Win free passes to an advance screening of RED 2 in Baltimore
Want to see ‘RED 2′ before anyone else in Baltimore? Enter now for your chance to win free passes to a screening this week!
The commenting period for this contest has ended. Winners will be notified by email.
CliqueClack has partnered with Lionsgate and Allied Integrated Marketing to offer our Baltimore fans a chance to see the new action film, RED 2, at an advance screening before anyone else! The film reunites original cast members Bruce Willis, Mary Louise Parker, John Malkovich, Helen Mirren, Brian Cox and Neal McDonough and adds Catherine Zeta-Jones and Anthony Hopkins into the mix! This special advance screening will take place Thursday, June 27, 7:00 PM at AMC White Marsh. To enter, simply leave a comment below and we will draw 40 winners at random to receive a special code from With the code you may claim up to two Admit One passes. You will have until Midnight, Wednesday, June 26 to comment so don’t delay! Good luck!
RED 2 opens in theaters July 19. All winners will be notified by email. Passes do not guarantee seats. Please plan to arrive early. CliqueClack has no control over the number of passes distributed or available seating at the theater.
I would love to see this movie!
I would love passes, please and thank you.
Yes, Please, Loved 1st Red, Would love to see the 2nd 1, Please !!
Yes please!
Baltimore. Yippee for Red 2!
I loved the 1st one and would love to see the 2nd:) thanks
Yes, I want to see Red2. Thx
Would love to see this movie!
Can’t wait to see this, thanks for the chance to win passes!
I want to see what the old crew is up to. Baltimore
I want to see RED 2

Would love a set of tickets for a date night!
I would love passes to the baltimore showing please
Saw Red and liked it. Would love to see Red 2.
Would love to see the sequel to Red. Baltimore please and thank you!
would love passes
thanks cliqueclack
I would love to have passes, this movie looks amazing!
Yup do want to see this
excited to see this
Please send me passes! The first one was AWESOME!!!
If it is only half as good as RED then it will be outstanding. Fantastic cast!
I would to have free passes
The first one was surprisingly good, so I’m definitely looking forward to this sequel.
I would love passes please to see red 2
loved 1st one like to see 2nd
Bruce Willis es #1 NA
Love Bruce Willis – hoping Morgan Freeman didn’t really die in the first episode!
Love to see
I enjoyed the first one and would love to see the sequel!
How about sending a pass my way? PLEASE!
The 1st one was a hoot! would love to see this sequel!
Baltimore market
Can’t wait to see this movie withy all time favorites!!
Would love to see Red 2
Would love to see Red2
cool. i want to see this
First one was great. Would love to see this one
Bruce Willis is so Die Hard the first one was great
Love to see the second
I have to see my man Bruce in action. Baltimore plase.
The first RED was great! Looking forward to RED 2!
Enjoyed the first, would love to see the second one.
I love cats. A lot.
Love bruce willis
Liked first one would like to see two
I would love to see Red 2. I love Bruce willis. Baltimore please
Bruce is back! Baltimore please
Can’t wait to see this movie
Would love to see it
bruce willis is the man