CliqueClack TV

Cuddy’s and House’s foreplay never climaxes

Cuddy and House go back and forth with the cat-and-mouse games over her moving into his office this week, and the whole thing is so sexually charged that it comes off rather like foreplay. I felt a bit like a voyeur watching them (as did the whole team, I think!), but it was some good fun, House-style.

How about some of the quotes that resulted from their tete-a-tete?

  • “Other than throwing off the Feng Shui with her ass that faces all eight sides of the bagua at once … ?” — House, to Kutner who asks what Cuddy is doing in his office
  • “Have you seen my balls? The giant one and the red one.” — House, trying to get Cuddy off the phone and out of his office.
    “I just had to explain to him that I have his balls and I’m not giving them back.” — Cuddy, to person on the other line of the phone.
  • House, on groping Cuddy instead of kissing her: “It seemed like the logical next step.”

But the quotes weren’t the only good parts of that storyline. I loved Cuddy’s “back-seat diagnosing,” Cuddy smelling up the office, House smashing her toilet with a sledgehammer and her retaliation of removing all of the furniture. Wilson’s involvement was also entertaining, as he was the “Hello???” to both of them, since it was obvious they both really wanted to be with each other.

The resolution was so frustrating, though. House goes and gets Cuddy’s desk from medical school for her new office, and Cuddy thinks he’s finally ready. Instead, she goes to his office and finds him with the actress/hooker he hired to play a number on Kutner.

But do we really want House and Cuddy to get together? I don’t want it to end in angst and heartbreak, but I do so love watching them play with each other. Since season one, they have had a strong dynamic that has only gotten stronger, and I would hate to see it end. Where do you all stand on the Cuddy / House relationship?

Photo Credit: FOX

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | House | TV Shows |

6 Responses to “Cuddy’s and House’s foreplay never climaxes”

December 3, 2008 at 12:28 PM

Is this a review? Short on time and ideas?

December 3, 2008 at 1:06 PM

How nice of you to ask, and how big of me to write a polite answer to such a rude question. ;-)

Here at CliqueClack, we’re always trying new things to make ourselves stand out. Instead of a straight review of House this week, this is one of 2 or 3 posts you’ll see about this week’s episode. They’ll be more focused on one topic and how it has played out this week, and in the past and perhaps some speculation as to the future, as well.

So in fact, to address your actual questions, it is better than a review and we are actually long on ideas, trying something fun and different.

December 3, 2008 at 1:50 PM

I, personally, like the Cuddy/House relationship and would like to see it progress. I think it would help to change or possibly “soften” House. It’s time to do something with the personality of Gregory House. While we’ve seen some small changes in him this season I’d like to see more. Considering how long the show’s been on the air, the main character’s personality is very stagnant.

Even if nothing changes with House the character I’ll still watch, but I’d like to see some evolution. I think Cuddy’s one of the few (maybe only?) people who can stand her ground with House and make him flinch. They make an interesting couple.

December 3, 2008 at 3:47 PM

I’m pro House/Cuddy, though unlike Lenny, I don’t want to see House softened at all.

If it can be pulled off, I’d love to see House stay House but have a relationship with Cuddy where he gets to be a decent guy to her in a private way. Like when House got Cuddy the desk – he’s not the kind of guy who’s ever going to show affection by telling someone he cares about them. But he does have a kind, noble side. Cuddy could tap into that, as long as House doesn’t become a different person in his everyday life. That’s who he is, and I for one like it.

Plus, I’d love to watch Wilson and the fellows react to House and Cuddy, especially if House remains his curmudgeonly self. They’ll all be totally baffled by how anyone can put up with House, much less Cuddy. And only Cuddy (and the audience) will know there’s more to House than that.

December 3, 2008 at 10:58 PM

Debbie, I would suggest one preliminary review, and then two to branch off later. I can’t say that I wasn’t disappointed in the brevity of your post. I’m not trying to be rude, but I can get quotes from any site. I like you guys because you actually analyze material, not just pull a TVGuide.

Sorry if that bothers you, but if you are indeed experimenting with different kinds of articles, I would hope that you would take the votes of your readers.

December 4, 2008 at 3:18 PM

I didn’t find your comment rude at all, and we are always looking for constructive feedback here at CliqueClack, because although we consider this our playground, we’re here for you readers most of all!

You know, this was such a loaded episode, it was hard for me to leave things out as I was writing the focused pieces, so I can understand your disappointment. This type of approach works great for us on some shows, but not so much for House, so next week I’ll do a traditional review, no experiments! ;-)

Did you see today’s post about House’s new team finally getting a personality?

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