Person of Interest focuses on the human with an awesome premiere

Crazy, right? A show that focuses on a Machine, kicks butt in the season premiere because it focused on the human element and less on the Machine.
I wasn’t certain if Person of Interest would re-capture last year’s magic. I loved Reese and Carter’s intimacy, Finch and Reese’s bromance, as well as the Fusco and Reese’s Abbott and Costello friendship. Unfortunately, the awesome season finale stepped away from the human warmth that drew me by overtly focusing on the Machine’s concept and less on the characters, replicating mechanical coldness.
When the show returned Thursday night, I practically orgasmed it was so good. Everything I liked STAYED while everything I didn’t LEFT the building! It was amazing. The show humanized itself by focusing on friendship and Reese’s search for Finch. What helped humanize the premiere included the return of the Carter and Reese friendship (YES!), Reese admitting his need for friends, Amy Acker’s amazing evil and the show revising its procedural formula.
Reese and Carter
First up, Reese and Carter are back together as friends! FINALLY, the writers let them re-interact. John in Carter’s apartment utterly humanized our man of action. When you put Reese and Carter together can Reese stop himself from smoldering or opening up emotionally? Of course not. Every time he appeared I swooned. It felt like every single fan fic I ever wrote, imagined writing or read. I never thought Reese would go to Carter’s apartment because of his fear of baddies tracing him or tracking her. But, I love it, Love it, LOVE it! I especially enjoyed watching Reese show Carter his vulnerability over Finch and the shot that framed her face within his. Talk about intimate! But, I felt a little sad that Reese didn’t show similar emotions to Fusco.
Let’s be honest, Carter’s the girl of the show. She’s the one who gets Reese to cry, show his vulnerability and slow the eff down. But, because Carter’s so tough and capable, I don’t see her as the girl. Taraji Henson doesn’t play her as the standard girl. She looks grizzled, acts like she’s been around the block a few times and seems like she’s seen the world’s horrors. I’m so glad they cast Henson in the role. I’m tired of rolling my eyes at female actresses in their 20s who can barely hold a gun. Henson looks badass with her tear gas grenade launcher and I wouldn’t want to meet her in a dark alley. Reese and Carter might never get together, but the way the writers pen it is on the right path.
Although I was wrong when I wrote “we’ll probably never see Reese and Carter holed up in a hotel room” on the season finale, I’m looking forward to next week and implications for CaReese. Although Reese doesn’t need Carter on the trip, she makes him interesting. If Reese went alone, I’d get bored watching him talk to himself. Although I missed when she started permanently calling him John, I like how the writers maintain a difference between the two cop-Reese friendships. Speaking of which …
Reese and Fusco
The continuing Reese and Fusco friendship also humanizes our favorite knee-capper. Reese needs someone to take him down a peg which Fusco does repeatedly with the best snap-worthy lines. They’re the modern-day Abbott and Costello. Although Reese blackmailed Fusco and forced him into a relationship with dirty cops, I loved that Fusco still wanted Reese to call him a friend. However, if Finch is Reese’s best friend and Fusco is Reese’s second friend (kinda), then what is Carter?
Reese’s friendship with Fusco and his growing intimacy with Carter shows a different Reese than last year. Kudos to the writers for allowing more growth. Part of it confuses me, but I like it. Last season, Reese went out of his way to avoid making connections with anyone. But, this season, he has a dog, an apartment, a chess partner and willingly calls Finch AND Fusco his friends. It’s the same Reese, but he seems more comfortable with himself and trusting of others. He’s less of a paranoid vampire-esque dude who’s afraid of the light, and more of a badass who easily walks in the light and the dark, and incorporates more humor.
Finch, The Machine and Root
The show further humanizes itself by revising its formula. This week took everyone out of their comfort zones. Seeing Finch in human places interacting with Root warmed him further and I loved watching a Finch-less Reese in the beginning. It reminded us of his intelligence as he used the board to figure out the code.
Amy Acker remains awesome as pure bat-shit crazy, paranoid evil. But, I sense a covert need to get away from Root as flesh embodied and from the Machine as cold mechanical wires. Root used less geek speak and seems more like the human id unleashed. Let’s be honest, she’s a Joker character who wants to release insanity upon the world.
Last season, the thing that annoyed me most about the show was the overt emphasis on paranoid government conspiracies. I didn’t understand how long the characters could continue as emotionless drones shunning human contact. It wasn’t interesting or fun. Just hella boring, despite the action. Realizing that, Nolan stopped trying to make his characters like the Machine, now he’s making the Machine more like humans.
Luckily, Nolan no longer bases the show on the Machine’s coolness. Now, Nolan shifts the Machine from bits of code and bytes of data into artificial intelligence with complex voice recognition. Although I dislike the idea of the Machine stepping into iPhone’s Siri-land and becoming something less realistic, I also welcome it. Last year, I kept thinking “Why is a machine that relies on probability and statistics considered cool?” That’s what they teach in Computer Science 101. And, um, computers that scrape public records for illicit activity already exist. Now, the Machine is something complicated that doesn’t quite exist. Nolan isn’t trying to sell me on the coolness of fire anymore, he wants to show what happens when fire gets lose.
Final Thoughts
Overall, everything gelled and felt more cohesive in the season two premiere. The character interactions and plot points clicked from point A to point Z. Last year left a lot of hanging plot strings: Root and Finch, Snow and his crew, the death of Reese’s ex-girlfriend, the FBI, the crooked cops, the mob, Zoe and more. But, Nolan did a pretty good job exploring and wrapping up most of those plot points. While he can always re-visit them, it looks like he has new issues to delve into.
I’ll be honest. I wrote about four pages of notes concerning what I loved about this episode, favorite quotes and questions for this season. But, I’m going to stop now. All I can say is Jonah Nolan, good work. I don’t know what will happen this season or how the characters will play out, but Nolan and crew hit a home run with the premiere, I hope they maintain it.
Check out Carla’s SDCC interviews with Henson and Jim Cavaziel.
I’m not so sure about the new direction of the show. Reese’s “conversion” to having human emotions seems a little rushed, considering what a cold block of wood he was all first season. And as far as the machine being sentient, if it starts talking to Finch in a “Wargames”-type voice, I’m done. That’s way too corny.
And the show deprived us of a “Lost” reunion by never having Ken Leung and Michael Emerson in the same scene.
I did like the part where, when Reese is captured and first sees the dog, and says he’s going to get his workout for the day, the show kind of winked at us and didn’t bother staging that elaborate stunt fight, instead just cutting to the outside of the building, and one of the men being thrown through a window (wall?). As if to say “you know Reese will kick these guys’ asses, and we know it, so why bother spending all that money on it?” It’s a sense of humor that this show needs more of.
The non-action action was my favorite. Reese and Fusco looked badass walking out the door with the soundtrack blasting behind them. When Reese commanded the dog, I kept thinking “Of course Reese speaks Dutch.” I do love the increased humor this episode with Reese challenging the “big guy” to pick on someone his own size (kinda), taking the victim of the week’s guilt with a grain of salt but also using him to track Finch without the normal mysterious “we are the eerie gentlemen behind the curtain,” and just laughing at himself. I like that the writers are covertly making tongue in cheek nods to Reese’s not quite-invincibility.
Considering Reese was uber-paranoid and fearful of calling even Finch his friend last year, the sudden switch is odd. But, I like his renewed interaction with Carter and Fusco. I couldn’t continue watching a show with emotionless drones in human form. So far the season premiere hit it out of the ballpark for me and I hope it continues in this vein. Let’s see what happens in Texas!
Great review! This show has everything going for it, and I’m loving it! I used the summer reruns to turn my husband onto the show, as well.
Love the ensemble cast and the way they all interact with each other. Also love Amy Acker: whether she plays good/evil, it’s always solid.
Thanks, Mary and welcome back! I will not lie. I am also actively trying to convert my co-worker to watch POI who likesaction and Henson. Keep spreading the word. Hopefully, we’ll have a new gaggle of fans watching this season!
Thanks for coming back!…I’ve been obsessing all weekend. I have so many feelings right now and I do not know where to start…okay, I know at the beginning, but I do not know where that is.
I think the show progressed on point. I mean we know Reese can be human around Carter, but breaking into her apartment twice was so wreckless and sexy. Okay, Reese called Finch his friend and also called Fusco his f-friend. Who is Carter to him? I do not think he knows what to call her or he is not ready to call it right now. That is not to say he doesnt think of her as a friend, because we know he is close to her…but there are different levels of friendship. I love, loved when she took down the nazi wannabe and he watched her from on top of the parking roof until she walked down the ramp, then leaned in to say “thank you” and Carter did that teenager cute smile thingy behind his back–he brings out her feminine side.
Welcome back, Taber! I loved when he thanked Carter at the end. Normally, after she or Fusco save his bacon, he condescends and leaves immediately. But, this time, he actually waited until she walked towards him. AND, he thanked her. AND, he stayed to hang out with Carter and Fusco.
So far I love the direction of the show. But, I’m a little concerned. Considering last season I complained about the gap in continuous character development, what’ll I have to complain about now? I guess I’ll just spend the rest of the season singing POI’s praises
And, that isn’t a bad thing …
Ann, I am NOT Taber! Its okay. I think it is weird that all of a sudden the media is questioning the direction of Carter and Reese’s relationship. I am relieved though, because I was hoping we werent crazy and werent doing more hoping than observing…I watched on youtube the panel pre-screening video :
Ohmigosh. Sorry, Psuedo. When I responded to you, I was thinking ‘wow, the gang’s all here, all we need is for Taber to complete the circle.’ So, instead of writing ‘Welcome back, Pseudo. Wow the gang’s all here, etc.etc.’ I wound up condensing it to ‘Welcome Back, Taber.’
Sorry, clearly I’m getting alzheimer’s early.
Okay, about the link I just posted…I thought it was funny how Taraji described Carter’s relationship as a loving friendship and after the moderator moved on Jim wanted to go back and note that he believes Reese is attracted to Carter. What? YOU ARE REESE, JIMMY BOY. Its funny that Jim tried to seperate himself from the character and say that Carter is beautiful and attractive, so men are typical and will be attracted to her…and the moderator said, Jim speaks for all men. Jim you are a man! Then he gets embarassed. I think the writer will have a field day teasing us with relationship possibilities–starting romantic fires and extinguishing them all at the same. Plus I read in this link:–that Nolan said they have talked about the possibility of a relationship between Carter and Reese and they too have fantastic chemistry! I feel validated!
Hey Psuedo —
I’m always wary of pushing the character’s desire onto the actor and vice versa. I act every now and again on the weekends. Where I perform, the actors are of course incredibly attractive. However, in reality, I’m not attracted to them. But, when I’m in character, I notice their looks more and that makes it easier when I’m in a scene.In the interview, they talked about backstory. Actors always have to sit down and envision their character’s favorite things to do, childhood, etc. and they also do that regarding the characters they interact with i.e. why does x hang out with x?
It looks like Cavaziel’s done a similar exercise regarding how Reese interacts with Carter. I am glad he decided not to pretend that his character’s a blind eunuch. I loved last year, but I questioned the decision to write the characters as 187% asexual. OK.
However, Reese and Carter do have amazing chemistry. Considering the move to separate them last year, I’m surprised Nola & co let the heat generate between the 2 in the premiere. I’m also surprised/impressed that the actors slid so easily into their characters’ old relationship after the hiatus & separation.
I agree. I think when the script cause for attraction then to be true to the character then actors/actresses would have to imagine each other as being attracted even if they do not think the person holds the attribute…but Carter is not portrayed in that manner; therefore why does Reese sees her in that way. She wears unflattery clothing and has a masculine personality. No one is hitting on Carter, so why does Jim thinks Reese is attracted to her when that is not the direction of the show. It could be argued that Carter personality is attractive, but Jim stated Carter’s physical attributes are attractive not her intangible attributes. Carter wears a pony tail most of the time and doesnt do any flirting like Zoe…Carter personality is the opposite of Jessica’s. That was the point I was trying to make, not that Jim finds Taraji as being attracted…the point I was trying to make is that Jim wants Reese to find Carter attractive especially when the writers/directors/producers have done everything in their power to portray Carter as an everyday hardworking cop of average looks with a man-like personality…hence, half of the fans wanting to call Carter a partner, brother in arms, and other masculine terms…again, her clothes!… and the writers have everyone calling her Carter, a guy’s name! So I was just stating that it is a discrepancy in how the show is portraying Carter and how Jim say Reese sees her…as beautiful and attractive.
I also noticed how when the first time Reese broke into Carter’s home and he was standing there in pain about Finch being taken and Carter did not do what the average woman would do…meaning go to him and comfort him by placing a hand on his back or something–she kept her distance, but Reese walked to her and closed in the gap and Carter pretty much stayed planted in her same spot. Taraji basically stated that Carter is not ready to find Reese attractive unless the writers write it in and thats what I got from the pre-screening panel and the times Carter had screen time with Reese her hair was in a pony tail, but at work when he was not around, her hair was down and she was looking feminine with her porn hair (lol)…but I can agree to disagree.
After the long hiatus I was thrilled to see the new episode, but I definitely have mixed feelings about it. The best scenes for involved Root, Finch, and the machine, which stuns me because my favorite characters on POI are Reese, Finch, and Carter. The first apartment scene with Reese and Carter made sense because of the circumstances. But the second time Reese entered the apartment unannounced to tell Carter that she was going to Texas, it just seemed like Reese was talking to an asset. His tone was friendlier than when he speaks to Fusco giving orders but he was still giving orders. During season 1 even though Finch was technically Reese’s boss, as the season went on Reese was making as many decisions about how to protect the POI as much as Finch did. They transitioned more to a partnership, which is why it made sense for Reese to be the contingency. Reese is calling the shots and Carter & Fusco are along for the ride. So just from the season 2 premiere I’m not reading a whole lot into Reese’s interactions with Carter. However I reserve the right to change my tune come Thursday night.
I wanted Carter to complain and fuss and fight about Reese telling her she is going to Texas and of course, still go…but if you look into Reese his eyes–he really wasnt telling her, he was more like pleading her to come–she couldnt even hold his eye contact…I like him breaking into her home and invading her personal space. I think she should have establish some boundaries and unfortunately she missed the opportunity and I think he will come and go as he pleases from now on. Dont get me wrong, the more these two are face to face, the happier I will be…but the circumstances must be right. I will rather he break in because he cant help himself vs just because he can. I cant wait for Thursday.
I have to admit that normally Reese treating Fusco and Carter like assets annoys me. But, this time around I didn’t feel it. Maybe it’s because he actually thanked Carter and called Fusco his friend his friend. However, what still annoyed me is that he’s basically giving assignments to NYPD officers. Um, doesn’t Carter have xx unsolved cases? Also, isn’t Carter the most ethical cop and Fusco one of the most connected? Isn’t that taking resources away from actual active crimes/ongoing cases? I’d be ticked if one of more respected officers on my case, suddenly disappeared on and off during the investigation.
I won’t read too much into Reese or Carter either (but I’ll enjoy it along the way
While the writers have clearly talked about it (because the fans have talked about it ;), I doubt anything will happen this year. All the same, I’m glad they’re showing more intimacy between the two (be it on a friend level or otherwise 
Hi it’s Taber.
So glad I found you guys!!! I LOVED LOVED LOVED The Contingency. And I love it when I’m wrong. Never thought that Reese would seek out Carter to assist him in finding Finch. I find it interesting the way Carter submits to Reese. He invades her space twice and Reese wastes no time in cutting to the chase. Best line in the Contingency “Pack your bags Cater, we’re going to Texas.” The chemistry between these two is incredible. Loved that it was a short black woman who shot the big white Arian dude. And the way Reese never took his eyes of Carter until she handed him the bag.
By the way, did the dog sleep at Carter’s apartment and did Reese come in the front door or was he in her guest room. And where was Taylor?
Love the new spin on the Machine. Loved it when Fusco said to Carter that “Reese was a pain in his existence”–great linel
Love Amy–Finch is awesome. Glad your back An, it’s like coming home.
Welcome Back! I was thinking that the dog slept at the apartment because it was too comfortable just sitting there, because it didnt come in with Reese. Did the dog look like it was guarding the door to Carter’s room, like it was suppose to guard the money? If the dog was suppose to guard Carter’s door from whom!? I am so excited you seen how Reese did not take his eyes off Carter until she handed him the bag and leaned in to say “thank you” too. Plus, Reese is having dialogue with Taylor, Carter’s son–interesting?
If Reese only has one friend or maybe two, if you include Fusco? Then what is Carter? I guess Reese hasn’t figured that out yet. But based on the writers looks like Reese’s feelings for Carter are progressing and he loves having her around,
Love Finch’s integrity in the Casino with the Machine. He could have walked out with all that money, but he chose not to. Great lesson.
Amy is a natural for this role–beautiful and evil!
Hey Psuedo great to be back! I agree, why was Bear in front of Carter’s room almost like a guard dog. I guess now it makes sense to leave Bear at Carter’s since both are going to Texas. Maybe Taylor will babysit the dog until Reese returns. Interesting to note that Reese must have been talking with Taylor for him to know that he was off studying with a friend. (Wouldn’t be a good idea for Carter to get a boyfriend now that Reese can come and go as he pleases–would definitely put a damper on things.) If you think about it, Reese really has some nerve to just break into Carter’s apartment not once but twice.
Hey An, Reese does need Carter in Texas. As a cop she can speak freely with the other detectives in Texas and gain information where Reese would not have that luxury because everyone and his mother is hunting for him. She can also get access to police records on Amy in Texas, valuable information to give to Reese. (I think)
Watched a very interesting interview where Reese stated that he (Reese) would be attracted to Carter because she is a beautiful woman. Then he said he wasn’t sure where the writers would take the relationship. Hey Nolan hint! hint!
Can’t wait for Thursday. Very interesting choice of weapon Reese was holding while sitting on the bed in Texas.
Welcome home, Taber!
I assumed the dog came and went with dutch-speaking Reese and stays in his swanky new apartment. After all, I doubt Carter would take the dog and I suspect the dog will go on the road trip with them. It looked like Reese had been in her apartment for awhile as she dressed, which got me thinking. Yes, I know Reese is a trained spy. Yes, I know the dog is trained. Yes, it’s possible Carter wouldn’t hear anything in the shower. But, she didn’t hear anyone moving around her living room while dressing and get suspicious? Really? Then again, she might just assume it’s her son.
Regarding the Reese/Carter road trip, when HASN’T Reese impersonated a cop/etc. to another official (let alone civilians), I doubt that would stop him
Also, keep in mind Carter will be in Texas unofficially, so she can only do so much legwork. It’d be easier for her to call from NY to Texas than pop up in a district/state out of her jurisdiction totally unrelated to an ongoing NY case without providing an advanced heads up. I’m surprised the head of detectives or whoever hasn’t commented to Carter/Fusco about their unexplained disappearances.
I’m also looking forward to this Thursday, especially regarding the room arrangement!
I will just like to add, if Detective Stills turns up in Texas then the local law enforcement would more than likely followup with NYPD to verify the credentials. I think Reese chose Carter over Fusco, because she would be a better road trip companion…and she complains way less, and she is good at her job. And lets just be honest, Fusco is hilarious, but he is also lazy. Plus, Reese never sends Carter into the field to work…I honestly thinks he keeps her busy to keep her out of harms way and another way to look at the road trip, he will be out of town, so he will not be there to watch over her–so he will bring her along for support and to keep her close, he cant lose her too. Think about if Carter would have been captured by the Aryan dudes if he would have sent her to get Leon, Reese would have felt guilty and went straight crazy!