CliqueClack TV

30 Rock – Liz dates Steve Martin; Tracy’s sex doll saves the day

(Season 3, Episode 4 – “Gavin Volure”)

The parade of guest stars continued this week with Steve Martin. The constant stream of “big names” isn’t getting to me yet, but I can feel it starting. Just a break of a week or two would make a big difference, I think, but I won’t complain. For the most part the guests have been doing a great job, and Steve Martin was no exception. What? Did you think he wasn’t going to fit in on this show?

I thought this episode started really strong, but fell apart a little midway through. Steve Martin’s character, Gavin Volure, was very funny as an agoraphobic, germaphobic wealthy recluse. When it was revealed that he was really a white collar criminal under house arrest, he suddenly became a lot less funny.

Let’s face it, it was hysterical that Liz thought she found the perfect man in Valore. He could never leave the house, all there was to do was watch TV and surf the internet, and because of his germaphobia they could never have sex. It was her dream come true, but it was not meant to be. Oh well.

A secondary plot followed Tracy obsessed with the idea that his two sons were trying to murder him after watching a special on the Menendez brothers on Court TV. A Menendez brothers joke? Really? This is the best they could do? I expect more from the best comedy on TV. I will admit, though, that the Japanese Tracy love dolls were pretty brilliant. Tracy Morgan makes a convincing love doll, and in the end, it was thanks to the sex mannequin that the gang was able to keep Valore from jumping 16 feet to his… death?

Overall this episode did not have me laughing like 30 Rock usually does. There were, however, some outstanding quotes. No show on television spits out such clever one liners, in my opinion. I’ve supplied some of my favorites below:

  • “I can’t believe you’re out of the game. It’s like Picasso not painting, or Bruce Willis not combining action and rock harmonica.” – Jack to Gavin
  • “You’re going to work this thing like a Chinese gymnast – wear something tight, force a smile, and lie about your age.” – Jack to Liz on her date with Gavin
  • “Stop! Stop patriciding!” – Tracy to his son
  • “Camp of Approval? What does that even mean?” – Liz, on the Paris Hilton movie that was only released in Canada.

What did you all think this week? Did you miss Jenna? Were you slightly disappointed? Concerned about all the guest stars?

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | 30 Rock | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

3 Responses to “30 Rock – Liz dates Steve Martin; Tracy’s sex doll saves the day”

November 21, 2008 at 11:29 AM

While the guest stars are great, has anyone else noticed josh is just gone and I don’t think I have seen much twofer either.

November 21, 2008 at 12:13 PM

i like the guest stars. but i fear for what happened to Will and Grace….once and awhile is ok…but every episode. We havent seen much of any of the background players so far this season..lets see what they have been up to for a while….

November 23, 2008 at 12:49 AM

Kenneths street performing had me LMAO. I had to re-watch that part at least 10 more times. I can’t even remember all the supporting cast names due to all the guest stars hogging all the lines. I’ll put up with the guests for awhile if it will get the ratings up and a renewal.

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