loved the first one and John Goodman is a gem in Hollywood
Got to see what trouble they get into this time. Norfolk,VA
The Hangover is one of my all time favorite comedies, and I can’t wait for the 3rd one
to come out any longer. Looking forward to all the crazy mess they’re gonna get into this time.
Norfolk, Va. Thanks!
It would be incredibly awesome to see the finale of this epic trilogy with my wolf pack one of the best comedies right here please pick me I would greatly appreciate it!!! At Virginia beach,VA please
It would be incredibly awesome to see the finale of this epic trilogy with my wolf pack one of the best comedies right here please pick me I would greatly appreciate it!!! @ Norfolk,VA
I’ve been following the movie series since the beginning. It would be excellent to be able to see the final saga. I am dying to know what happens to Chow. I can’t wait
I gotta see this Hangover ‘cuz Zach Galifinakis makes me use my inhaler!!! Lol Norfolk VA. Please
I want to see this because these movies are HILARIOUS?? Are you kidding me? Reminds me of the foolishness my girls and I get into.
D.C. screening please ^^
I’ve seen all the hangover movies and I must see how the wolf pack end their trilogy. Passes for Norfolk , va please.
I have loved the last two movies and want to finish it off with the third before going to the beach for memorial day weekend. silver springs, md please
I love these guys. Would love to the 3rd one. Great way to end my graduation weekend.
I would love to see this movie I need a good laugh right now
I would like to see this movie
Norfolk market
I want to see what else these guys could possibly do to get into more trouble. First two movies were hilarious, but this one looks like a whole new monster!
I have followed all of the Hangover movies, so I would LOVE to see thus one please at Lynnhaven in Virginia Beach please.
I would love to se this movie. I have seen all the others and please pick me.
VA Beach, VA area @ Lynnhaven
I need a good laugh! haven’t had one since Hangover II!!
Cannot wait to see the wolfpack again!!!!
Norfolk, va
Looks to be a outrageous movie.
I’d love a pass to the Norfolk screening. Thanks you’re the best!
need passes for va beach @ lynnhaven…… thanks
forgot city……….va beach at lynnhaven….
I’m a true Hangover fan! Please send me to this one in Norfolk, Va.
I would love to see The Hangover 3 in Norfolk, Va. Thank you!
I would love to see the hangover III oim silver spring maryland.
Can’t wait to see this movie in the Norfolk, Va area. I have followed the others and laughed till I cried.
I really liked the first one especially the monkey I live in the Norfolk va bch area
Saw 1 and 2 adds up to seeing 3
I want to see this because its the funniest movie series I’ve seen in a long time. Hope it has a different story line than the first 2 though. I want to see it at AMC Lynnhaven, Norfolk, VA. Thanks
I want to see the final adventures of the wolf pack! Norfolk Va please.
I love the Hangover movies! I wish there would be a 4,5,and 6! Nonstop laughs! I would love free tix to the Monday, May 20, 7:00 PM, AMC Lynnhaven, Norfolk, VA! Thank you very much Chuck!
I just love Zach Galifianakis (Alan) can’t wait to see him Hangover 3 please send me passes to Norfolk, VA screening.
The first two movies were awesome!!!!! Please please pick me. I need these tickets in my life…And Im broke!! Lol!! Virginia Beach!!!!!!!!
I’d love to see this movie in VA Beach, VA @ Lynnhaven.
Wow, I would love to see the final movie. I could really use a good laugh and these movies are side-splittingly funny. I am in the Norfolk, VA area.
Norfolk, VA please. This movie looks like it will be really good.
I would like passes for the movie Hangover 3 in Virginia beach,VA on the 20th. Thanks, cyndi swain