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House – Thirteen does drugs and House is obsessed

(Season 5, Episode 9 – “Last Resort”) House - House, Season 5 - Last Resort

What did I think about the fancy opening of the week? I still love the experimenting they are doing, and the slow motion pan of the hospital clinic was a nice touch. We knew right away we were going to get something very different this week, since the cold open never takes place in the hospital.

I think the theme of the week was neat and tidy, with some very tight writing, the way I like it. But, I bet that it was more subtle for those of you who’ve been getting hit over the head with it. Am I right?

I think the “last resort” refers obviously to Gun Guy (I’m almost sure his name was Jason but I can’t find it anywhere online to confirm it and I think we were purposely supposed to think of him as “Gun Guy”) and Thirteen, but even House, too; but we’ll get to that.

I liked the change of pace for House this week, and what was interesting is that Dr. House didn’t really change much. His personality stayed the same, even though he was under duress, and he took his verbal jabs at Gun Guy as if he were any other person; loved that.

Even though this episode was deep and tense, it was not lacking for one-liners. Some of my favorites:

  • “You really think reenacting Dog Day Afternoon is the best way to get diagnosed?”  — House to Gun Guy
  • “Crime scene,” as House answers phone in the hostage situation
  • “She might be armed. I’d have her bring them in shirtless.” — House to Gun Guy regarding Cuddy bringing in the drugs for him
  • “Thought I had a little more time with a guy that size.” — House, when giving the sedative meant for Gun Guy to another hostage

OK, so it was Gun Guy’s last resort because he simply couldn’t stand not knowing what was wrong with him; it was literally driving him insane, he was so obsessed. Since Thirteen was taking all the drugs for him, and it brought her to the brink of death, her last resort, it helped her realize that she didn’t want to die. I’m so glad we’ll see a new Thirteen and that she decided to do the Huntington’s drug trial.

House’s obsession, though, was the subtle piece. I knew the second House told Gun Guy that he didn’t have a tumor and Gun Guy said, “So, it’s over,” that House wasn’t going to let it be over. House can’t stand not knowing either, and as Gun Guy said, “Your obsession gave me back the gun.” Yeah, what’s that say about House’s sanity? Thirteen hit the nail on the head when she called House a coward and said, “You need to know everything because you are afraid to be wrong.”

Other things:

  • House’s whole team, past and present, gets assembled together to help diagnose.
  • The last look between House and Gun Guy, as he was being taken away in handcuffs, was such an astounding piece of acting. He said it all with his look: Thank you, I can breathe again, and I know what is wrong with me. I don’t care what happens to me now because I know.
  • What does it say about Thirteen that she was willing to take all the drugs — selfless or reckless? It doesn’t really matter much now, because we are going to see a reformed Thirteen.
  • Man, Cuddy is as self-destructive as Thirteen if she wants to be with House after that last infuriating relationship talk scene.
Photo Credit: FOX

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | House | TV Shows |

5 Responses to “House – Thirteen does drugs and House is obsessed”

November 25, 2008 at 11:27 PM

no comment on House putting all of Cuddy’s drawers in upside down? I’m rewatching it to see if they mention the gun guy’s name & just noticed that he makes sure no one goes in her desk while they’re all in there. LMAO

Yes, his name is Jason. House tells the negotiator to stop calling him by his name cuz it sounds creepy.

I loved this ep!

November 25, 2008 at 11:59 PM

It is getting more difficult for me to enjoy this show each week. I find Thirteen to be a bore, but it is obvious that she is the only member of the “new team” that the writers have any interest in promoting.

Overall, I’d say I don’t like regular character centric episodes because I know they will not be affected in the long term. I knew Thirteen wasn’t going to die. Excitement gone.

Even when the ENTIRE TEAM disbanded last year, they all migrated right back where they started. Why on earth would I expect anything to happen to other front-burner characters?

Funny, as much as I dislike screwing with the formula (as the original team left, or on – God Forbid – Ghost Whisperer), I dislike stagnant seasons even more. I guess I like my characters to remain the same and for the guest arcs, etc., to really mean something.

Can’t have it all, I guess!

November 26, 2008 at 12:09 AM

I hated this episode, it was dreadful.

November 26, 2008 at 6:53 AM

Really awful episode. None of it made any sense at all.
And I hate how they are force-feeding us character-developments by parelleling them to patients illnesses.
Maybe I am mad because I somehow was expecting something great, like the “Amber dies”-episode.
But this season sucks so far and I am beginning to lose interest in one of my favorite shows :(
And I am a major fan of Olivia Wilde (“Thirteen”) but her character is boring me to no end. But so is everyone elses, even House.

November 26, 2008 at 8:51 AM

Wow, I’m surprised that so many people didn’t enjoy this episode of House. To me, it was the kind of episode that made the series great. How House could be at his obnoxious best when being held hostage was so well done, and Ivanek was a brilliant guest star.

I agree, the Amber dies ep was amazing, but also not a typical House ep. Tonight’s was more House-like.

My all-time favorite ep of House is the one where he has to teach the class spur of the moment; it might be called Three Patients or something like that, and was perhaps in season 2. Anyone remember this one? Maybe I’ll do a post about it soon …. :-)

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