CliqueClack TV

Desperate Housewives – Mirror, Mirror



(Season 5, Episode 5)

I’ve been on-board with Desperate Housewives so far, but it’s starting to lose me. When I heard that this episode was flashing back to see what’s happened in the past five years, I was hoping for some interesting revelations. But there’s nothing really unexpected here. It’s sort of normal stuff. Let’s take stock:

Take Gaby’s pregnancy issues. Remember she had a miscarriage a season or two ago, so she had pretty much given up on her dream of becoming a mom. Then when she did get pregnant, she was so distressed that she smacked the doctor. Right after having the baby, she got pregnant again and told Carlos to get a vasectomy (which he never did). Well, make up your mind, Gaby. Do you want babies or not? And him not getting the snip isn’t earth-shattering. These two have lied to each other since the beginning.

Tom’s having a mid-life crisis. Buys a sports car, opens a pizza place, now wants to hit the road in an RV … with Lynette nagging at him every step of the way. Well, why NOT switch up your dreams every so often? You only live once, and you’re never sure how long that will be! Maybe Lynette needs to get a few dreams of her own, instead of doing whatever he wants.

Susan and Mike got divorced after the accident. Now her young lover wants to move in with her. Feh, whatever.

The best scene of this episode was Katherine consoling Bree over her alcoholism after Orson went to prison. Katherine said, “OK, so you have a void in your life. Welcome to the club … When I had nothing, you made me your partner. I’m not going to forget that. I’m going to get you through this.” Bree should just ditch her pansy-ass husband and stick with Katherine.

As for Dave’s mysterious storyline, nothing earth-shattering here either. He sends Mrs. McCluskey off to the hospital, because she knows something is going on with him. And now, “it won’t be long before he destroys the man who ruined his life,” drones Mary Alice’s voiceover. I’m just not hooked on this storyline at all.

How about you? Still watching Desperate Housewives?

3 Responses to “Desperate Housewives – Mirror, Mirror”

October 27, 2008 at 4:49 PM

Yes, I am still watching. But “Desperate Housewives” has slowly crept its way to the end of my list. Today I went through four shows before I watched this. “Mad Men”, “Dexter”, “Californication”, “The Amazing Race” – in that order. And I agree, this episode was lacking in the OMFG-department. Had one or two funny lines though… .

October 28, 2008 at 1:02 AM

UGH! What a lame episode! Jesus, are they trying to drive away their viewers? All the men in this show need to GROW A PAIR! The writers should be killed for this episode.
I’m so sick of Tom’s mid-life crisis and always blaming Lynette for not being ON THE SAME PLANET with him! Needy. Orson, oh, shoot him already, Bree! Whinny. Dave traumatizing an old lady because she doesn’t like him? WTF!? Mental. Other lame plots: Susan’s boytoy want to take the next step. whatever, who cares, so we know he’s the girl in the relationship. Gabby and Carlos…ah, the most normal couple of them all, is getting a vasectomy, good for them, and what was the point? to kill time? because the writers couldn’t think of more interesting stuff?

October 28, 2008 at 11:04 AM

At least we had one classic Gabi moment in which she bounded down the stairs and with the most fabulous Gabi timing announced “WooHoo Halle-damn-lujah I got my period”. Although the flashbacks where she slapped the doctor just made me miss the nun-brawling Gabi of the old days.

Tom is the biggest crybaby in history. It is not acceptable to sell your business, buy an RV and plan to take your kids out of school for a year…not talk to you wife about it and then whine when she finds out and she’s pissed. Lynette is right, she already gave up everything for his stupid ideas once, she shouldn’t have to do it again.

And I totally agree about shooting Orson. What a pansy. Bree is much better off with Katherine and her business. She should just get rid of her whiny, unemployed, self-pitying excuse for a husband.

And I never thought I’d say this…but I feel bad for Mrs. McClusky.

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