CliqueClack TV

Desperate Housewives – Back in Business



(Season 5, Episode 4)

“He paints our house, until my mom makes him drink wine and have a sleepover.” – MJ, on giving Jackson a prominent position in his school artwork, while Mike is relegated to the background

This is probably the understatement of the year, but doesn’t it seem like the housewives are setting a really bad example for their kids?

First, Gaby makes Juanita run behind her car to get her to exercise. She’s a kid, not a dog. And you wouldn’t do that to your dog anyway. Then, when Juanita sees Gaby and Carlos having sex, Gaby lies again and says they were wrestling (ok, not exactly a lie, but not the truth either, and she made it sound like Carlos was beating her).

Then there’s Lynette’s fake Internet identity, so she can spy on her son’s online activities. Not only that, she gets her other kid involved in the caper. And Susan makes MJ lie about the fact that Jackson taught him to ride a bike, so that Mike doesn’t feel bad that he wasn’t there. But that’s not the worst part. Susan then coaches MJ to fake a bicycle fall in front of Mike, and the kid ends up spraining his arm.

I don’t know about you, but some of this borders on abusive. And it certainly doesn’t teach the kids anything about scruples or morals.

So, what do you think is up with Dave? We see some anger management issues when he yells at Edie for no apparent reason. Then he pops a pill from a briefcase full of prescription drugs under the bed (she wouldn’t have found it there?), and sends off a perfectly good lead guitarist so he can have Mike in the band instead. Then Dave buys Mary Alice’s house and rents it anonymously to Mike.

And remember last week, when Dave encouraged Lynette to give Tom a new bass guitar after she fixed it so Tom would run over his old one? Clearly, Dave is trying to keep the neighborhood guys close by. I just wonder why.

I think Lynette’s ready to get back into the marketing business. It’s eating her up knowing that her former assistant is in charge of Bree’s marketing plan.

As for Orson, what a baby. Bree stood by him through his incarceration, and now he’s sleeping in the guest room and bullying her into taking him on as a partner in her cooking business. And you know that’s just not going to go well.

One Response to “Desperate Housewives – Back in Business”

October 20, 2008 at 2:07 AM

I completely agree with you on every wackiness of Wisteria Lane this season, which is really ruining the creative comeback they had last season.

It pains me to watch Bree, my favorite housewife, having to put up with her pussy husband. My gosh, she need to kick out Orson pronto. I cannot stand his whining any longer. that last scene of him finally crawling back to bed made me want to punch him in the face on my plasma tv.

Lynette acting like a jealous witch was hard to watch. if anyone should be jealous at Bree, shouldn’t it be Susan, the children book writer (and obviously, Katherine) And didn’t we been through Lynette’s ad exec phase before? remember she was going all over Tom’s dumb marketing pitch, nearly breaking her marriage? when will this woman learn.

The story with Edie’s psycho husband, Dave, is really losing me. what a stinker. we need to know about his obsession with Mike like yesterday, hopefully next week’s flashback eppy would convince me this story is going somewhere.

And Susan and Mike are neighbors again, great, back to season one, they’re getting back together soon enough. Speaking of which, I was glad to see Gaby and Carlos teaching Juanita about sex instead of that overused excuse of “wrestling” because it was so much more appropriate than Susan telling her kid to fall. And to think that she would grow a brain during these 5 years.

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