Win free passes to see The Signal in Washington, DC

What scares you? Share one of your scariest experiences with us and win free passes to an advance screening of the new thriller ‘The Signal’ in DC!
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CliqueClack has partnered with Focus Features to offer readers in Washington, DC an opportunity to attend an advance screening of the new sci-fi thriller The Signal, starring Brenton Thwaites, Olivia Cooke, Beau Knapp, and Laurence Fishburne.
Nic (Thwaites), Haley (Cooke), and Jonah (Knapp) are three college students pondering the future. Haley is relocating for a year, and her devoted boyfriend Nic and his pal Jonah are helping in the cross-country move. But their road trip across the Southwest experiences a detour: the tracking of a computer genius who has already hacked into MIT and exposed security faults. Nic and Jonah have piqued this mysterious hacker’s interest, and vice versa. The trail heats up, provocations are traded online, and the trio find themselves drawn to an isolated area. Night falls, contact is made, and suddenly everything goes dark.
When Nic regains consciousness, he is in a waking nightmare. His friends are nowhere to be seen, but he is determined to locate them – in whatever form they may still be alive. His only lead is the man who now meticulously interrogates him, Dr. Wallace Damon (Fishburne). Damon voices concern for Nic’s safety, and tries to evaluate the younger man’s sense of reality. As the two match wits, Nic looks to break free.
The screenings will take place on Thursday, June 12, 7:00 PM at AMC Georgetown, 3111 K Street NW, Washington DC.
A limited number of passes are available on a first come, first served basis. To get your passes, leave a comment on this post, sharing your own scary story (suggested, but not required).
Fill out the submission form and include your correct email address in the appropriate spaces (do not include this information within your comment). Please double check your email address spelling before submitting. One Admit Two pass will be emailed to each commenter.
Please note: passes do not guarantee you seats at the screening. Seating is first come, first served so plan to arrive early. CliqueClack has no control over the total number of passes distributed and is not responsible for seating arrangement at the theater.
Have a look at the trailer below, and then let us know what scares you! The Signal opens in DC on Friday, June 13th.
This one time I was late to finding a CliqueClack post and was like the 500th in line to get a pair. Luckily I managed to find some on another site but I was afraid I wouldn’t get in!
I will be scared if I don’t see this movie.
Scariest moment when I was younger. My brother had a nightmare and was running down the hallway screaming. Woke everyone up in the house and scared the crap out of the entire family.
I will be scared if I don’t win passes from CliqueClack.
Spiders… Spiders scare me.
I’d like passes please!
I would like passes please. Thanks.
I like to watch scary movies in the attic. There are so many weird noises that you hear up there. Brrr! I can’t wait to see this movie. It looks soooo good!!
Spiders scare me.
Terrified of heights
Heights don’t scare me but falling to the group at the speed of gravity really does!
Call me crazy, but I’ve seen a ghost. Was at my cousin’s farm when I was 8…never went back.
would love some passes
I’m not sure if it’s the NSA or Edward Snowden . . . .
Scariest moment… Baby bush & cheney being declared dictators by a supreme court with a member who is a close friend of cheney.
Not seeing film.
I’ll be terrified if I don’t get passes to this movie!
As a child, got separated from family on 4th of July.
Saw a shadow of a person who was squatting near a tree. Taught t was a bear!!
When my dad caught me at movie it a boy! I was scared as h…..!!!!
Noises during a storm!!!
I’m scared when I’m lost while I’m driving, and can’t find my way. Praying always helps! 2 Passes, please.
I hate any creepy crawlers with 8 legs or more. I get goose bumps just thinking about it. Thanks.
While running to turn off the security alarm at work, I turned the corner and ran through a gray misty blob that wasn’t smoke. I ran outside and waited for a co worker to arrive before going back into the building
walking around dc after 12 midnite.
I’m scared to see scary movies in the dark
Rollercoaster malfunction had me stuck.
Washington dc
Being at work by my self.
I’m a big horror film fan and have a pretty big collection, but ever since surviving a real life life or death situation, I find movies can shock but not really scare as much as they used to. Though Deliver us from Evil came pretty close, a chilling film. Love Fishburn and wasn’t happy with his death on Hannibal, so I hope he has a really good role in The Signal!
Washington DC
Washington DC
Awaking from a nightmare and being instantly grateful that it is a dream!! Frequently when I eat late!!
Washington DC
I’ve never lived a scary moment…;-/ passes for dc, please?
My sisters cats who are always lounging on the sofa when I am visiting. Try to move them away and they glare at you with such venom and their hisses are out of this world too, something Hollywood should be using for sound effects in scary movies.
Trying to out run a huge snowstorm coming down from New York
Lightning strikes nearby
Booiyah the latest round of MERS Virus that is scary
The dark…
One night I was riding my bicycle down a street with low lighting. I was peddling at a rapid pace and rode over the tail end of a poisonous copperhead viper which attempted to bite me unsuccessfully..
DC market.
When someone from behind you walks up and covers your eyes and yells guess who
My scariest moment was in April 1968, during the MLKing riots in Chicago. I was shooting a photograph of two Chicago Police officers shooting at teenager who had stolen a pair of shoes from a shoe store in the business district. I thought I was shooting without the flash attachment, and suddenly there was this bright flash illuminating the dark street! The cops took my camera and pulled the film out of it and send me on my way under the threat of arrest…. Whew! I sure didn’t see that flash coming!
Thunder & Mice/Rats scare me!!!!
The absence of light, the dark
Not getting the passes is pretty scary.
When a bird dropped a possoms head on the car windshield
Me coming face to face with a big dog once when i was a kid was the scariest experience for me.
the scariest moment when i became a parent! ahhhh
Anything that can crawl on me and I can not wipe off
i want some passes please!
I’m terrified of things that go bump in the night!
I’d like passes in the DMV please
Riding on the Mummy rollercoaster @ Universal…too wild
I’m afraid of failing. DC please
Diving into deep water looking for sharks after dusk…scary!!!
My own scary story involved an encounter with a bear while hiking in Yellowstone National Park. It fortunately got the food and not me.
I had to find another place to sleep when an increasingly frustrated huge wasp found its way into my bedroom but could not figure out a way out
Lightening during a storm. DC 2 tickets please.
As a kid, I was swimming at our apartment complex pool with all of the other kids. I was on an inflatable raft. While the other kids were playing around me, I was flipped over underwater. I thought I was going to drown. Now, I avoid those things like the plague.
Any sort of snakes!!!
Well my brothers when I was 10 thought it would be funny to lock me in the basement when it was storming and tie me to a chair and taped my mouth then locked the door and turned the lights off I was so angry they thought it was funny but I was in tears!!! Ugh
I was in the army and I jumped out of the plane and I wad to pull my parachute at the right heights but it did not pull out so radio my captain about what to do he said oh well your gonna die i said no I’m not then about 400 ft my chute came out yes I safe but I wad not then wad still. Falling fast to ground when I hit I thoughts I was in dead but broke my leg instead that’s .mu scary story.
Walking on Legos
I would like passes please. Thx
My scary story comes from the late, great Prof. Al Bartlett. It’s the classic tale of exponential growth, and how ignorant we all are about impending doom of overpopulating our planet and our naive quest for perpetual economic growth…
Main parachute didn’t open once when skydiving.
My scary story was not getting passes to this movie…
Or the time a family of bears rumaged through my camp site…
Seeing Fire in the Sky on HBO when I was in middle school. i’m shaking right now thinking about it.
I lucid dream so even when my eyes are close, I can hear, see and feel everything Im dreaming about.
I don’t have a scary story necessarily, but my biggest fear are animals that can kill me, i.e. snakes, spiders, poisonous tree frogs, etc. Thank you Clique Clack!
Getting lost in the woods in WV in the dark as a kid.
I need 2 passes
I want passes. One time I was sitting on the toilet and had dejavu, talk about scary
Terrified of Spiders. Get them away from me!