Win passes to see Kick-Ass 2 in Chicago and Indianapolis

Want to be among the first to see Kick-Ass and Hit Girl return to the big screen? CliqueClack is giving away free passes to readers in Chicago and Indianapolis. Find out how to enter the ‘Kick-Ass 2′ giveaway!
The commenting period for this contest has ended. Winners will be notified by email. Follow @CliqueClack on Twitter for alerts on news, reviews and contests!
CliqueClack has partnered with Universal Pictures to offer readers in Chicago and Indianapolis a chance to be among the first to see the new action movie Kick-Ass 2, starring Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Chloë Grace Moretz, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Morris Chestnut, John Leguizamo, Donald Faison and Jim Carrey.
The screenings will take place as follows:
- Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
- Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
25 Admit Two passes will be awarded at random to each screening. To enter, please read and follow the instructions below. Failure to follow the instructions will result in disqualification.
- Leave a comment below with the location of the screening you would like to attend: CHICAGO or INDIANAPOLIS. We do not need the date, time or theater name in your comment. Just the city, please! If you do not mention the location, you will not be entered into the drawing.
- ONE comment per person, email address or IP address. CliqueClack reserves the right to disqualify any entries believed to be duplicates.
- When commenting, you must enter your full name and correct email address in the spaces provided. Failure to do so will result in disqualification. Winners’ names will be checked at the door. If your name does not appear on the list, you will not be admitted to the screening. All decisions are at the discretion of an authorized representative.
- Passes do not guarantee you a seat. Admission is first-come, first-served so please plan to arrive early.
- Contest runs from Noon, Thursday, August 1 — Midnight, Sunday, August 11. Winners will be notified by email on Sunday, August 11.
Kick-Ass 2 opens in theaters nationwide Friday, August 16th.
Can’t wait to see this! AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
Looking forwad to see it in Indianapolis
Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
The Castleton Square theater in Indianapolis for me, please.
Thank you!
AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis Please. Thank you for the offer.
Amc castleton all the way plz
“Kick-Ass” took me by surprise and became one of my favorite movies. I’m ready for this one! I’ll be at the AMC Castleton Square, in Indianapolis, bursting with excitement.
Amc castleton plz
AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
I’m down. This looks very funny. Chicago please.
AMC Castleton in Indianapolis please!
AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
AMC Castleton Square in indianapolis, please!!!
AMC Castleton in Indianapolis. Would love to go!
Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
you can make my day
AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis please! I would love to see this movie! Thanks
Cant wait to see it!!!
Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
I would love to see this movie In INDIANAPOLIS
I would love to see this movie, Kerasdtes Showplace Icon, Chicago
Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis. So excited about this sequel!
Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago. Oh yeahh
I want to see it @ AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
Indianapolis please
Woohoo kickass 2, chicago
Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
I really can’t wait to see this!!
Kerasdtes Showplace Icon, Chicago
Kerasotes Showplace ICON Chicago, IL
Showplace Icon Chicago, Please!! HUGE FAN HERE.
This movie looks better than the 1st one
Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
Chicago Icon, I’m ready for this movie!!
Showplace icon – chicago.
Chicago icon, I really want to see this
Chicago icon I want to see this.
CHICAGO ICON!! pleaseeee! I really need to see this in theaters
chicago icon I’m ready to see this.
Chicago icon I want to see this.
Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
Chicago icon I’m want to go!
Anticipating greatness from the sequel!!
Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
Chicago icon I REALLY would love to WIN
Chicago icon I want to WIN
Chicago icon I hope to get these kick ass 2 tickets
AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
Chicago at icon theatre
I would like to attend the screening in Chicago- Kerasotes ShowPlace ICON
Yes indeed! I wanna see this!! Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
I would like to attend the screening in Chicago at the Kerasotes ShowPlace ICON please and thank you.
Fun fun fun. Cant wait!
Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
Loved part 1. Showplace Icon Chicago
kick ass 2 should be good. indianapolis
I would like to attend the free screening of Kick-Ass 2 at AMC Castleton Indianapolis please
Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
Very interested to see where they take things in KickAss2!
Chicago screening. Showplace Icon.
Showplace Icon Chicago
AMC Castleton, please!
Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago, PLEASE I loved the first one!
Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
Awww mannnn!!!!!! Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
I would love to see kick ass 2 in indianapolis, in on Tuesday August 13!!
Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
Showplace ICON, Chicago – Please and thank you.
AMC Castelton Indianapolis
Indianapolis, please!
Can’t wait to see this! AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis. Loved the first movie
Looking forward to seeing this movie. Indianapolis, IN
I just love movies!!
◾Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
Would love to see this at Castleton Square, Indianapolis!
This movie I think will have more action than Part 1.
Kerasotes Showplace ICON, CHICAGO.
Castleton Square, Indianapolis
If KickAss, kicked ass then I know KickAss2 is going to kick double the ass. Icon/ Chicago
AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
I want to go see the movie. Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis. I loved the lat one so I’m hoping this one is good.
AMC Castleton Mall, Indianapolis. Love to see this!
AMC Castleton Mall, Indianapolis. Want to see this.
Would love to see this in Indianapolis please! Thanks!
Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago, IL
Indianapolis plz!!
Would love to see in Chicago
Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago.
I would love to see this movie in Indianapolis!
Kerasotes showplace icon Chicago please
Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago, please!
can’t wait to see this movie!! Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
Would like to see Kick- Ass 2 at amc casleton square Indianapolis Tuesday August13@700pm
Looking forward to Kick-Ass 2! AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis.
It will be totally kick ass if I am able to win this free pass!
Sorry, you did not follow the instructions. You are not currently entered for this drawing. Please read the instructions and try again.
Like to see Kick-Ass 2Tuesday August 13, @ 7:00PM AMC Casleton square Indianapolis
Showplace icon. Chicago
Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
Would love to see this movie
Sorry, you are not eligible for this drawing as you did not read or follow the instructions. Try again.
Loved the first one Chicago Showplace Icon
Love love love to see this here in Indianapolis
Kerasotes showplace icon Chicago please
Icon, Chicago
Amc Castleton square, Indianapolis,IN
Loved the first one, can’t wait for the 2nd.
Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago. So excited for this movie!
Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
Chicago at Kerasotes Showplace ICON
That’s Kick Ass for real !!!
Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
Chicago icon I would love to WIN
Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago. Please!
Showplace icon
I want to see it in chicago
I’d like to see it in CHICAGO
I would like to see it in Indianapolis.
Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
AMC Castleton in Indianapolis, please!
I would like to see it on Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis. Thank you
CHICAGO PLEAAASEE!!! Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
The Castleton Square theater in Indianapolis for me!
Thank you!
I am looking forward to this action packed movie.
Indianapolis IN
AMC Castleton
Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
I would like to see it on Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis.
Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago. Thank you so much!
Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
Kerasotes Showplace ICON–Chicago
2 tickets for me….please AND thank you.
I would love to see Kick Ass 2 at Castleton Square Indianapolis, please!
I would LOVE to get tickets to this for Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis!
AMC Castleton in Indianapolis, IN…Kick Ass 2
I would love to see Kick Ass 2 in Indianapolis, IN at the AMC Castleton Indianapolis, IN
I was a fan of the original, and am happy to see they made a sequel. Can’t wait!! Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
Can’t wait to see this! AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis, IN!!!!!
AMC Castleton in Indianapolis, IN!!!!
I want to see Kick Ass 2 at AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis, IN!
I’d really love to see this at Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago!
Grisel Bahena
I’d like to go to the Kerasotes ShowPlace ICON showing in Chicago!
Kerasotes Showplace Icon Chicago plz
I loved the first Kick-ass they were getting real busy. I can’t wait to see Kick -Ass 2 on:
Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago, please pick me:-)
Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago please and thanks!
Castleton, Indiana!
would like passes for chicago screening
Hello – my son REALLY wants to see “Kick-Ass 2″ movie, so thank you for the opportunity!!! Our location of choice is Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago. Diana
Tickets for Chicago screening please!
Chicago !!Chicago!! We love Kick-Ass!! Kerostote Icon!!
I love kick ass. Pick me showplace icon chicago
I would love to see this screener! Chicago!
Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
Pretty please?
showplace icon chicago
Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis, Indiana
I’d love to see this in Chicago!
I absolutely loved the first one! It was actually the first movie my boyfriend and I saw together . . . Excited to see what the second one will bring! I would love to attend the screening on Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, at Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago. Thanks again and happy contesting!
I would LOVE to see this movie in Chicago at Kerasotes Showplace Icon Theater!
Chicago, Kick Ass 2(:
Aug 13th, 7pm!
I want to see it just to spite Jim Carrey. And because the first one Kicked Ass. Icon/ Chicago.
Id love to see this in Indianapolis
I’d like to attend the Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM at the Kerasotes Showplace ICON in Chicago!
Indianapolis. Thanks for the opportunity!
CHICAGO ■Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
KICK ASS 2!!!!!!
please llet me see kickass with the return of jim carrey, pleaase
kick ass 2 tix please for AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
Kick-Ass 2 in Indianapolis!
Chicago! Thank you!!
I loved the first one!! This is gonna be epic! In CHICAGO!!
Chicago!!!! Wooo
Looking forward to KICKASS 2. Chicago
Can’t wait to see Kickass 2 in Chicago!
CHICAGO! Can’t hardly wait!
Indianapolis, please!
Excited to see Kick Ass2 in INDIANAPOLIS, IN
ICON Chicago. Please! I would be most appreciative.
Chicago ICON! Turn Up! Legggoooo!
Can’t wait to see Kick-Ass 2 in Chicago, Illinois! Chi-town, baby!
Wow one was good two looks better can’t wait to see it in Chicago
I loved the first movie and can’t wait to see what happens to the characters in the sequel. I’m a big fan of writer Mark Millar. I hope this one is really kick ass. I’m raring to go in Chicago.
yeah my grandson would love to see kick ass 2!!!
forgot to write I would like my grandson to see the movie in chicago
Can’t wait to see the movie in Indianapolis. Thank you.
Chicago pls, pls, pls.
■Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
LC Williams
Would love to attend the Chicago Screening. Thanx!
Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
Tuesday, August 13, 7:00 PM, AMC Castleton Square, Indianapolis
Love this movie!
The first movie was awesome. Only wish Nicholas Cage was in the sequel some how. Indianapolis
I would like to see it in Indianapolis please.
David Roberts
yes! chicago please!
Chicago! I can’t wait for this movie. Been watching the original one to get me pumped.
please oh please oh please, let me in at Castleton Square in Indianapolis Indiana
I’d like to see a screening of KICK-ASS 2 in Chicago.
indianapolis please
CHICAGO Excited to see this movie!
Chicago – please and thank you!
Chicago!!!!!! So psyched about this movie!
Would love to see it in chicago
Indianapolis, the place to be
Chicago Please!
Chicago il pls.
Here’s hoping the movie live up the follow-up graphic novels series. Chicago, IL is the place to be!
Would love to see this with my daughter
Kick-Ass 2 passes in Chicago for me, please!!
I want to #Kickass in Chicago
I saw part 1 and have to see part 2 (Chicago)
Really enjoyed kick ass 1. looking forward to the sequel screening in CHICAGO.
Can’t wait to see this in CHICAGO!
Chicago please!!!
DYING TO SEE THIS!!!!!!…….Kerasotes Showplace ICON, Chicago
Indianapolis! Thank you!!
Can not wait to see Kickass 2 in Chicago.
CHICAGO — Thank you for this screening opportunity, CliqueClack!
Would be so cool to see this in Chicago. I love Jim Carrey!
Chicago here we go!
Please – for Chicago!
Kick-Ass 2 in Indianapolis! I loved the first movie!
Omg. Cant wait to see what happens next… chicago. Please!!!
Indianapolis! :0)
Chicago please
I want to see KickAss 2 in Chicago please (: